The Effects of Solar Eclipses in Mundane Astrology

The Effects of Solar Eclipses in Mundane Astrology  

S.R. Swamy
Views : 4102 | July 2007

We have discussed about the eclipses and their effects on mundane charts in our previous issue, we shall now go in to details of solar and lunar eclipses, their effects when they fall in each sign etc, and particularly when it falls on a Decanate of the sign.

We are very well aware that each Decanate is 1/3 part of a sign and consists of ten degrees. The first Decanate of a sign extends from 0 to 10, the second from 10 to 20 and the third from 20 to 30 degrees.

Followings are the principal effects of solar eclipses when the effect falls on each Decanate of the respective sign.


First Decanate (0° to 10°) : War, Mutiny, unrest among public, inclination towards drought and internal controversies in the army.

Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Imprisonment or death like problems to the ruler of the country, loss of trees bearing fruits, also loss of crops on account of natural destructions like hurricane, flood etc.

Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Death of some great woman of public life, destruction of cattle grief and sadness will increase among public.


First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Severe problems in trade and business, destruction to crops.

Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Causes dangers to travelers and to women in child birth.

Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Loss of crops and conditions may lead to famine.


First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Difference of opinion and conflicts among clergy and religions heads which may lead to cause hatred, neglect and contempt for the laws of God . Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Causes piracies, thefts, loots and murders. Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Death of ruler of country and trouble to the public. CANCER First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Great changes and alterations in the weather and increase in pollution. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Shortage of water, rivers, fountains and waterfalls, etc may dry up and restlessness among women. Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Epidemics and increase in diseases. LEO First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Death of leading public figure and scarcity of crops. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Many troubles and anxieties to Government, and leading men of the country. Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Troubles at holy places of the country, captivity of religious heads and unrest among public. VIRGO First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Great calamity in the country including death of leading persons or ruler of country. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Loss of crops leading to famine. Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Troubles in country, imprisonment to noted artists, poets, writers and of those who live by their wits. LIBRA First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Change in whether and loss of crops. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Death of the ruler of country and famine like conditions. Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Troubles to rulers, noble persons, and their families. SCORPIO First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Causes war & treason, captivity of leaders of the Government. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Disturbances to the ruler of the country. Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Rise of new cult, sickness to ruler of the country and unrest among public. SAGITTARIUS First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Hat redness among leading personalities of the country. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Loss of cattle particularly milking animals on account of rare Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Unrest among Army and loss of cattle particularly Horses. CAPRICORN First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Problems to the great men of the country, migration of the ruler of the country, rebels in the government may cause harm to the ruler and public. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Causes military riots, coups, mutiny of soldiers against their superiors, Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : May induce violent action by the ruler of the country leading to public unrest and famine. AQURIUS First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Causes public grief and sorrow. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Earth quacks, famine, public theft, robberies, loot and burglary etc. Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Mass destruction of wild life and destruction of cattle. PISCES First Decanate (0° to 10°) : Rivers getting dried, troubles to the people living near sea coast. Second Decanate (11° to 20°) : Death of a famous leading person of the country, destruction to marine life, and loses due to tidal waves of sea. Third Decanate (21° to 30°) : Cruelty, fierceness and inhumanity of soldiers and troubles to public by security agencies of the government.

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