Favourable Gems, Herbs, Herbal Bath and Charities in Numerology

Favourable Gems, Herbs, Herbal Bath and Charities in Numerology  

Bhavna Bhatia
Views : 5465 | October 2015

Basic Number 1 – For the Sun Favourable Gem Ruby is the main Gem Stone for Sun. In its absence one may put on garnet Tamda, Laladi, Suryamani or red Hakeek on the ring finger of right hand in a golden ring in the beneficial Chaugarhia Muhurta on a Sunday of the bright fortnight with the weight of about five Rattis touching one’s skin. Wearing Herbs Such persons should bring-in the root of one inch of Bilva-Patra on a Sunday and tie it with a pink coloured thread, one should wear it on the right arm or wear the same in the neck after encasing it in a golden or copper capsule. It will minimise the bad effects of the Sun and will increase its good effects. Herbal (Medicinal) Bath For this, one should keep the powder of Kaner, Dopaharia, Naagarmotha, Devdaru, Mensil, Kesar, Elaichi, Padmakh, Mahua flower and Sugandhbala etc. in water in a container or bucket on every Sunday to have bath in it for one’s riddance from sorts of diseases. This herbal bath will add to the glow of skin. The bad effects of inauspicious Sun will also be minimised and with an increase of one’s Tej and effect, it will give the desired results.

For the propitiation of all the planets, one should take the mixed powder of Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarvoshadhi and Loadh to mix it in the water of some place of pilgrimage and one should take bath in it, while memorising the name of God. It will give you peace and happiness and prosperity.

The things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of Sun, a competent person should be given the articles of Sun viz. wheat, Gur, red sandalwood, red cloth, gold and ruby etc. should be given away in charity for the beneficial effects of Sun.

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Basic Number 2 – For the Moon Favourable Gem A Pearl of five ratti weight is the main Gem stone of moon. If one is not able to put on this stone, then one may wear moon-stone Chandramani, milky Hakeek in a silver ring in the little finger of right hand on a Monday morning, particularly in the LaabhChaugarhia Muhurt. Wearing Herbs One should bring an inch of Khirni root on a Monday and after tying the same with a white coloured woollen thread, one should wear it in the neck or put on the right arm after encasing the same in a silver or gillete capsule. It will minimise the inauspicious effects of the moon and will increase its good effects.

Herbal (Medicinal) Bath One should put in the mix power of Panchgavya, silver, pearl, Shankha, Seep and Kumud etc. in a container in the water on every Monday. A bath in such a water will free a person from all sorts of diseases. This herbal bath will also add to the glow of the skin. The bad effects of the moon will also be minimised and will give the desired beneficial results with regard to one’s glow and effects. For the propitiation of all the planets one should put in the mix powder of Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarvoshadhi and Loadh to be mixed with the water of some sacred place and one should take bath in that water while memorising the names of God. It will ward-off the bad effects of all the planets and will add to one’s happiness and prosperity. The things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of moon, a competent person should be given the things relating to moon, such as rice, camphor, white cloth, silver, Shankh, Vanshpatra, white sandalwood, white flower, white sugar, white ox, curd and pearl etc. to get the desired beneficial results.

Basic Number 3 – For Jupiter Favourable Gem Topaz(Pukhraj) is the main Gem stone for this planet. If it is not available, one can wear Sunaila, Tigerai or yellow Hakeek of 4 to 5 Ratti in a golden ring on the index finger of right hand touching the skin. Wearing of Herbs One should bring-in one inch long root of orange or banana tree on a Thursday and having the same tied with a yellow coloured thread, one should tie it on one’s right arm or wear it in the neck after encasing the same in a golden or brass capsule. It will minimise the bad effects of Jupiter and increase its good effects. Herbal (Medical) Bath For this purpose, one should take one bucketful-water with a mix power of Mulethi, white mustard and flowers of Malti etc. for the purpose of taking bath on every Thursday. It will free a person from all sorts of diseases.

This herbal bath will add to the glow of the skin and all the inauspicious effects of Jupiter will be minimised and its glow and effect will increase to give oneself the desired results. For the propitiation of all the planets, a person should take the mix powder or Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarvoshadhi and Loadh to mix the same in water of a place of pilgrimage. One should take bath in it while memorizing the name of God. It will ward-off the bad effects of all the planets and will add to the happiness and prosperity of the individual concerned. The things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of Jupiter, a competent person should be given in charity the following things of Jupiter i.e. yellow cloth, gold, turmeric, Ghee, yellow flower, yellow food-grain, topaz, horse, book, honey, salt, sugar, land and umbrella etc. for the good effects of Jupiter.

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Basic Number 4 – For Rahu Favourable Gem Such a person should first get a silver ring studded with Gomaidof 7 to 11 Ratti weight to wear the same on a Saturday. In case of non-availability of this stone, one can wear even Katthai or black or red coloured Hakeek on a Saturday of the bright fortnight on one’s middle finger of the right hand touching the skin. Wearing of Herbs One should bring-in one inch long root of the white sandalwood tree on a Saturday after tying the same with a blue thread, one should tie it to the right armor wear it on the neck after encasing the same in a Tridhatu or iron capsule. It will minimize the bad effects of Harshal/Rahu and will increase its good effects. Herbal (Medical) bath For this purpose, one should take one bucket or container full of water and mix in it the powder of Naagbail, Loban, Tilpatra, Bacha, Guruchi and Tagar etc. for the purpose of taking bath in it. It will free a person from all the diseases. This herbal bath will add to the glow of the skin. Bad effects of Rahu/Harshal will be minimized and its glow and effect will also increase to give its desired results. For the propitiation of all the planets, one should have a mix powder of Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarvoshadhi and Loadh to be mixed in the water of a place of pilgrimage and one should take bath in that water while memorizing the names of God. It will ward-off the bad effects of all the planets and will add to the happiness and prosperity of the concerned individual.

The things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of Rahu, a competent person should be given in charity the things of Rahu i.e. Abhrak, iron, Til, blue cloth, Chhag (male goat), copper vessel, seven foodgrains, Urad, Gomaidh, black flowers, oil, blanket, horse, rubber etc. for the beneficial effects of the planet.

Basic Number 5 – For Mercury Favourable Gem Emerald is the favourable Gem stone for this purpose and in case of non-availability of the same, one can wear its semi-precious stone etc. like Mergaz, onyx and green peridot should be worn in a golden or silver ring with a weight of 3-6 Ratti on a Wednesday of bright fortnight. It should be worn in the little finger of right hand touching the skin. Wearing of Herbs One should bring-in one inch long root of Vidhara on a Wednesday and after tying the same in a green thread, one should tie to the right arm or after encasing the same in a golden or silver capsule to be worn on the neck. It will minimize the bad effects of Mercury and increase its good effects. Herbal (Medicinal) Bath For this purpose, one should put the mix powder of the herbs like Harad-baheda, Cowdung, rice, Gorochan, gold, Amla and honey etc. to be mixed in a bucket or container-full water on a Wednesday for the purpose of taking bath in it to get rid of all sorts of diseases.

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This herbal bath will add to the glow of the skin. It will minimize the bad effects of Mercury and add to its glow and effects to give the desired results. For the propitiation of all the planets, one should take the mix powder of Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarvoshadhi and Loadh to mix the same in the water of a place of pilgrimage and should take bath in that water while memorizing the names of God. It will ward-off the bad effects of all the planets and will add to the happiness and prosperity of the individual. The things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of Mercury, a competent person should be given away in charity the things of Mercury such as bronze, ivory, green clothes, coral, emerald, gold, camphor, holy-books, fruits, food of all tastes, Ghee, all the flowers etc. for the beneficial effects of the planet.

Basic Number 6 – For Venus Favourable Gem The persons of this number should wear Diamond. If they cannot afford it, they should wear opal/white topaz, Zirkan. One should wear the diamond of 51 cent on a Friday of bright fortnight in the ring finger of right hand in a platinum or silver ring in the Chaurhia Muhurt of gains. The stone should touch the skin of the individual. Wearing of Herbs One should bring-in the root of Sarfoka tree with a length of one inch on a Friday and after tying it in a white thread, one should wear it on his neck after encasing the same in a platinum or silver capsule or should tie it to one’s right arm. It will minimise the bad effects of Venus and increase its good effects. Herbal (Medicinal) Bath For this purpose one should take a bucket or container full of water on a Friday and mix in the water the powder of Harhad, Baheda, Amla, Elaichi, saffron, and mencil etc. which will free from all diseases.

This herbal bath will add glow to the skin. The bad effects of Venus will be warded-off and will increase its good effects to give the desired results. For the propitiation of all the planets, one should prepare the powder of Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarvoshadhi and Loadh to mix it in the water of a place of pilgrimage and one should take bath in such water while memorising the names of God. It will remove the bad effects of all the planets and will add to the happiness and prosperity of the individual. Things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of Venus, a competent person should be given the things of Venus i.e. silver, gold, rice, Ghee, white cloth, white sandalwood, diamond, white horse, curd, Gandh-Dravya, Cheetah, cow, land etc. for the beneficial effects of Venus.

Basic Number 7 – For Ketu Favourable Gem Cat’s Eye (Lehsunia) is the main Gem stone for Ketu. If it is not available, one may wear yellow Hakeek on a Saturday in the beneficial Chaugarhia Muhurt in a bright fortnight, in a silver ring on the little finger of one’s right hand. One should see that it touches the skin of the person concerned. Wear of Herbs One should bring-in the root of Asgandh tree of one inch length on a Wednesday and after tying it in the sky blue coloured thread, should tie the same on one’s right arm or should wear it on one’s neck after encasing the same in a silver capsule. It will minimise the bad effects of Neptune/Ketu and will increase the good effects of this planet. Herbal (Medicinal) Bath The persons of this number should take a bucket or container full of water and mix in it the powder of Sehdai, Lajjalu (Loban), Bala, Motha, Priyangu and Hingothh etc. for taking bath in the same, which will relieve from all the diseases. This herbal bath will add glow to the skin. It will minimise the bad effects of Ketu/Neptune and will also add to its good effects to give the desired results.

For the propitiation of all the planets, one should take the powder of Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarvoshadhi and Loadh and after mixing the same in the water of a place of pilgrimage and take bath in it while memorising the names of God. It will remove the bad effects of all the planets and will add to the happiness and prosperity of the individual. Things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of Ketu, a competent person should be given the things of Ketu i.e. musk, Til, Chhag (male goat), black cloth, flag, seven food grains, a blanket, Urad, Vaidurya-Mani, black flowers, oil, gold, iron and weapons etc. for the good effects of the planet.

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Basic Number 8 – For Saturn Favourable Gem For the people of this number Blue Sapphire(Neelam) is the most beneficial stone and in case of its non-availability, one should wear a Bangkok spphire, Lajavart, Kakanili etc. It should be taken in a 3 and quarter to 5 and quarter Ratti weight to be studded in a Tridhatu or silver ring in the bright fortnight and wear it on a Saturday in the middle finger of the right hand touching the skin of the concerned individual. It will be beneficial and auspicious for these persons. Wearing of Herbs One should bring-in the root of Bichchhu tree in an one inch length on a Saturday and after tying the same with black coloured thread, one should tie it on his right arm or wear it on the neck after encasing the same in a lead or iron capsule. It will minimise the bad effects of the Saturn and will increase its good effects. Herbal (Medicinal) Bath For this purpose, one should take a bucket or container full of water to mix in it the powder of Surma, black Til, Saunf, Nagarmotha and Loadh etc. for taking bath on a Saturday, which will relieve the person concerned from all sort of diseases. This herbal bath will add to the glow of skin. It will minimise the bad effects of Saturn and will bring-in the good effects and will give the desired results.

For the propitiation of all the planets, one should take the powder of Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarvoshadhi and Loadh and after mixing it in the water of the place of pilgrimage and should take bath in that water while memorizing the names of God. It will remove the bad effects of all the planets and will add to the happiness and prosperity of the individual. Things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of Saturn, a competent person should be given the things of Saturn i.e.Til, Urad, iron, oil, black cloth, sapphire, kulthi, black flowers, shoes, musk and gold, etc. for the Beneficial effects.

Basic Number 9 – For Mars Favourable Gem The people of this number should wear Coral(Moonga) and if it is not available, one may wear Sanghsitara, red Hakeek, red moon stone in a beneficial Chaugarhia Muhurt on a Tuesday after getting the coral of six to nine Ratti weight studded in a copper, golden, mix-metal or silver ring and wear the same on ring finger of the right hand, touching the skin of the person concerned. Wearing of Herbs One should bring-in the root of Anantmul tree in one inch length on a Tuesday and after tying it in a red colour thread, one should tie it to his right arm or wear the same on the neck after encasing it in a capsule of gold or copper. It will minimize the bad effects of Mars and will increase its good effects. Herbal (Medicinal) Bath For this purpose, the person concerned should prepare the powder of Saunf, Saunthh, red sandalwood, Singraph, Malkangani, Montessori flowers to mix the same in bucket or container full of water for the purpose of bath in that water on every Tuesday. It will free an individual from all the diseases. This herbal bath will add glow to the skin and minimize the bad effects of Mars and will increase its good effects to give the desired results.

For the propitiation of all the planets, one should take the powder of Koot, Khilla, Kangani, mustard, Devdaru, turmeric, Sarovoshadhi and Loadh to mix it in the water of a place of pilgrimage and should take bath in it, while memorising the names of God. It will remove the bad effects of all the planets and will add to the happiness and prosperity of the individual. Things to be given in Charity For the propitiation of Mars, a competent person should be given in charity the things of Mars i.e. copper, gold, wheat, red clothes, Gur, red sandalwood, red flowers, saffron, musk, red coloured ox, lentil, land, coral etc. for the good effects of this planet.

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