Retrograde Saturn (Misfortune for Modi and Kejriwal)

Retrograde Saturn (Misfortune for Modi and Kejriwal)  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 3736 | July 2015

Retrograde Saturn Retrograde Jupiter 2 March to 21 July 2014 7 Nov. 2013 to 6 March 2014 14 March to 2 Aug. 2015 9 Dec. 214 to 8 April 2015 8 Jan. 216 to 9 May 2016 Rashi Entry of Jupiter Rashi Entry of Saturn Gemini 3 May 2013 Scorpio 2 November 2014 Cancer 19 June 2014 Sagittarius 26 January 2017 Leo 14 July 2015 Scorpio 21 June 2017 Virgo 11 Aug. 2016 Sagittarius 26 October 2017 Libra 12 Sep. 2017 It has been observed that Sadhesati of Saturn proves highly beneficial for politicians but its auspiciousness decreases when Saturn transits exactly on or near the degree of natal Moon. If retrograde Saturn is behind Moon then it is auspicious but in opposite condition (i.e. retrograde Saturn is ahead of Moon) the results are inauspicious. If direct Saturn in transit aspects natal Moon the results are auspicious whereas the aspect of retrograde Saturn on natal Moon gives negative results.

For Kejriwal the transit of Saturn and Rahu gifted him the post of Chief Minister by making him victorious in the Delhi Assembly Elections of 2014. On 14th February 2014 he resigned from the post of Chief Minister. His grip on the politics of Delhi got weakened during the retrogression of Saturn from 2nd March 2014 to 21st July 2014 and eventually his image got affected badly however, after 2nd November 2014 when direct Saturn started aspecting the natal Moon after entering into Scorpio then he achieved great success in elections. From 14th March till 2nd August 2015 retrograde Saturn of transit shall be aspecting natal Moon and therefore this period would be full of difficulties and misfortunes for him. The retrogression of Jupiter proves to be highly beneficial for Kejriwal. 

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He came into power during the retrogression of Jupiter from 7th November 2014 till 6th March 2014. Retrograde Jupiter (i.e from 9th December 2014 till 8th April 2015) brought him into power once again. In his horoscope the aspect of debilitated Saturn & debilitated Mars on 6th house and the position of Rahu in 6th from 6th always help him win over his enemies. In addition to that the placement of majority of benefic planets in conjunction with 4th lord (public) in house of public brings unlimited public support. Because of this powerful planetary combination the impact of transit of Rahu, direct Saturn & retrograde Jupiter brought victory to him in the elections of 2014. Later he again became Chief Minister as a result of favourable transit of retrograde Jupiter and direct Saturn. 

The coming time when Jupiter won't be retrograde from 8th April 2015 and the Saturn shall turn retrograde from 14th March then it would prove to be a period of difficulties for him. The hallmark of his horoscope is the strength of 4th house (the house of public support) and as a result of that the transit of Jupiter on 4th house especially after Saturn gets direct from 2nd August would prove highly beneficial for him during which there shall be double transit impact on 4th house, 4th lord and Dasha lord too and therefore because of that he would be succeeding in winning enormous public support and might eventually emerge as a national leader. In his horoscope the aspect of debilitated Saturn & debilitated Mars on 6th house and the position of Rahu in 6th from 6th always help him win over his enemies. 

In addition to that the placement of majority of benefic planets in conjunction with 4th lord (public) in house of public brings unlimited public support. Because of this powerful planetary combination the impact of transit of Rahu, direct Saturn & retrograde Jupiter brought victory to him in the elections of 2014. Later he again became Chief Minister as a result of favourable transit of retrograde Jupiter and direct Saturn. Narendra Damodar Das Modi attained lot of popularity and power during the retrogression of Saturn from 2nd March till 21st July 2014 because at that time the Saturn of Sadhesati was behind natal Moon with backward motion. 

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

But after 2nd November 2014 the Saturn of transit touched the degree of his natal Moon and resulted into his downfall in political field thereby stopping his victory chariot. During this period this transit on natal Moon and Mars turned highly fatal. The degree of natal Mars is 0 and therefore in this situation this transit of Saturn vibrated natal Mars completely and affected natal Moon more negatively. At present the situation is all the same. From 14th March 2015 till 2nd August 2015 the retrogression of Saturn shall be creating problems to Mr. Modi continuously. Now it will be crossing the natal Moon once again and after that cross it again with direct motion in October means during Sadhesati it would be crossing the natal Moon 3 times in total because of which till 10 October 2015 his difficulties and problems shall be at climax and his image of a great national leader would get damaged. 

Here let us make it clear that retrograde Saturn in the year 2014 was auspicious for Prime Minister Modi because of its going away from natal Moon. Now in 2015 retrograde Saturn is problematic because of its tendency to touch the degree of natal Moon and to stay near Moon. After 10th October 2015 the distance between natal Moon and Saturn of Sadhesati would go on increasing thereby enabling him attain his lost glory again. During this period the double transit impact on the house of glory as an administrator (10th house) would also help. He would certainly put the country on the path of progress as not only Saturn's direct motion rather the retrogression of Jupiter from 8th January 2016 to 9th May 2016 is favourable for him

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