Bedroom/Office Door & Fortune

Bedroom/Office Door & Fortune  

Vinay Singal
Views : 3688 | July 2015

Although the prognostications are not engraved in stone, they do have relevant meanings. Read them only in their most positive and constructive sense. If you are cautioned or warned of difficulty, for example, remember that you are always given the opportunity to find ways of overcoming possible hardship. And remember what Confucious said “The way out is through the door. Strange how so few people use this method.” You will notice that in this system 5 Star is not listed among the stars in the table. Males born under 5 Star should use 2 Star, females born under 5 Star should use 8 Star. For example, a male born under 5 Star whose door faces South should read paragraph 34, a female born under 5 Star whose door looks S outh should read paragraph 39.

How to calculate your birth star Add your year of birth to a single digit ,deduct from 11 for men and add 4 in it for women. E.g. a man born in 1976 have birth star 11 – ( 1 + 9 + 7 + 6) =11 - 5 = 6 whereas for women it will be 4 + 5 = 9 Door and Birth star Combinations Birth Stars: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Door Faces: North 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N. East 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 East 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 S. East 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 South 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 S. West 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 West 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 N. West 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Fortunes

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1. Walking at the edge of an icy precipice at midnight without a light. You will be confronted by all that you fear. Be on guard against serious entanglements, which will surely lead to emotional upset and loss of money. Confusion can occur and cloud your mind. Heedlessness to good counsel will needlessly expose you to danger. Take care and avoid bad moves. Develop vigilance. Wait until the dawn, wait until you clearly see the way. Then act. By following your desire you will develop wisdom. If you are a writer, you will be fortunate here.

2. An incongruous gathering of people where conflicts arise. Interference hinders progress. Scheming and quarreling lead to separations and losses. Issues about giving and receiving emotional and material support need to be sorted out. Remain true to your highest ideals. Be on guard against treachery. New ventures will run into complications. If you are circumspect and avoid confinding in the wrong people, you will become successful. Be aware of what you want and what you are attracting.

3. A remote cabin in the woods. If you experience difficulties and setbacks, be patient, favourable changes will come about in due time. Your home favours leisure more than professional ambition. Financial prospects may not be the best, but you will have what you need to make ends meet. Be on guard against envy. Gossip will lead to trouble and disrepute. Contentment is your greatest wealth.

4. A traveller retreating from a hazardous pass in the mountains. You are blessed with divine protection. If you cultivate a humanitarian attitude and are willing to be of service to others, you will enjoy unobstructed growth, prosperity, and a good reputation. If, on the other hand, you are selfishly ambitious, you will come to a dangerous impasse. If you are running into more and more complications in your life, retreat and examine your motives.

5. Water being poured from a golden vessel. Good fortune will flow to you as if from heaven. Success will come no matter what you do. It will be especially auspicious if you provide a needed service. You will benefit by creating opportunities for others. Seek the cooperation of friends.

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6. A fresh stream of water flowing down from a lake into a valley. Your fortunes will flourish. It is wise to follow your desires conservatively. Be careful when making changes. It will be to your advantage to define and maintain your boundaries. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

7. A waterfall cascading from the face of a towering rocky mountain into a rich green forest. Difficulties eventually give way to good fortune. There is much hope for you here. Be patient. If you hold out against untoward circumstances, you will come to enjoy great and lasting prosperity. Seek out ways to bring the diverging elements in your life into harmony. If you let others help you, your aims for prosperity and success will be realized.

8. A field, rich with corn, under the afternoon sun. Timely efforts bring rich rewards. Early stages of new ventures will be difficult, but after the midpoint, fortunes will flourish. Proceed calmly and carefully. Rely on experts for help and advice. You will overcome the challenges you face by focused attention and hard work. When your efforts are at maximum intensity, you will break through and your creative ideas will bear fruit. Great happiness will come to you and those you love.

9. A spring concealed in a mountain. A lonely place. If you are peaceful and content with simplicity and quietly develop your talents, your life will come to flourish. Be adaptable and patient. Obstinacy and impatience will only lead to failure. You creative ideas and efforts will bear rich fruit in time. The goodness of your intentions will ensure lasting success.

10. Inherited wealth. Good fortune and abundance will come to you if you cultivate a cooperative attitude. Be mindful of the relatedness of all life. The spirit of ancestors comes through to you very strongly here. They offer you the blessings of long life, prosperity and many descendants.

11. A field lying fallow. You will experience difficult beginnings. Forcing your way will only lead to misfortune. If you call up your best powers of insight, however, you will find what you need to succeed. Don’t overlook the possibility that the difficulties you experience are actually caused by the way you view the world. If you discover your hidden talents and untapped resources, good fortune will follow. With the help of good people, you will become prosperous and even famous, and in the long run you will be able to share your good fortune with many others.

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12. A wanderer lost in steep mountains and dense fog. If, in the face of difficulties, you give in to desperate struggling, you will only get lost. Rash actions will be the cause of much regret. Be aware of your mistakes and avoid becoming intolerant. Be courageous and let go of harmful thoughts. You will attract powerful friends and powerful enemies. Good fortune will be attained if you cultivate the patience to wait out difficult periods and if you are very discriminating and conscientious in your actions.

13. Auspended animation. If you fall into the aimlessness this place suggests, there will be little or no progress in your career and your relationships will tend to stagnate. If on the other hand, you want to make progress, you will have to overcome inertia. Concentrate and persevere at your work. As activities increase, so will your responsibilities. Luck comes with discipline.

14. A mirror-like pond in wooden mountains. C u l t i v a t e balanced social relations and an easy manner and you will receive the help you need to become p r o s p e r o u s . Business and artistic activities will succeed if you enter them in partnership. If you are alone, you will find a companion. Marriage is favoured. If, on the other hand, you decided to go it alone, your friendships will tend to come undone, progress will be slow, and money will be scare. In the end, however, your fortunes will take a turn for the better.

15. A gold mine in a mountain. Being tranquil, like the mountain, you will be able to attain wealth, health, and happiness. Tranquility is the result of exercising inner stillness. Staying calm and centred, skillfully handling all that comes to you, will ensure steady growth and progress. Like the earth that produces gold, your strong and constant efforts will result in lasting abundance for you and your loved ones.

16. The descending order of the generations- the grandmother, the mother and the daughter, the grandfather, the father and the son. Step by step you will attain all of your objectives. Be at peace with your lot. Cultivate your talents land do whatever needs to be done. Live simply and avoid being ostentatious, you will rise surely and steadily. You will become prosperous, life will go more and more smoothly, and all that you truly desire will be realized.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

17. A sparkling river flowing in a luxuriant wood. Great good fortune and happiness await you in this place. If you are looking for a mate, you will be very lucky. If you are contemplating marriage; the outlook is excellent. If you follow the golden rule, you will come to occupy a central place and be an inspiration to others. Your creative efforts will meet with success and money will flow to you. The more selfless you become, the happier you will be.

18. The woods blossoming in the springtime. You will enjoy abundant growth and prosperity if you rely more on the help of those in higher positions than on your own efforts. Be careful not to boast, however, it betrays weakness and causes you trouble. Good fortune will come through new or renewed ventures and through ventures that start out small but have the potential of becoming large. You may receive a windfall.

19. Thunder and wind. Everything will flourish. Help will come to you from those in high places and from unexpected sources. Be clear about your goals and wait for the right time to act. Whatever you truly want, you will attain. Prosperity, good health, and happiness will be yours. By all means strive for improvements in life, but don’t force it. Be on guard against trouble that comes up suddenly. If it does, stay calm and detached, it will pass.

20. A sunset in the late autumn. Strive to bring long-range plans and projects to completion. Put your roots down and grow. The grass is not greener on the other side. If you are doubtful and inconsistent, you will risk financial misfortune and marital troubles. If you persevere in bringing things to their natural fulfillment, you will enjoy great good fortune. If you hope to marry, the outlook is highly favorable. Be willing, however to make necessary sacrifices.

21. A falling star. In times of trouble, don’t overuse power. Be on guard against unforeseen dangers. Don’t take anything at face value. Appearances may be deceiving. Working out plans and making decisions under such elusive conditions spells trouble. Why shoot at a target that simply isn’t there? Better wait and cultivate your powers of observation. Everything changes. If you are patient, you will eventually be able to make unobstructed progress and attain your goals.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

22. Wood being chopped and thrown into a fire. First you will experience difficulties, but then success will come. In difficult times, ambitious plans will be impossible to achieve and you may suffer discredit. You may experience difficulties in marriage as well. Be on guard against infidelity in love. Avoid mistrust and restlessness. You will get nowhere using the wrong methods. Wait for the right moment to take positive action, you will have a breakthrough. Opportunities for prosperity and happiness in love will then abound. Contd...

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