Profession, Vastu and Signology Issue

Profession, Vastu and Signology Issue  October 2006

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In this Profession, Vastu and Signology Issue of Research Journal of astrology there are various informative and research oriented articles like Pluto Recognized as a dwarf Planet, Mundane astrology, Know Your Profession with the Help of Karkamsha, All about Karkamsha, Political assassinations, Foreign Travel Yoga, Identity of Profession, Astrology, Wealth and Prosperity, Lucky and Unlucky features of a Girl, Prashna marga, Planets and Related diseases, Vastu in modern times, Pyramid Power, Interiors with Vastu, Your Nature is Revealed in your Signature, Remedy: For whom and why? and result and remedy for mars in various bhavas as Per Lal Kitab
research journal is mainly astrological magazine in which you shall find research oriented articles on astrology.
