Five Elements and their Associated Diseases

Five Elements and their Associated Diseases  

Subhash sharma
Views : 5234 | October 2016

Imbalance of Elements and Diseases

  1. mbalance of Water element: Cold, sinusitis, asthma, swelling, blood thinning or blood clotting, problem of urination, diseases of reproductive organs.
  2. Imbalance of Earth element: Weakness, obesity, cholestrol, weight loss and weight gain, bones or muscular diseases etc.
  3. Imbalance of Fire element: Coldness or fever, skin diseases, increased coldness or heat in body, loss of vital energy, acidity, diabetes, and mental disorders.
  4. Imbalance of Air element: Nervous disorders, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, physical pains/deformities, depression, locomotors ataxia etc.
  5. Imbalance in Space element: Thyroid problem, joints problem, ear problem.

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Rashi Tatwa Aries : This is the first sign of zodiac and this has fiery temperament. If this rashi if having ill effect or lord of this rashi Mars not well placed, has malefic aspect, then it may cause diseases due to imbalance of agni tatwa in body which may result in coldness or fever, skin diseases, increased coldness or heat in body, loss of vital energy, acidity, diabetes, and mental disorders. Lord of Aries is Mars and Mars is known as energy (muscular energy).

If any affliction to Mars, placement in adverse houses, conjunction with airy, watery planet it becomes powerless and reduces its power to make balance of martian energy in body. Remedies :

  • Worship Hanuman ji.
  • Keep fast on Tuesday. Recite Hanuman chalisa,
  • Donate Jaggery.
  • Gems-red coral

Metal –copper Taurus : Lord is Venus, its tatwa is earthy, Imbalance of Earth element: Weakness, obeisity, cholesterol, weight loss and weight gain, bones or muscular diseases etc.

Venus is saumya planet, it rules over Taurus and Libra rashis,enemy planet association, placement in trik bhavas 6, 8, 12, malefic conjunction and aspect can weaken this planet and lead to imbalance of the earthy element in the body. It is also karaka for sperm in male individuals.

It is the karaka of inner lining of our organs such as uterus.

Remedies :

  • Donate white articles such as curd,rice white clothes.
  • Wear off white clothes in large number. Use white curtains, planting white flowers in house can also give strength to Venus.
  • Gems-white coral, zircon, diamond.

Metal-silver Gemini : Lord is Mercury and Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo sign. Mercury is gentle and active planet. Gemini has airy temperament. Any affliction to Mercury may cause Nervous disorders, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, physical pains/ deformities, depression, locomotors ataxia etc.

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Remedies :

  • Recite beej mantra of Mercury. Donate green articles. Use green clothes.
  • Gems- Emerald.

Metal-gold. Cancer : Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign,its tatwa is watery, it controls water level and emotions of the body and its lord is Moon. Person born in afflicted Moon may develop symptoms & cold, sinusitis, asthma, swellings, blood thinning or blood clotting, problem of urination, diseases of reproductive organs.

Remedies :

  • Recite beej mantra, keep fast on purnima, donate milk, white articles.
  • Gems-pearl.

Metal- silver. Leo : It is the fifth sign of the zodiac and its lord is Sun. Its tatwa is fiery. Diseases indicated by it are coldness or fever, skin diseases, increased coldness or heat in body, loss of vital energy, acidity, diabetes and mental disorders.

Remedies :

  • To strengthen Sun recite beej mantra, offer water to Sun daily.
  • Use red clothes, donate gur, sindoor, red chandan, saffron.
  • Gems-Ruby.

Metal-Gold or Copper. Virgo : it is the sixth sign of zodiac and its temperament is earthy. Any affliction to Mercury gives weakness, obesity, cholesterol, weight loss and weight gain, bones or muscular diseases etc.

Remedies :

Gems-as mentioned in Gemini Libra : Its lord is Venus. Diseases indicated by it are Nervous disorders, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, physical pains/ deformities, depression, locomotors ataxia, diabetes etc.

Remedies :

Gems same for Venus as mentioned above.

Scorpio : Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac. Its lord is Mars & its tatwa is watery. It is the 8th rashi according to the kaal purush. Its lord is Mars. If Mars is placed in any unfavourable rashi e.g watery, airy,enemy planet 6, 8, 12 houses it may cause fever, skin diseases, increased coldness or heat in body, loss of vital energy, acidity, blood related disorders, blood pressure, anaemia etc.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

Remedies :

As mentioned above for Mars.

Sagittarus : It is the 9th sign of zodiac and its lord is Jupiter, the sattwik planet and rashi tatwa is fiery and it is the mool trikona sign of Jupiter. It resembles expansion. Any affliction to Jupiter or Sagittarus rashi may lead to casue diabetes,fatty liver, thickening of arteries, fat deposition,obesity etc.

Remedies :

  • Recite beej mantras of Jupiter, donate yellow articles in temple.
  • Worship banana tree.
  • Thursday is the day for Jupiter. Plant yellow flower in house, wear yellow clothes, Jupiter also rules over space content and cause space content related diseases. Thyroid problem, joints problem, ear problem.
  • Gems-Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj).

Metal-gold, brass. Capricorn : This is 10th sign of zodiac and its lord is Saturn. Saturn is airy planet. Any affliction to Saturn may cause airy ailments such as Nervous disorders, blood pressure, lung disorders, physical pains/deformities, depression, locomotors ataxia etc.

Remedies :

  • Recite beej mantras of Saturn.
  • Donate black til, urad, khichdi.
  • To strengthen Saturn use black, navy blue colour clothes.
  • Gems-Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

Metal-Iron, Steel Aquarius : it is the 11th sign of zodiac. Its tatwa is airy,planet Saturn is also airy tatwa. Remedies : Remedies same as mentioned above for Saturn. Pisces : It is the 12th sign of zodiac. Its lord is Jupiter, rashi is watery tatwa. Affliction to Jupiter may lead to disturb water content in the body. Jupiter causes diabetes, large organ like liver disease etc.

Remedies : Same for Jupiter as mentioned above. Rahu & Ketu do not have lordship of any sign. Rahu-is like Saturn Ketu-is like Mars

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