Studying the Arudha Lagna-I

Studying the Arudha Lagna-I  

Amar Agrawal
Views : 16989 | July 2008

सू. अथ पदम्। भा. अथ कारकांशाश्रित फल निरुपणांनंतरं यावदीशाश्रयं पदमृक्षाणांमिति प्राक्प्रति पादित सूत्रेणोपसू.द्वयोन च लक्षित पदं लग्नारुढमधिकृत्य फलानि विवेचितु मादयते। In the earlier part results pertaining to Karakamsha lagana and Uppapada lagna and the various houses from these two lagans have been dealt with exhaustively. Now the sage deals with Arudha Lagna/padda of lagan. The method of reckoning Arudha lagna has been dealt with. As per Jaimini astrology it is not the first house which holds the key while determining various aspects of life but the Sage advocates these should be studied from Arudha lagna instead.

भा . व्यये एकादशे आरुढलग्नादेकादश स्थाने शुभे व पापे वास्थिते शुभेन पापेन वा दृष्टे वा सति श्रीमन्तो भवन्ति।

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If 11th house from Arudha lagna is occupied or aspected by the planets the native concerned will be wealtthy. But the quantum of wealth is judged as per the number of planets aspecting Arudha lagna. At the same time the strength of planets placed or aspecting the 11th house from Arudha lagna is also kept in reckoning. भा. आरुढ लग्नादेकादशस्था ग्रहा एकादश द्रष्टारो वा यदि शुभा, स्युः तर्हिन्याय मार्गेण धनाप्तिर्वाच्या। In case the 11th house is under the influence of natural benefic planets (By placement or aspect), native will earn/amass the wealth by fair means. भा. पाप ग्रहाश्चैदकादशस्थाने द्रष्टारो वा यदि अभार्गेण कुत्सितवृत्या धनागम, मिश्रैर्मिश्रोलाभः। In case the planets influencing the Arudha lagna are malefic, native will adopt unfair/unlawful means in earning money. In case there is involvement of both benefic as well as malefic planets on the 11th house from Arudha Lagna, native will earn money by both ways.

भा . स्वोच्च सुहृत् स्वत्रिकणादिगतैः ग्रहैः तस्मिन्नेकादशे विशेषतो धन लाभः। एकादशस्थानस्योच्चत्वादिगुण युत ग्रह दृग्योगसद्भावेऽपि द्वादशस्थानस्य ग्रहदृग्योगा भावेऽत्र विशेषेण धनाप्तिर्वाच्या। तदुक्तं वृद्धैः।

The native earns and amasses lot of wealth in case the planet/planets placed in or aspecting the Arudha Lagna is/are exalted or in their own sign but at the same time the 12th house from Arudha Lagana should free from any influence of planet/planets by occupancy or aspect. Note: Here the sage indicates that while the 11th house from Arudha Lagna should be under the influence of planet/planets at the same time 12th house from Arudha lagna should be free from any influence of planet/planets by placement or aspect. Here one thing should always be given due consideration that in case more planets influence the 11th house from Arudha Lagna as compared to the less number of planets influencing the 12th house from Arudha Lagna even in that case too native will earn huge money but in such a case it should always to be noted that planets influencing the 11th house from Arudha Lagna should be stronger as compared to the planets influencing the 12th house from Arudha Lagna.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

However the Sage makes an extension of this concept by suggesting eight alternatives as regards with influence of planet/planets by placement or aspect on the 11th house from Arudha Lagna in judging the quantum of wealth. the alternatives given below are in increasing order i.e. First one is weakest while the eighth is strongest: 1. More than two planets placed in or aspecting the 11th house from Arudha Lagna. 2. Planets placed in or aspecting the 11th houses from Arudha Lagna in their exaltation sign. 3. Argala formed by the aspecting planet. 4. More than two argalas formed by the aspecting planets. 5. Involvement of benefic planets in forming of Argala. 6. Involvement of exalted planets to the Argala forming planets. 7. Lagna lord becomes the aspecting planet. 8. Lord of 9th becomes an aspecting planet. भा. नीचे आरुढात् द्वादशे ग्रहयुते ग्रहदृष्टौ सत्यां वा धनव्यय प्राचुर्यस्यात् शुभ ग्रहैस्सदृव्ययः पाप ग्रहैः दृश्र्यः। शुभ पापै शुभाशुभ कार्येषु धन व्ययाधिक्यम। Here Neeche means 12th house, as explained in the Sutra, and not a debilitated planet.

If there is influence of planet/planets on the 12th house from Arudha Lagna, native spends money extravagantly. The money spent is for good purposes in case the influencing planet is benefic, while the influencing planet is malefic it is otherwise. In case the influencing planets are a mixture of benfics and malefics the money spent will be for good and bad purposes both. भा. आरुढलग्नात् द्वादशे रविराहुशुक्रेः व्यस्तैः समस्ते वा प्रभुत्वमूलोधनव्ययस्यात् रवि राहुभ्यां बलात्कारेण धनमपहृतं स्यात, शुक्रेण प्रीतिपूर्वक स्यादित्यर्थः। In case the Sun, Venus and Rahu, all of these three or two out of three or even one out of three aspect the 12th house from Arudha lagna, native loses money due to the wrath of gvernment. In case the Sun and Rahu are the influencing planets native's money is seized forcibly. In case Venus is the influencing planet native will surrender money in shape of fines etc. willingly. भा. द्वादशे ख्यादौ चंद्रदृष्टौसत्यां निश्चयं प्रभुत्वमूलोधनव्ययः। चंद्रदृष्टय भावे तु पूर्वोक्त फलस्य शंकाऽयवा तादृश व्ययस्याल्पत्वम। If the Moon also conjoin combination as mentioned above the native will certainly loose money on account of government.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

Here Sage opines that the involvement of the Moon and the Sun in the 12th house from Arudha lagna native looses money on account of punishment levied by government. In absence of the Moon's influence as mentioned above he may not be punished heavily or the punishment to pay fine may not be from governmental side. भा. बुधे द्वादशगे फलद्वयम्। ज्ञातिभ्यो विवादाद्वा धननष्टं भवति। If Mercury happens to occupy the 12th house from Arudha lagna, disputes and litigations with blood relations may become cause of loss of money. भा. गुरः द्वादशे स्थितश्चेत् कर्म धनव्ययः गुरुणा करमूलादिति पाठान्तरो नीलकण्ठीये। If Jupiter happens to occupy the 12th house from Arudha lagna one may face heavy losses in business or on some unwanted religious rites. But neelkanta is strict about the loss by way of taxes.

The word djewys clearly indicates payment on account of taxes. भा. कुज शनी द्वादशे स्थितै चेत् भ्रात्रादि द्वारा धनव्ययः। If Mars and Saturn happens to occupy the 12th house from Arudha lagna one may incur losses on account of one's brothers or co born. Just as the loss of money is to be judged by the influence of various planets on the 12th house from Arudha lagna, the same way one gains in case similar planets ifluence the 11th house from Arudha lagna. The influence of planets on the 11th house from Arudha lagna and means of gains are listed below: Note : Here the learned Sage indicates about the way and means of one's getting or earning money. Sage opines that every thing pertaining to lagna should be studied from Arudha lagna, thus the natal lagna does not hold any importance as per Jaimini system of astrology.

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The planet/planets placed in or aspects the 12th house from Arudha lagna shows the way and means one will spend or waste one's money. Placement or the aspect of similar planet on the 11th house from Arudha lagna points forward the ways and means of one's getting or earning money. The quantum of one's earnings will depend upon the influence of planet/planets on the 11th house from Arudha lagna while the 12th house from Arudha lagna should be vacant from occupancy or the aspect of planet/planets. Here the words used should not be applied verbatim since the meanings and the course of earning has changed a lot from good old time. For example the word treasure does not mean that one's going to get a hidden treasure but it can be from a government operated lottery and alike. Same word used that one gains from temples means one can be a priest of a temple, one earns from wife means one will get an earning wife etc.

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