Up-pada : Arudha of 12th House

Up-pada : Arudha of 12th House  

Amar Agrawal
Views : 4620 | July 2007

After dealing Arudha lagna and Karakamsha Lagna now the Sage deals with Up-pada which in fact nothing but Arudha of 12th house. Since Up-pada deals with various aspects relating to spouse, health of spouse and the longevity of marriage hence the Sage considers it as important as the Arudha lagna and the Karakamsha lagna are. Before moving on to the results pertaining to Up-pada, it is important to define the meaning of the sutra "Up-padam Padam pitranucharat". The word "pitru" used in sutra means lagna or ascendant while the word "anuchara" means 12th house. 

As we all know that the 12th house is behind lagna when counted in zodiacal order. There are several controversies while deciding the Up-pada but we shall stick to the rules discussed in earlier parts while deciding Arudha lagna. Here again original sutras are not being quoted but the real meaning in forms transliteration are being given and the word used Hkk means HkkokFkZ or transliteration of original sutra. Example to calculate Up-pada : No. 1 : The Sun Lord of 12th is placed in its own sign has not moved any sign ahead thus Leo- will be Up-pada No. 2 : Sign Libra falls in 12th house and its lord has gone 4 signs ahead when counted from Libra therefore 4 signs ahead from Venus i.e, Aries shall be Up-pada. Hkk- vfèkdkjknqiins r= ¼26-12 R2) miinf}rh; ok ikixzgL; jk'kkS lfr ikixzg;ksxs lfr d Qy};e~A iwokZ)Z ikixzg ;ksxs lfr lU;kl%A ijkèksZ nkjgkfu% A v= miina rr~ f}rh;s ok lekjkf'k Üpsr~ oSijhR;su Qya iwokZèks nkjgkfr% ijkèksZ lU;kl bfr ;kor~A In case Up-pada or its 2nd house is occupied by malefic planet/planets make prediction as : in case the planet/planets are between 1 deg. to 15 deg. 

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One is likely to renunciate the wordily attachments in case these are between 15 deg. to 30 degrees one is likely to suffer on account of bereavement of one's spouse. In case Up-pada or its 2nd house falls in an even sign the order of above prediction should be reversed. Note : The Sage has used word renunciation, which does mean that it is applicable vertatim. The word renunciation is applicable to good old days. In today's parlance the Sage wants to say that in presence of this type of Yoga native is likely to get separated from his/her spouse. In case this Up-pada or its 2nd house happens to be tenanted with malefic planets but at the same time these are under the influence of benefic planets by association or aspect, native may live away from his/her spouse but they will not be legally separated. Sign Scorpio rises in lagna and lord of 12th house is Venus. 

This Venus is placed in sign Sagittarius along with the Sun and Mercury. When counted from 12th house its lord Venus is three signs away from Libra thus 3rd from Sagittarius is Aquarius. Now the 2nd house Aquarius is Pisces which is tenanted by Rahu and its 7th house contains Saturn and Ketu thus giving affliction to the 2nd and its 7th house from Up-pada. The Native got married about 26 years ago has two children. Native and his wife are living separately just after 5 years of their marriage but they are not legally separated till date. Here Up-pada is occupied by benefic Jupiter while its 2nd house is under the aspect of the Sun, Venus and mercury. 

Here Venus is aspecting its sign of exaltation while the 7th house from Up-pada. The Native got married about 26 years ago has two children. Native and his wife are living separately just after 5 years of their marriage but they are not legally separated till date. Here Up-pada is occupied by benefic Jupiter while its 2nd house is under the aspect of the Sun, Venus and Mercury. Here Venus is aspecting its sign of exaltation while the 7th house from 2nd of Up-pada is again under the aspect of all these three planets and out the three Mercury is aspecting its sign of exhalation. Thus the presence of benefic Jupiter in Up-pada and the aspect of benefic planets on the 2nd and 8th house from Up-pada saved the separation. Hkk- vUukfLeUufèkdj.ks ikiRo uk M~xhÑre~A vrfLlagL;kI;ikiRoa x`ársA In above mentioned yoga the Sun is not treated as a malefic planet and so is the case with sign Leo. 

Thus the malefic signs are Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius while the malefic planets are mars, Saturn and Rahu/Ketu. Hkk- 'kqHkxzg n`"Vs ;ksxs ok iwoksZä Qy u ?kVrsA jfon`"VkS lR;ka ok flagjk'kkS ok iwoksZä Qy};k·Hkko%A Further the Sage opines that results mentioned in first sutra are not to be pronounced in case the planets involved are benefics and same holds good by the aspect or by occupancy of the Sun. Hkk- A miinsrr~ f}rh;s ok uhpxzgkfÜprs dy=uk'kkS HkofrA If the Up-pada or its 2nd house is occupied or aspected by debilitated planet/planets one will loose his/her spouse soon. Hkk- mPpxzgs cgqnkjLL;kr~A v= iki xzgL;kI;qPpRosu cgo% nkjk% oDrO;k% When Up-pada or its 2nd house is occupied or aspected by exalted planet/planets the native will be polygamist. 

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Here the exalted planet can be a malefic or benefic but results are same. Hkk- A miins f}rh;s ok feFkqu jk'kkS lfr cgqnkjLL;kr~A When the Up-pada itself or its 2nd house contains sign Gemini even then the native will be a polygamist. The sign rising in ascendant is Gemini While 12th contain sign Taurus. This 12th house is tenanted by three planets viz. Jupiter, Venus and Rahu. Since the lord of 12th house has not moved hence Up-pada is Taurus it self. Now the 2nd house from Up-pada has sign Gemini and the native is known polygamist. Hkk- miins f}rh;s ok rUukFk;qrs lfr Lo{ksZ·U;fLeu~ Lojk'kkSok r}srkS rUukFks fLFkrs lfr nkjdkjds 'kqØ o`"kHkrqy;ksjU;rjfLeu~ fLFkrs lfrok·fuR; nkjdkjds Lojk'kkS fLFkrs ok mÙkjk;qf"k dy=ghuLL;kr~A In case Up-pada or its 2nd house is tenanted by the lord of sign falling in said houses or lord of Up-pada or its 2nd house be placed in its own sign native is likely to loose his/her spouse after the age of 50 years. 

Here the meanings of sutra are bit confusing. Sage wants to say that suppose Up-pada contains sign Aries in that case the 2nd house will contain sign Taurus. In case the either of lords of these houses happens to occupy its own sign Viz. Mars, lord of Up-pada, be posited in Aries or lord or 2nd Viz. Venus happens to occupy Taurus or these lords viz. Mars or Venus be posited in the second sign of these two planets viz. Scorpio in case of Mars and Libra in case of Venus is capable of giving native a successful married life. There is a third condition also in case the variable darakarka is placed in its own sign the results are same as mentioned above. Note: Here again the above example meets with requisitions. Up-pada, though in Rahu/Ketu axis but the native has a successful married life. 

It is due to the presence of lord of sign falling in Up-pada is posited here along with best benefic Jupiter. Native is born with sign Aquarius rising in ascendant with lord of ascendant viz. Saturn placed there in. This Saturn happens to be the lord of 12th house and it has travelled one sign ahead thus one sign ahead of this Saturn sign Pisces will be Up-pada. Lord of Up-pada is Jupiter and this Jupiter in turn is placed in 11th house in its own sign thus the rule as mentioned above applies here. Native is leading a happy married life for more than 50 years of marriage. Hkk- 1 rfLeUuqiinkfèkirkS f}rh;kfèkirkS ok pj nkjkdkjds ok mPpa xrs lR;qre dqykr~ nkjkfIr% A If the lord of Up-pada is debilitated or aspected by debilitated planet/planets, the spouse of native will come from lower status than that of native. Hkk- miins f}rh;s ok rUukFks dkjds ok 'kqHkoxZbf"V;ksxs lfr L=hlqanjh L;kr~A If Up-pada or its 2nd house is occupied or aspected by benefic planet/planets, spouse of the native will have beautiful and attractive looks. 

Same rule will apply in cas lord of Up-pada or its 2nd house or variable darakarka conjoins with benefic planet/planets. Sign Virgo rises in ascendant. Lord of 12th house viz. the Sun is placed in sign Scorpio which is four signs away from Leo. Fourth from Scorpio is Aquarius. Thus Aquarius becomes Up-pada. 2nd house from Up-pada contains sign Pisces which is occupied by its own lord Jupiter and aspected by Venus and Moon. The Moon is variable darakaraka also it is conjunct with Venus while aspected by Jupiter. Due to the influence of benefic planets on the 2nd house from Up-pada and on the variable darakarka native got a very beautiful and charming wife. Hkk- 1 miins f}rh;s ok rUukFks dkjds ok jkgq'kfuH;ka n`"VkS lR;ka ;ksxs lfr dk yksdkioknkr~ L=hR;kxks Hkosr~ L=huk'kks ok L;kr~A In case Up-pada and its 7th house or its 2nd house and its 7th house (which shall be 8th house from Up-pada) are under the influence of Saturn and Rahu or Saturn and Mars by placement or aspect the native will be separated from his/her spouse with in a short period after marriage. 

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The separation can be due to divorce or sudden demise of the partner. Sign Gemini rises in ascendant. Lord of 12th house viz. Venus is posited in 10th house and this Venus is 11 signs away from Taurus the sign falling in 12th house. Now 11th house from this Venus is 8th house from natal ascendant, thus Capricorn becomes Up-pada. The Up-pada is occupied by Mars and its 7th house by Saturn. The native got legally separated from his wife just after two months of marriage. Hkk- 1 miinkfn"kq'kqØ dsrwH;ka n`"VkS lR;ka ;qrs lfr ok jDriznjjks fx.khL;kr~ L=hizesgL;jä iznj bfr laKkA When Up-pada or its 2nd house is tenanted by or aspected by Venus and Ketu the spouse of native is likely to suffer from urinary, kidney disease which leads to passing out of blood along with urine. 

Sign Scorpio rises in ascendant and the 12th house from ascendant is having sign Libra in it. Lord of 12th house Venus has moved one sign and placed in Scorpio. Now one sign ahead of this Venus is sign Sagittarius, thus Sagittarius becomes Up-pada. The 2nd house from Up-pada is occupied by Ketu and aspected by Venus. Native's husband suffers from serious kidney affliction which leads to passing out of blood along with urine. Sign Gemini rises in ascendant while its 12th house contains sign Taurus, whose lord Venus is posited in sign Leo i,e. four signs away from Leo. Now the 4th sign from Leo is Scorpio, thus Scorpio becomes Up-pada. Lord of Up-pada viz. Mars occupies its own sign Aries and this Mars aspects Up-pada. Thus by the placement of Up-pada is under the aspect of Jupiter and Saturn as well. 

This aspect causes nervous breakdown to the wife of native and she suffers from severe depression. Hkk- 1 miinkfn"kq cqèkdsrqH;ka vfLFkL=kojksxorhL;kr~A If the Up-pada or its 2nd house is connected with Mercury and Ketu by placement or aspect the spouse of native is likely to suffer from known as "Asthistrava". This is a bone disease which leads to discharge from bones due to some severe affliction of bones. Hkk- 1 miinkfj"kq 'kfujfojkgqfHk% vfLFkTojorh L;kr~A In case Up-pada or its 2nd house is under the combine influence of the Sun, Saturn and Rahu, the spouse of native will suffer from bone fever "Asthijawara" Hkk- 1 cqèk{ks=s miinkfn"kqlRlq 'kfudqtkH;k n`"VkS ;ksxs lfr ok] ukfld jksx L;kr~A In case Up-pada or its 2nd house happens to be any of sing ruled by Mercury viz. 

Gemini or Virgo and these are further occupied or aspected by Saturn and Mars, the spouse of native will suffer from one or other disease related with nose. Hkk-miinkfn"kq xq#'kfuH;ka n`"VkS lR;ka ;qrs ok d.kZjksxorh ukfldk fuLlj.kjksxorh ok L;kr~A In case Up-pada or its 2nd house are influenced by Jupiter and Saturn by placement or aspect the spouse of native is likely to suffer from disease related to nervous system. Hkk- 1 miinkfn"kq xq#jkgqH;ka n`"VkS lR;ka ;ksxs lfr o nUrjksxorh L;kr~ 1 In case Up-pada or its 2nd house are influenced by Jupiter and Rahu by placement or aspect the spouse of native is likely to suffer from dental disease. Hkk- 1 dU;k rqykxrs"kq miinkfn"kq 'kfujkgqH;k n`"VkSlR;k ;ksxs lfr ok iaXoh okrjksxorh L;kr~A dU;k rqy;ksfjR;; v{kjkdxzg.ksu dqaHkehu;ksfjfrdsfpr~A If sign Virgo or Libra happens to become Up-pada or its 2nd house and either of this is influenced by Saturn and Rahu by placement or aspect the spouse of native will be lame or will suffer from arthritis/gouts. 

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

Note : Some of commentators take Aquarius and Pisces instead of Virgo and Libra by taking pneumonic value of words Kanya and Tula used in sutra. Since the Sage has been using the names of Various signs in almost all the sutras and it has been dealt as it is hence in this case also it should be Virgo and Libra. Hkk- 1 ;koUrks nks"kk fu:äkLrs losZ·fi u izlT;sju~ i|qiinkfn"kq 'kqHkxzg ;ksx''kqHk xzg n`f"VofL;kr~A All the above mentioned yogas concerning the spouse of the native will stand cancel in case Up-pada or its 2nd house is being influenced by benefic planet/planets. Hkk- 1 miinkr~ lIreHkko rna'kxzgsH;Üp r= iki L;sR;k|qäkfu Qykfu leqUus;kfu HkofUrA miinlIreHkkokr~ dy=dkjd jk'ksÜp R;ksjfèkikH;ka p QyaKs;e~ bR;FkZ%A rsH;% f}rh;s ,oa iwoksZDrkfu Qykfu leqUus;fu rnqdra o`)S 'kyksd lIres'k f}rh;LFksI;oa Qy egke`re~A bfr uhydaB% All the results/yogas mentioned above required to be studied from the 7th house of Up-pada, 7th house from 2nd house to Up-pada. It is further emphasized that due attention should be given to Karakamsha lagna and its 7th house this is the view of Vridhas. 

This has been supported by Neelkanta also. Note : Before pronouncing, any result may be good or bad it is suggested that result as mentioned above should not be applied with out carefully studying the influence of various planet/planets. For example the yoga indicating that one's spouse will be lame appears to be present as per sutras but at the same time Up-pada or its 2nd house receive some respite due to influence of benefic planet/planets or Up-pada or its 2nd house is being influenced by its own lord, under such case one should not predict that the spouse of native will be lame in that case one may suffer from swelling of bones or bone joints. r

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