Astrology - A Science

Astrology - A Science  January 2005

Views : 6950
In this Astrology - A Science Issue of research journal of Astrology there are various informative articles like- Astrology as a Science, Jyotish in Ramayana and Mahabharata, Timing of Marriage, Astrology and Marriage, Mundane Astrology, Earthquakes and astrology, Importance of Uranus in Prediction, Profession, Sun's Role in Astrology, Saturn and Spirituality, Education, Profession and Dhan Yogas, Astrological Education and Research, Vastu and Junkyard, Trishakti Locket, The Importance of Practical Training in Astrological Science, Astrology and Longevity, Videsh Yatra Yoga, Leo Palm: A Versatile Astrological Program for Hand Held Devices
research journal is mainly astrological magazine in which you shall find research oriented articles on astrology.
