Pada or Arudha Lagna

Pada or Arudha Lagna  

Amar Agrawal
Views : 13543 | January 2006

Maharishi Jaimini suggests a unique method of deciphering the horoscope. The sage suggests a method of determining the Pada/Arudha lagna of each and every house and suggests that matters pertaining to a specific house should be studied from the arudha of that house instead of the concerned house itself. Before coming to the calculation and determining the Pada/Arudha lagna first of all readers should know what does Pada/Arudha lagna means.

Pada is actually a Sanskrit word Paad which means foot. While commenting on Pada/Arudha lagnas the sage has used three sutras which are as under :यावादीशाश्रयं पदमृक्षाणाम्। सू. 29 Pada lagna widely known as Arudha lagna is calculated by the placement of lord of lagna from the lagna itself. Here neelkantha uses ”तदगुणसंविज्ञान बहुव्रीहि समासाल्लभ्यते“ that the number of signs/houses from the sign/house to its lord's placement should be counted and again that many houses ahead from that sign/house lord should be counted to get the Pada/Arudha lagna of a house.

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This method is applied to all the twelve houses. For example, Aries is janma lagna and its lord Mars is placed in Taurus. Since Taurus is one sign ahead of Aries hence count one sign ahead of Taurus to get the Pada/Arudha lagna or first house and it will be Gemini. Suppose this Mars, lord of lagna, is placed in Gemini i.e. 3rd house from Aries, in that case count three signs from Gemini to get Pada/Arudha lagna and it will be Leo since Leo is 3rd sign/house when counted from Gemini. In case Mars is placed in sign Cancer then Libra which is 4th sign/house from Cancer will become Pada/Arudha lagna. In case Mars is placed in sign Aries itself, now Aries will become the Pada/Arudha lagna.

Some commentators advocate that if the lord of lagna happens to occupy lagna in that case treat 10th house from janma lagna as Pada/Arudha lagna but neelkantha rejects it through sutra 29 as mentioned above. The following points are to be kept in mind while deciding or fixing the Pada/Arudha lagna :

• The Pada/Arudha of lagna is the most important. But Padas/Arudhas for all the houses should be determined.

• The two important points should be given prime importance i.e. the sign/house and its lord.

• Find out the position of the house lord with reference to the house.

• Pada/Arudha of the referral house is located at the same distance ahead from house lord as the house lord is from the referral house.

• Lagna pada or Arudha lagna and Pada/Arudha of 7th house in case fall in mutual kendras or trines from each other, the native will maintain cordial relations with the spouse.

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In case these two Padas/Arudhas are located at position 6th or 8th from each other the relation between native and spouse will be hostile. These are the views of Neelkanttan. Sign Scorpio rises in the lagna and lord of lagna Mars is placed in lagna itself. Since Mars has not moved ahead in any other sign hence sign Scorpio should be treated as Pada/Arudha lagna. Had Mars would have gone in the 4th house where sign Aquarius falls, in that case four signs ahead of Aquarius viz Taurus would have become Pada/Arudha lagna. The next two sutras which are as under : स्वस्थे दाराः। सू. 30 सुतस्थे जन्म। सू. 31 Swasthe Darah : The katapayadi pneumonic value of word Darah used in sutra 30 is (Da =8, Ya=2, 82–>28/12 Q2, R4). Thus this means the 4th house becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case the lord of lagna is placed in 4th house. But according to main sutra ";koknh'kkJ;a ine`{kk.kke~"i.e. sutra No. 29 is clear about this that if lord of lagna is placed in 4th house in that case 7th house i.e. 4th from 4th will become Pada/Arudha Lagna.

Hence according to sutra 30 swasthe dara means 4th house will become Pada/Arudha lagna in case it is having its own sign in the 4th house. Hence Neelkantta and other commentators are clear about the sutra and opines in case 4th house is having its own sign in that case it qualifies to become Pada/Arudha lagna. Hence this rule is applicable to Dual signs only since only dual signs viz. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces when rise in lagna the second sign ruled by the same planet falls in the Kendra/angle whereas it is not possible in case of moveable or fixed signs when rising in lagna cannot have their second sign in kendra/angle.

Thus this rule strictly adhered to while a dual sign rises in lagna and should be applied as under :

• Virgo becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case janma Lagna is Gemini and its lord Mercury is placed in 4th house in its own sign Virgo.

• Pisces becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case janma lagna is Sagittarius and its lord viz. Jupiter is placed in 4th house in its own sign.

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• Gemini becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case janma lagna is Virgo and lord thereof i.e. Mercury is placed in lagna.

• Sagittarius becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case janma lagna is Pisces and lord there of i.e. Jupiter is placed in Pisces. So this is the rule where 10th house becomes Pada/Arudha lagna when the lord of lagna is placed in lagna itself and 4th house becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case lord of lagna is placed in 4th house in its own sign. Here a question arises in case of Gemini lagna if Mercury is placed in 7th house in sign Sagittarius, how to calculate Pada/Arudha lagna.

This doubt is classified by the sage vide sutra "Sutasthe Janama" and recommends to count Pada/Arudha lagna as under :

• In case janma lagna is Gemini and lord of lagna Mercury is placed in 7th house in sign Sagittarius, in that case 10th house i.e. Pisces will become Pada/Arudha lagna.

• In case janma lagna is Virgo and lord of lagna Mercury is placed in 7th house in sign Pisces in that case 10th house from Pisces i.e Sagittarius will become Pada/Arudha lagna.

• In case janma lagna is Sagittarius and lord of lagna Jupiter is placed in 7th house in sign Gemini, in that case 10th house from janma lagna i.e. Virgo becomes Pada/Arudha lagna.

• In case janama lagna is Pisces and lord of lagna Jupiter is placed in 7th house in sign Virgo, in that case 10th house from the 7th house viz Gemini will become Pada/Aruda lagna. These rules are advocated by Neelkantta in case of Dual signs rising in lagna and the reckoning of Pada/Arudha lagna in above said order since they support the two sutras viz. 30 and 31, thus these rules should be strictly adhered to. Note : Thus the general misconception regarding the Pada/Arudha lagna has been classified by the sage jaimini viz.

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The 4th house & 10th house can become Arudha lagna only under the circumstances it is having its own sign of the planet. In case the planet occupies the 7th house from janma lagna in that case 2nd sign with reference to 7th house will become the Pada/Arudha lagna. To make it more clear it is being explained through illustrations, however these illustrations are imaginary. (a) Fig. No. 1&3 are having lord of lagna in 4th house where second sign owned by lord of lagna viz. Mercury & Jupiter respectively falls hence 4th house becomes Pada/Arudha lagna. (b) Fig. 2&4 are having lord of lagna in lagna itself viz.

Mercury & Jupiter and their second sign fall in 10th house hence 10th house will become Pada/Arudha lagna. (c) In Figure 5&7 the lord of lagna Mercury & Jupiter respectively fall in 7th house. In this case 2nd sign lorded by planet whose sign falls in 7th house will become Pada/Arudha lagna and it will be 4th from the 7th viz. Pisces & Virgo respectively. (d) In figure 6&8 the lord of lagna viz. Mercury & Jupiter respectively occupy the 7th house, now the 2nd sign lorded by the planet whose sign falls in the 7th house will become Pada/Arudha lagna and it will be 10th from Pisces and Virgo respectively. This is the actual method of calculating Pada/Arudha lagna for various sign rising in the lagna. The same method should be adopted to calculate the Padas/Arudhas of other houses also.

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