Our Goal - Regeneration of Astrology

Our Goal - Regeneration of Astrology  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 2778 | January 2004
The history of astrology dates back to the Vedic times. It was a much more developed science at that time and had a high level of credibility. Over the ages, it lost credentials slowly and slowly. The mantras we recite, the Goal we worship are all done because ancestors have been doing without having a firm belief about the results like that of a medicine. In the modern era computers & modern astronomy have come to its rescue. Now we know a lot about the cosmos around is & we can compute the planetary positions with the help of computers almost instantaneously. The only task left is to test the information available to us in piece meals and bind them together to give rules appropriate to modern life. This will rebuild the confidence in Astrology and remedies adopted for various planets. At AIFAS our main goal is nothing but Regeneration of Astrology To achieve this goal our first aim is to teach the available information astrology and then to carry research on it and test each & every rule in Astrology to understand the behaving of planets on human life. The researches when compiled together will definitely lead to new level of confidence in this science. To give the work done by such researches a value addition, we are now affiliated to Mewar University of Chattisgarh. Due to this affiliation the student will be able to get Graduation & Post Graducation degrees and researches will be able to get M.Phil & Ph.D. degrees. We are also proposing for B. Tech & M. Tech in Astrology to make it technical subject use astrology as a tool to detect nature’s unforeseen in advance for the benefit of mankind. We should not underestimate application of astrology became it is only this subject which can help us know the events much in advance, like heart attack, cancer or other health hazards in a human life and earthquakes famines, droughts in nature. With the umbrella of our Patrons Pt. Shukdev Chaturvediji, Pt. Jai Prakash Sharma Ji, Dr. S.D. Sharma & Sh. Rajiv Shulka of our Chief General Secretary Pt. S. R. Swamy and help of our all the office bearers, Chapter chairman faculty members and hard work of all the students, I hope your Federation will be able to lead this Vedic Science to a new dimension.
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