Transit of Jupiter in Virgo

Transit of Jupiter in Virgo  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 3005 | October 2016

ज्ञानं सदगुणमात्मजं च सचिवं स्वाचारमाचार्यकं माहात्म्यं श्रुतिशास्त्रधीस्मृतिमतिं सर्वोन्नतिं सद्गतिम ।
देवब्राह्मणभक्तिमध्वरतपः श्रद्धाश्च कोशस्थलं वैदुष्यं विजितेन्द्रियं धवसुखं संमानमीड्याद्दयाम् ।। (फलदीपिका दूसरा अध्याय, 5)

According to the celebrated astrological text Phaldeepika, Jupiter is said to be the bestower of knowledge, good virtues, son, minister, good conduct preaching ability, memory, progress, devotion, oblation, treasury, scholarly disposition, control over senses, honour and compassion etc.

Jupiter is the Guru of Devtas (teacher of Gods). According to the Adi Parva of Mahabharata, Jupiter is the son of Maharshi Angira. Dev Guru Jupiter protects and look after the Gods by using Mantras and thus save them from the demons.

Jupiter provides all the four embodiments i.e Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha to the natives. Jupiter not only gives material progress and prosperity but enables a person to achieve the top position in spiritual field as well.

Jupiter is going to change its sign by transitting from Leo to Virgo on 11th August 2016 at 21:27 hrs. during Shravan Shukla Paksha on Thursday in Uttaraphalguni nakshatra. Jupiter will stay in this sign till 12th September 2017, that is, for a period of 13 months. Since Jupiter stays in a sign for a long period so, its transit has special significance. Transit of Jupiter in Virgo sign will provide some people prosperity, kith and kin, progeny, marriage, education and progress in business but this transit may prove inauspicious for some people as well and they may have to suffer financial losses, physical ailments and obstacles. Let's analyse how the transit of Jupiter in Virgo will prove for you

Aries - Jupiter is transitting in 6th house from your sign. From this house Jupiter is aspecting your houses of profession, expenditure and wealth, so, under this circumstances you may achieve success only through your hard labour. You are advised to stay away from the fights and scuffles. There is golden opportunity for the students to get success in competitive exams. There will be success in competitive exams. You may have to suffer from health problems. Don't let your enemies to be authoritative. You may have to borrow money for your business. You may face problems from your opponents.

Taurus - Jupiter is going to transit in 5th house from your sign. This transit of Jupiter will prove auspicious for wealth, progeny, wisdom and share market etc. The students will get success in educational field. The persons involved in jobs will have to bear new responsibilities but along with it they may have promotion as well. There may be any auspicious celebration in your house. There will be profit from your job and business and friends will cooperate you in your endeavours. There may be new friendships. From the perspective of health also, this transit of Jupiter is going to prove auspicious.

Gemini - Jupiter will transit in 4th house from your sign. During the period of this transit there will be increase in your happiness and prosperity. You will attain status and honour in society. Disputes which are lingering since long time will get resolved. Besides this, transit of Jupiter will enable you to return to your birth place. Your interest in religious pursuits will increase. You will get happiness from the immovable property and family members. There will be an opportunity to get involved in religious ceremonies. You will be worried for your respect and honour in the society. Time is quite favourable for any change in the residence.

Cancer - Jupiter is transitting in 3rd house from your sign. During this period your bonding with friends and affection with near and dear ones will strengthen. Business related travels will be profitable and your income will increase. Auspicious work will get accomplished. Besides this, change in your professional field will be successful. You may be transferred to any undesirable area. The natives longing to get married will have their desires fulfilled. You may enter into partnership business. There will be increase in love and harmony in marital life. There is great yoga for the attainment of full success in the activities done by self efforts.

Leo - Transit of Jupiter in the house of wealth will give you wealth and honour. You will get assistance from the family member and the happiness and prosperity of the family will also increase substantially. Your marriage may be solemnised or you may be blessed with a child. Due to your sublime oratory you will have the success in the accomplishments of your endeavours. Besides this, your fame will increase and you will take interest in philanthropic work and charity etc. Your enemies will come forward for truce. Alongwith all these there will be substantial increase in your immovable property. There may be sudden gain of wealth.

Virgo - Jupiter will remain on your birth sign for the entire year in transit. So, during this period your wish to have a child will be fulfilled and those waiting for marriage will get married. You will get the opportunities to travel abroad. There are good yogas for the growth in business and profession. Time is quite favourable to start own work. There will be success in educational arena. There will be happiness and cooperation from father. Perform your work tactfully. Time is opportune for business and professional field.

Libra - Jupiter is transitting in your 12th house. You may stay away from home. There will be increase in unexpected expenditures. There will be slow growth in income. Taking care of health irregularities will prove advantageous. Try to resolve the differences with the spouse by mutual understanding. You may also have to suffer from the increase in fear, anxiousness and sensitivity. You must take suggestions from experienced people if you are initiating any business in partnership. Avoid unnecessary disputes otherwise you may have to face court cases.

Scorpio - Jupiter is transitting in your 11th house in this period. Due to this, there may be substantial decrease in tension. Remain optimist even in adverse circumstances. Due to the effect of Jupiter, the time of monetary benefit will start since the beginning of 2017. You will get back your lost honour and the time is quite auspicious for study, education and children. There may be partial lack of happiness in conjugal life but due to the auspiciousness of Jupiter the situation will remain under control.

Sagittarius - Jupiter is transitting in 10th house in this period. Taking care of health related issues will prove advantageous. Avoid making big investments. You may have to put more efforts than normal in order to accomplish your work. Time is quite favourable for making investments in immovable property. Besides this, the time is also auspicious for foreign travel. You will have to check your expenditures otherwise the peace and happiness of the family may get affected. Have patience. Coming time is going to prove good.

Capricorn - This transit of Jupiter is taking place in your 9th house, so, this time is going to prove fruitful in the rise of your fortune. There will be increase in motivation and self confidence. You will carry your business to new heights. You may have to undertake long and short journeys and you will be benefitted by this. Time will remain auspicious for foreign travels. There will be increase in your respect and honour. Your wish to have a child may be fulfilled. You will get benefit from the govt. sectors and your interest in religious work will increase.

Aquarius - You may have unnecessary and fruitless travels during the transit period of Jupiter on Aquarius sign. Maintain sweetness of your speech otherwise you may have to face the lack of honour. There are substantial possibilities for unexpected increase in income. There will be addition in accumulated wealth. You will have happiness and cooperation from family. A new member in the family may be added. Expenses on respectable subjects will increase. Avoid laziness during this period and stay positive.

Pisces - Transit of Jupiter on your 7th house will increase your marital happiness. The unmarried natives may get married. There will be increase in profit and cooperation in partnership. You will get success in travels and you will be motivated towards fair and legal works. You will get happiness from your children, relatives and spouse. Expenditures may incur on futile subjects. You may have to undertake any auspicious travel. You may have investments. There will be increase in respect and honour. Ongoing tension or conflict in conjugal life will get resolved. You will get the support of scholarly people.

ऊँ बृं बृहस्पतये नमः।

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