All about Karakamsha-III

All about Karakamsha-III  

Amar Agrawal
Views : 6994 | April 2007

As already mentioned that Karakamsha is most important part of Jaimini Astrology hence it will be dealt exhaustively. In the last part we had mentioned about the results of various planets when influencing the first to third houses from Karakamsha lagna. In this part we shall discuss about the influence of planets on the rest of houses from Karakamsha lagna and their results. 4th house from

Karakamsha lama : Sutra No.45 to 50 deals with the influence of various planets on the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna. Being sukh sathana the Sage has emphasized and restricted only to the house one will live in with reference to 4th house from Karakamsha lagna. First of all we shall deal with the commentary only and in the end we shall be giving example.

भा. कारकांश चतुर्थे चन्द्रशुक्रदृष्टियोगाभ्यां प्रासादवान भवति।

When the Moon and Venus influence the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna, here influence of planets as mentioned can be by placement or aspect, one will have a palatial building/house to live in. The Sage has some restrictions but it is very much clear that in modem era looking into the cost and paucity of land we shall enunciate that one having the combination as mentioned above may have one’s limitations but at the same time in spite of a small house it will look like a palace.

One more worth mentioning is that the Sage requires the influence of both the Moon and Venus on the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna but in actual practice it has been found that even one planet out of two if powerfully disposed in the chart is capable to give above results.

भा. कारकांश चतुर्थे चन्द्रशुक्रयोरभावेऽपि उच्च ग्रहे स्थिते सति प्रासादवान भवति।

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When the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by an exalted planets and there is no influence of the Moon or/and Venus on the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna one owns a palatial building to live in. Here again the Sage is silent about the influence of exalted malefic or a benefic. It should be taken as that a benefic will improve the results as compared with a malefic planet.

भा. कारकांश चतुर्थे चन्द्रशुक्रसंबंधे उच्चग्रहे स्थिते वा राहुशन्योः दृष्टौ सत्यां शिक्तानिर्मितगृहं भवति।

When the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by the Moon and Venus or an exalted planet This combination being influenced by Saturn and Rahu one will possess a palatial building built of stones.

भा. उपर्युक्त योगे राहुशन्योः स्थाने कुज केत्वौः दृष्टौ सत्यां इष्टका निर्मित गृहं भवति।

When Mars and Ketu replace Saturn and Rahu in the yoga as mentioned in previous sutra one owns a building built of bricks.

भा. कारकांश चतुर्थे केवलं गुरौ सति दारु निर्मितग्रह भवति।

Jupiter’s influence on the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna gives one a building built of wood. Here the Sage has mentioned the influence of Jupiter only and he is silent about the involvement of the Moon and/or Venus as it is in previous sutras.

भा. कारकांश चतुर्थे खौ स्थिते तृणनिर्मित ग्रह भवति।

The Sun in the 4th house of Karakamsha lagna gives the native a hut to live in. Comments: In all the six sutras the Sage emphatically mentions about the various types of buildings or houses one will live in. If analyzed carefully one will be able to categorize the role various planets in giving the kind of house as mentioned. If the qualities as indicated by the Moon and Venus it is sufficient to agree with the views of the learned Sage since the Moon and Venus are natural significators of 4th house and beauty as well, hence the influence of these two planets will give the native a beautiful as well as a palatial building to live in.

However these rules as mentioned in sutras cannot be applied verbatim since in modem era each and every house is built of material as indicated by various planets while dealing these sutras, however the beauty of main building will depend upon the influence of the Moon and/or Venus on the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna.

अथ प्रासाद योगं विशिनष्टिः प्रासाद माहु र्भृगुजे सचन्द्रे जीवेन दृष्टे स्वभुजार्जितः स्यात्।

फणीश्वरे चान्यकृतं तदेव खीक्षिते राजगृहं वदन्ति। शनौ पर प्रेष्यता निवासो प्येवं हि सर्वत्र विचारणीयम्।

The word ”प्रासाद“ भा. माता (65/12=5) पित्रौः (61/12=1Rem) कारकांशात पंचमे कारकांशे वा चन्द्रगुरुभ्यां स्थिताभ्यां ग्रन्थकृत ग्रन्थकर्ता भवति। द्विवित्ये, पंचमे वेतिकेचन। पंचमे दशमे वेत्यन्ये ब्रुवन्ति। निरुक्तार्थ एव समीचीनोऽनुभव सिद्धश्चेति मन्यामहे।

When the Moon and Jupiter happens to occupy Karakamsha lagna or 5th house from Karakamsha lagna makes the native a research scholar or one may become an author of many books. Some of the commentators on Jaimini astrology advocate for authorship 2, 5 & 10th houses from Karakamsha lagna should be studied.

भा. कारकांशेतत्पंचमे वा चन्द्रशुक्राभ्यां वा किंचिन्यूनग्रन्थ कर्तत्वं स्यात। नन्वयमर्थः कथं लब्ध इति चेत केवलं शुक्रवशादग्रेफलस्य वक्ष्यामाणत्वात। माता पित्रो इति शुक्रेणेत्यादि त्रयोदश सूत्रेष्वन्वेति।।

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When the Moon and Venus or Jupiter and Venus (the pair of planets should be like this only) happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or its 5th house can also make I the native an author but here one will not be as proficient as mentioned in previous sutra.

भा. अत्रापि केवल बुधेनाग्रे फलस्य वक्तव्यत्वात। बुधेनेत्यत्र बुध चन्द्राभ्यां बुधगुरुभ्यां वा ग्रंथकतृत्वं चाच्यम्। अनेन योगद्वयेन शुक्रयोगापेक्षयाऽपि न्यून ग्रन्थ कर्तृव्यम्

When the Moon and Mercury happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it makes the native a journalist. In case there is involvement of Jupiter also one may become an author also along with journalism.

भा. कारकांश तत्पंचमे वा शुक्रेणेकैन त्रिधाकृत्य त्रीणिफलानि। कवि: (0°-10°)वाग्मी (10°-20°)काव्यज्ञ (10°-30°)

When Venus alone happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or 5th house from it one should consider it like this. (a) If Venus is between 0deg to10deg. one will be a poet.(b) If Venus is between 10deg to 20 deg. it will make the native a proficient orator.(c) If Venus is between 20deg to 30deg it will make the native an author of poetic compositions.

भा. कारकांशे तत्पंचमे वा गुरुणैकेन फलद्वयम। सर्ववित् (1°-15°) ग्रान्थिक (20°-30°)

When Jupiter alone happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or 5th house from it and this Jupiter is between (a) 1 deg to 15deg one will be a versatile scholar (b) 15deg to 30deg one will be an author / writer.

भा. कारकांशे तत्पंचमे वा गुरुणैकेन अन्यग्रह दृष्टभावे वक्ता न भवति।

Jupiter alone in the Karakamsha lagna or in 5th house from it is not capable of making the native an orator. भा. पुनरपि गुरोरेव फलमाह। Jupiter alone in the Karakamsha lagna or in the 5th house from it will make the native a scholar of Veda Vedangas. Sage perhaps wants to clarify here that one with this configuration may not be an author but one will be proficient in the knowledge of Vedas. सू(112) सभा जडश्शनिना। When Saturn happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it the native will not be able to speak in assemblies.

सू(113) बुधेन मीमांसकः। When Mercury happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it will make the native mimamsaka (one having knowledge of philosophical literature) . सू(114) कुजेन नैयायिकः। When Mars happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it. The native is a logician or a lawyer. सू(115) चंन्द्रेण सांख्ययोगज्ञः साहित्यज्ञो गायकश्च। भा. कारकांशे तत्पंचमे व चन्द्रेणैकेन युक्ते सांख्य यौगज्ञः, उतार्ध साहित्यज्ञः गायकश्च। When the Moon alone is occupant of the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it one can deduce in case this Moon is between 1 deg to 15deg one will be conversant with Sankhya yoga.

In case this Moon is between 15deg to 30deg. word (उतरार्धे) can make the native a man of literature or a musician. भा. रविणा फलद्वयम्। वेदान्तवित् गीतज्ञश्च। When the Sun happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it and this Sun is between 1 deg to 15deg makes the native a philosopher and in case this Sun is between 15deg to 30deg one will be inclined in reading Vedic literature however the word (गीतज्ञश्च) used in sutra means Bhagwadgeeta. सू. (117) केतुना गणितज्ञ। भा. स्पष्टम्। When Ketu happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it the native will be proficient mathematician.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

Note : Sage is silent about the results pertaining to 6th and 8th houses from the Karakamsha lagna hence we shall be dealing with the rest of houses from the Karakamsha lagna. 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna भा. कारकांशात्सप्तमे चन्द्रगुरुभ्यां, स्थिताभ्यां जाया सुन्दरी भवति। युत्यपेक्षया अत्र दृष्टि रेव प्रबला इति केचित्। When the Moon and Jupiter are posited in or aspect the 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna native’s wife will be beautiful. भा. कारकांशात्सप्तमे राहुदग्योगे सति विधवया स्त्रिया सह संपर्को भवति। When the 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by Rahu the native will have a widow as one’s spouse or one will debauch with a widow.

Some of the commentators strictly speak of debauchery only. भा. कारकांशत्सप्तमे त्रीणि फलानि। प्रथमे वयोधिका, द्वितीये रोगिणी तृतीये तपस्विनी। सूत्रः शनिना वयोधिका, रोगिणी तपस्विनी वा। When Saturn occupies or aspect the 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna predict (a) if this Saturn is between 0deg to 10deg the native’s wife will be older than the native (here one thing is to be kept in mind that in case the native’ wife is not older age per age even than by looks she will look older than the native). (b) if this Saturn is between 10deg to 20 deg native’s wife will have a sickly constitution. (c) if this Saturn is between 20deg to 30deg the native’s wife will have oppressive sexual habits. भा. कारकांशत्सप्तमे कुजे विकलांगी जाया भवति।

When Mars is posited in or aspects the 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna the spouse of the native will be bodily deformed. भा. कारकांशात्सप्तमे रविणा स्कुले गुप्ता परपुरुषसक्तता अप्रकय भर्तृकुले गुप्तारक्षिता स्थिता स्यादाभरणम्। न तु स्वातंत्र्येण इतरततोऽप्नशीला। चकारात् विकलांगीति नीलकंठीये। When the Sun occupies or aspects the 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna the spouse of native will maintain physical relations with in the family. Some of the commentators opine that the Sun in such a condition makes the spouse deformed and one is restricted to live in the boundaries of the house. भा. कारकांशात्सप्तमे बुधे जाया कलावती नृत्यगीतादि निपुणा।

When Mercury is posited in or aspects the 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna the spouse of the native will be well educated and will be good at dance and music. Note : Since 7th house mainly deals with the sexual life of the native hence sage does not hesitate in mentioning about place of the first sexual union. However it is just for the academic purposes only and in this context the sutra its teeka and sloka are as under :

एवं ततत् स्त्री विशेष घटक योग प्राप्ति भुक्त्वा प्राथमिक संभोग देशस्तु कारकांशात चतुर्थे विशिनष्टि। सू. चापेचन्द्रेणानवृते देशे। भा. कारकांशा च्चतुर्थे चन्द्रे सति पूवोक्त योगेषुः सत्सु अनाच्छादित देशे स्त्री प्रथमसंगो भवेत। काश्कांशात्सप्तमे धनुषि चन्द्रे इति वाऽर्थः। सूत्रार्थ प्रकाशिका माह चतुर्थात स्त्रीप्रथम संगदेशः यथा- श्लोक: अथ संभोग देशस्तु चतुर्था द्वक्ष्यते उधुना, चन्द्रे चतुर्थे संभोगो बाह्य देशे गृहाद्भवेत्। खौ वने जल प्रान्ते चन्द्रे कुडये कुजे तथा बुधे विहार स्थाने स्यात जीवे देव गृहान्तरे शुक्रेतु नीर क्रीडायां मन्द राहवोरुसुरालये नीचालये पापदृष्टया केचिदेवं च मन्वते।

The following are the versions form “sutrardha prakasika” If the Moon occupies the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna identical to sign Sagittarius the native will have first union in an open space outside one’s house and near a watery region. The Sun similarly disosed indicates the garden as place of first union. next given are results of all other planets when these are posited in the 4th house from the Karakamsha lagna. mars indicates a place near a wall or boundary. Mercury indicates a park or garden. Jupiter indicates a temple or a place of worship.

Venus indicates union in water can be pool within the house or bath room itself. Saturn and Rahu indicate the tavernor any place where low born people live. 9th house from karakamsha lagna भा. कारकांशान्नवमे शुभ दृग्योगे सति त्रीणि फलानि। पूर्वस्मिन् धर्मनित्यः, अपरस्मिन सत्यवादी, परस्मिन गुरुभक्तः।

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

The word समे used in the sutra means 9th sign from the Karakamsha lagna. Now the Sage suggests that if this 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by benefic plnets one make three type of predictions (a) 0deg. to 10 deg. one will be virtuous (b) 10deg. to 20 deg. Truthful and (c) 20 deg. to 30deg. devoted to preceptors. here the Sage has not given stress on any specific benefic planet; hence any of benefic planet influencing as above will give results as detailed. But in case of more than one benefic planets influencing as above the nature and qualities will enhance.

भा. कारकांशान्नवमे पापग्रहदृग्योगे सति धर्मनित्यवादिरहितो भवति।

In case the 9th house from the karakamsha lagna is influenced by benefic as well as malefic planets the results pronounced in first sutra will reduce. In case the planets involved as mentioned above are malefic planets only the positive results are nullified. भा. कारकांशान्नवमे शनि राहुभ्यां मिलित्वा स्थिताभ्यां गुरुद्रोहः। Incase the 9th house from the karakamsha lagna is being influenced by Saturn and Rahu he will be treacherous to one’s teachers and preceptors. भा. कारकांशान्नवमे रविगुरुभ्यां गुरौ विश्वासहीनो भवति।

In case the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected the Sun and Jupiter both one will be ungrateful to one’s teachers and preceptors. In this sutra the Sage is categorically critical about the intervention of the Sun to spoil the good qualities of Jupiter.

भा. कारकांशान्नवमे शुक्र भौमान्यतर षडवर्गे सति परस्त्रीसक्तः। षड्वर्गापेक्षया अधिकाभ्यां शुक्रभौमदृष्टियोगाभ्यां मरण पर्यंतं पारदारिको भवति। यद्वा आत्मकारके कुज शुक्र षड्वर्गे सति शुक्र कुज दृष्टि योगाभ्यां मरण पर्यंत पारदारिको भवति।

When the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna falls in the shadvargas of Venus and Mars will make the native an adulterer. In case the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna falls in the shadvargas of Venus and Mars and it is further occupied or aspected by Venus and Mars the native will remain an adulterer for whole of life. In case of Atmakarka is occupying or aspecting the shadvargas of Venus and Mars or it associated with Venus and mars the native will remain an adulterer for whole of life.

भा. कारकांशान्नवमे केतोः दृष्टि योगाभ्यां प्रतिबन्धः। आभरणं पारदारिकात्वस्य निवृत्ति भवति। When the above combination is present in the horoscope and it is under the aspect of Ketu the above said qualities of planets are negated. here the Sage has appreciated the intervention of Ketu to negate the negative qualities of the planets and reason for this, perhaps, is the inherent qualities of Ketu being a mokshakarka. भा. कारकांशन्नवमे गुरुणा स्त्रीलीलो भवति। When the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna is occupied by Jupiter only the native is fond of women.

This sutra is contradictory to the first sutra since in that the sage has appreciated the influence of benefic planets on the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna and Jupiter is most benefic planets of the all hence the word गुरुणा used in the sutra can be treated in a positive manner. भा. कारकांशान्वमे पूर्वोक्त कुजशुक्र संबंधे राहोः दृष्टि योगाभ्यां परस्त्रीसंगम निमित्तं द्रव्य नाशो भवति। अर्धायुषि पार दारिकात्वस्य निवृत्तिररिति केचित्। When the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by Venus, Mars and Rahu (all the three together) one squanders ones money for sexual gratification or sexual debauchery.

Some of the commentators on Jaimini astrology opine that one discontinues one’s debauchery after the middle age in case this combination is present. 10th house from Karakamsha lagna Now the sage deals with the 10th house from Karakamsha lagna but he has restricted himself to three sutras only. The reason perhaps is this that various houses from Karakamsha lagna depict the profession of the native and 10th house is karamsthana or karamkashetra which with the help of other houses, their lords and various planets depict the profession.

भा. रिःफे कारकांश दशमे बुध स्थित्या, बुध दृष्टया वा मन्दवत्। शनिवत् प्रसिद्ध कर्मा जीवश्शनौ इति सूत्रोपात फलं वाच्यम्। The word रिःफे (22/12=10) stands for 10th. When Mercury is placed or aspects the 10th house from Karakamsha lagna destine to give the results of Saturn as used in aphorism “Prasiddha karma jeevassnau”. The word मन्दवत and शनिवत used in sutra itself indicate like Saturn.

भा. कारकांशदशमे बुधेतरशुभग्रहदृष्टे सति स्थिरो भवति न चंचलः। स्थेयो विवाद पक्षस्य निर्णेतरि पुरोहिते इति मेदनीवचनेन विवादपक्षस्य निर्णेता पुरोहिते इति फलं वाच्यम् बुधेतर दृश्टम्ं कथमिति चेत् बुधदृष्टि फलास्योक्तत्वादेव।

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When the 10th house from Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by benefic planets other than Mercury, the native is firm minded or the native becomes either a priest or one who settles the disputes of other people. In this sutra the sage has omitted the intervention of Mercury on the 10th house from Karakamsha lagna and the reason of this omission can be due to the vacillating nature of Mercury.

भा. कारकांश दशमे रवौ सति ग्रहान्तरादृष्टे केवलं गुरु दृष्टे सति पशु रक्षको भवति। When the 10th house from Karakamsha lagna is occupied by the Sun and it is aspected by Jupiter only, the native becomes a herdsman. Note : The sage has omitted the mention of 11th house from Karakamsha lagna and it will be dealt at later stage along with Arudha lagna while assessing one’s wealth or one’s financial status. 12th house from Karakamsha lagna भा. उच्चे कारकांशात् द्वादशे शुभ ग्रहे सति शुभ लोक प्राप्तिः।

The word उच्चे (60/12=12) used in sutra means 12th house. When the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by benefic planets only one has the gains of happy and higher regions of universe. Here the word शुभलोक used in the sutra is indicative of this. If applied in day to day’s life perhaps the meanings of this sutra are that one will be happy and well respected.

भा. कारकांशात् द्वादशे केतो सति मुक्तिस्स्यात्। कैव्लयं भगवन्तं चमंत्रोऽयंसाधयिष्यति इति प्राचीनैः पठितत्वात्। श्रुतिस्मृत्यादिषुमुक्त्यावास्थामेद श्रवणात्। कैवल्यमित्यनेन स्वात्ममात्रानुभवसुखं विवक्षितम्।

When Ketu is posited in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna it gives moksha or the final emancipation of the soul. The word मुक्ति or कैव्लयं used in the sutra means the self enjoyment of soul. भा. क्रिया चाप योः मीन कर्काटकयोः कारकांशात् द्वादश स्थानगतयोः केतौ सति विशेषेण मुक्तिस्यात्। यद्वा कारकांशात् द्वादशे मेषे धनुषि वा केतौ सति विशेषेण कैव्लयं भगवत्प्राप्तिः। साक्षात् ब्रह्मानुभवानंदं प्रापोतीत्यर्थः। The word मीन stand for Pisces,कर्कटा for Cancer, मेषे for Aries and धनुषि for Sagittarius. When out these four sign any one falls in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna and it is occupied by Ketu, the native attains moksha and perfect bliss of God. sage appreciates the placement of Ketu in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna.

In case this Ketu is under the aspect of benefic planets especially Jupiter one is sure to attain moksha or the liberation of soul. भा. कारकांशात् द्वादशे पाप ग्रहैः नरकादि प्राप्तिः। If the 12th house from karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by malefic planets only and these in no way are influenced by benefic planets one is sure to go to the hell. This is the opinion of the sage. Note : Since 12th house is known as mokshasthana apart from other things and Ketu is considered first rate mokshakarka planet hence the sage requires the presence of Ketu in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna to attain emancipation .

Sage has strictly adhered to some specific signs, as mentioned above, falling in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna and the aspect of Jupiter enhances the good qualities as described. In sutra 75 to 82 the sage enunciate the Deity or God one will be devoted to by the presence of various planets in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna. Sutra75 रवि केतुभ्यां शिवेभक्तिः। Sutra76 चन्द्रेण गौयम्।ि Sutra77 शुक्रेण लक्ष्म्याम्। Sutra78 कुजेन स्कन्दः। Sutra79 बुध शनिभ्यां विष्णौ। Sutra80 गुरुणा सांबशिवे। Sutra81 राहुणा तामस्यांम्। Sutra82 केतुना गणेशे स्कन्दे च। Planet God/Deity Planet God/Deity Sun/Ketu -Shiva Moon -Gauri Venus -Laxmi Mars -Skanda Mer/Sat -Vishnu Jupiter Sambasiva Rahu -Durga Ketu -Ganesha In next two sutras sage puts some restriction on Venus and Saturn as per sign occupied by these two planets individually.

The Sage opines if there is sign ruled by Saturn in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna and it occupied by either Venus or Saturn the native shall worship a low based deity. The relevant sutras are as under: भा. शनौ पापराशो द्वादशे सति क्षुद्रदेवतासुमक्तिस्स्यात्। Saturn in a malefic sign, especially its own sign, in the 12th house from .Karakamsha lagna makes the native to worship low based deities. भा. कारकांशात् द्वादशे पापराशौ शुक्रे तथैव च। Venus in a sign ruled by Saturn in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna makes the native to worship low based deities. With this we end this part of Karakamsha lagna. Examples relating to these sutras, various types of raja yogas, profession from Karakamsha lagna and financial status of the native will be dealt in coming part. All these promises will be studied along with Arudha lagna simultaneously.

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