Money Market for 2016

Money Market for 2016  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 2902 | October 2015
In this software we feed the value of the commodity for the past 20-30 years, the computer computes the planetary position for all such dates and finds out the correlation between the planetary position on their combination & the commodity price. It extrapolates this correlation to predict the future values of commodity. In this correlation the software takes care of over 2000 variables to predict the rates precisely. Software does not depend upon any particular horoscope or date of incorporation of any company or any planet for a commodity. Based on the Leo Star Forecast software predictions for 2016 for different commodities are given below - Price of Gold : In 2016 the price of gold would get reduced. Probability of substantial fall in Gold price would be witnessed in the months of January, April, July and December. Some improvement can be expected in the months of March, May, August and September. Therefore, it would be beneficial to sell gold in the beginning of the year. Those who are associated with speculation in bullish market are advised to stay away from it. Sensex : This year Share Market won't go very high rather generally it would be showing the downward trend only. In the month of January the market would open from a higher level but within a week it would start showing downward trend. At times there would be a tendency of recovery in it but from February till the end of June it would remain soft only whereas in the end of June and July good recovery is indicated. After this till the end of the year there shall be ups and downs in it. Every month there shall be slight downfall with some recovery again. Therefore, Sensex would remain generally constant. Dollar : This year Dollar appears to be weak but in the middle of January it would pick up. Rupee would start improving and in February Dollar shall be weak. In March, Dollar would pick up again and by the mid of month it would leave Rupee far behind. From the mid of May Dollar would be showing upward trend and by the month of June Rupee would fall down. In July Rupee would pick up but after July Dollar is winning and by the end of the year the Rupee shall be very weak. In between Rupee would be showing slight recovery frequently but in total Dollar's strengths would remain intact. Only in November and December little recovery of Rupee can be expected. Euro : Indian Rupee versus Euro will be fluctuating during the year but the opening value in the beginning of the year and the closing value in the end of the year would be almost same without any loss and gain in it. In the beginning of the year the Euro would go down but in the end of February it will pick up losing its value again in March end and April. In May it will again show revival but in the end it will again go down. From June to September it will be best for Euro when most of the time it will be gaining accept little corrections here and there. October will again be a lean period for Euro whereas November, December will see lot of fluctuations in its price without gaining or losing at the end. Rain : The year 2016 won't be very auspicious for rain. There is probability of below average rain in the year 2016. There shall be drought at several places especially in the month of March and April. In the month of May and June there would be little rain in some places. The Monsoon would be coming only in the second week of July which would end by the mid of September. After September the probability of rain is almost negligible. This year after an interval of so many years there are indications of big drought. The Govt. is advised to be cautious. The deficiency of rain in 2016 would get recovered with excess of rains in the year 2017.
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