Astrology & Share Market Predictions Dr. Arun BansalIn Astrology to predict any commodity or Share Script we need to study the related planets, the houses or the signs. This is one of the most difficult exercises an astrologer has to go through. He may know planets related to a m... moreAstrologyAstrological AnalysisDashaMundane AstrologyPrediction TechniqueTransit Jan 2016Views: 3956
Planet, Transit and You Dr. Arun BansalThe month of July is showing significant changes in transit. Rahu shall enter into Virgo on 13th July at 21:43 hrs. Mars which was in Virgo from last so many months w o u l d be entering into Libra on 14th July at 8:45 AM. Sat... moreAstrologyHoroscope InterpretationPlanetPrediction TechniqueTransit Jul 2014Views: 3530
Impact of Eclipses in Speculative Trade Manoj KumarThe phenomena of eclipses hold great importance and its impact is witnesses over all the transient and intransient being. Every aspect of life is affected positively or negatively by the occurance of Lunar or Solar eclipse. Th... moreAstrologyAstrological AnalysisDashaMundane AstrologyPlanetPrediction TechniqueTransit Jan 2016Views: 5946
Leo Star Forecast (Astrology Software for share market predictions) Dr. Arun BansalIn Astrology to predict any commodity or Share Script we need to study the related planets, houses or signs. Normally mercury, mars, Jupiter play important roles in predicting market trends. There movement like retrogression, dire... moreAstrologyAstrological AnalysisMundane AstrologyPrediction TechniqueTransit Feb 2016Views: 4019
The Future of India in 2011 Dr. Arun BansalThis article details the varshaphal in 2011 along with climatic conditions,rains, international and political relations.... moreAstrologyMundane AstrologyPrediction TechniqueTransit Jan 2011Views: 1948
Decisive Factors in Marriage Krishna KumarAs delayed marriages are one of the biggest problems an astrologer has to confront, this topic is a small attempt to answer this question based on my humble experience over 15 years. In astrology no event can occur unless a... moreAstrologyAstrological CombinationsDashaMarriagePrediction TechniqueTransit Apr 2005Views: 4185
Salman khan O.D. MandeSalman has earned great name and fame as an exemplary actor not only in India and Bollywood but the entire world. List of his fans is very large and he is respected and followed by innumerable youths. He has also proved that ... moreAstrologyFamous PeopleAstrological AnalysisHoroscope InterpretationPlanetPrediction TechniqueTransit Jul 2015Views: 4627
The year 2013 for you Dr. Arun BansalAccording to the current planetary transit Saturn is in its exaltation sign in Libra, Jupiter & Ketu are in Taurus and Rahu in Scorpio. Rahu shall enter into Libra on 14th January & Jupiter transits into Gemini in the mid of the y... moreAstrologyHealthPrediction TechniqueTransitWealth Jan 2013Views: 4312
Earthquake in Tangshan Pushaplata SharmaOn 28th July, 1976, the city of Tangshan which is located in north-eastern China was hit by the deadliest earthquake of 20th century. This earthquake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale. It occurred at 3:42 am (local time). It ha... moreAstrologyMundane AstrologyPrediction TechniqueTransit Jan 2008Views: 4513
Transit of Saturn In Libra Dr. Arun BansalSaturn will transit into zodic sign on tuesday 15th November 2011 around 10.11 hrs. On that day there will be Margashisha chaturthi, Ardra Nakshatra and Taitil Karan.... moreAstrologyPrediction TechniqueTransit Oct 2011Views: 5343
The Year 2010 for you Dr. Arun BansalThis article details the varshaphal in different zodiac signs along with climatic conditions,rains, suitable marriage period, the dollar money market, gold market.... moreAstrologyPrediction TechniqueTransit Jan 2010Views: 4878
Transit of Saturn Dr. Arun BansalAstrology is an empirical science of probabilities & experiences wherein we study the effect of planets on human beings. Happenings on this earth are not random but fully controlled & planets play an important role by virtue of ... moreAstrologyPrediction TechniqueTransitZodiac Oct 2014Views: 5881