Astrology and Rains in 2005

Astrology and Rains in 2005  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 3510 | July 2005
To predict rains in astrology we consider the following points : 1. Samvatsar 2. King of Samvatsar 3. Meghesh - Minister of Rains of the Samvatsar 4. Entry of Sun in Ardra constellation 5. Megh (Cloud) of the year 6. Rohini Vas 7. Stambh 8. Naag 9. Trinadi Chakra 10. Saptanadi Chakra 11. Koorma Chakra 12. Nakshatra Sankhya Bodhak Chakra 13. Varsha Avarodhak Chakra 14. Planetary Transits 1. Samvatsar : Every year is assigned a name and a lord. For the year 2005-06 that is samvat 2062, the name of samvatsar is Vilamb whose lord is Sun. This gives lesser rains in Jyeshtha/Aashad and more rains in Shravana, i.e. rains are delayed. It also gives excessive rains in Bhadrapad, giving rise in prices in the months of Aashvin and Kartik. Note : Samvatsar is valid for the entire world. 2. King of Samvatsar : The day lord when the samvatsar starts becomes the King of samvatsar. The king of samvatsar 2062 is Saturn. This gives excessive rains at some places and scanty rains at other places. Note : Most of the world has one king of the samvatsar & hence the above results are same. 3. Meghesh : The day lord when Sun enters into Ardra is called Meghesh, the lord of rains. This year the lord is Mars who by nature gives uneven distribution of rains and a low average. Note :Meghesh is same for the most parts of the world. 4. Entry of Sun in Ardra : The most important event to determine the rains is Sun's entry time in Ardra constellation. This year Sun enters into Ardra on 22nd June in the morning at 03.19 a.m. in India. At this time the horoscope is as shown: The ascendant is rising in Taurus which is basically an Earthy sign containing 50% water. The day is Tuesday, Full Moon, Mool nakshatra, Shukla yog and Sagittarius sign. In nutshell, the horoscope is not much favourable for rains this year. It indicates delays and a little less than normal rains. Note :The ardra pravesh horoscope is different for different parts of the world but GMT time of Sun’s entry into Ardra and planetary configuration remain the same for the entire world. 5. Megh (Cloud) of the Year : There are 9 kinds of clouds - Aavart, Sanvart, Pushkar, Drona, Kaal, Neel, Varun, Vayu and Vega. For every samvatsar one megh is assigned. This year megh is Vayu indicating scanty rains. There will be winds taking away the clouds. Note :Megh is common for the entire world. 6. Rohini Vas : Nakshatra at the time of Sun's entry into Aries are sequentially placed with 2 at sea, 2 at the shore, 1 at mountains and 2 at junctions. The placement of Rohini nakshatra out of the 4 places determines the rains during the considered year. This year Rohini falls at the junction point indicating uneven distribution of rains. Note :Rohini Vas is common for the entire world. 7. Stambh : There are 4 stambhas. This year Jal stambh is 37%. Trin stambh is 21%. Vayu stambh is 92%, and Anna stambh is 97%. The % of Jal stambh (37%) is less which may give less rains. Note :The % of stambhas varies depending on the place of consideration. 8. Naag : There are 12 kinds of Naags. Sunughna, Nandsari, Karkotak, Prithushrav, Vasuki, Takshak, Kambal, Ashvatar, Hemmali, Narendra, Vajradranshtra, Vrish. This year ruling naag is Hemmali which gives enough rains throughout the year. Note :Naag is same for the entire world. 9. Trinadi Chakra : Trinadi chakra contains 3 nadis - called 1. Heaven (Swarg) 2. Earth (Prithvi) 3. Hell (Pataal) Planets move from one nadi to other nadi depending upon the nakshatra they are placed in. More planets in Swarg nadi give more rains. Malefic planets in Swarg nadi give heavy rains. Malefic planets in Pataal nadi give scanty rains. This year nadi chakra indicates enough rains for the world. Note :Trinadi chakra is same for the entire world. 10. Saptanadi Chakra : There are 7 nadis called Chanda, Vayu, Dahan, Saumya, Neera, Jala and Amrita. The planets are placed in one of the nadis according to the nakshatra they are residing. This year the saptanadi chakra indicates good rainfall. Note : Saptanadi chakra is same for entire world. 11. Koorma Chakra : In Koorma Chakra (Tortoise Chart) there are a 3x3 squares having face in the East and tail in the West. The area under consideration, like a country or a province is placed on this 3x3 square. The planetary position in the different nakshatra indicates the distribution of rains in that region. This year the placement of Rahu and Mars in North-East direction, Saturn in East and Ketu, Jupiter in South indicates heavy rains in Eastern and Southern regions of the country as well as the states. This way Western parts of the country are going to have less rains i.e. Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. Further the western parts of these states are going to receive lesser rains compared to their Eastern or Southern parts. Note :Directions specified by the Koorma Chakra remain the same for the world or country or a state. 12. Nakshatra Sankhya Bodhak Chakra The 27 nakshatras are divided into Sun and Moon nakshatras. Similarly they are divided into male, female and neutral nakshatras. Placement of planets in Sun and Moon nakshatras both give rains and similarly planets placed in Male and Female nakshatras give good rains. This year Saturn will be in Pushya which belongs to Moon and is a female nakshatra. Jupiter will be in Chitra which belongs to Sun and is female. Rahu is in Revati which belongs to Moon and is male. Ketu will also be in Chitra (Sun, Female), Mars will remain in a male nakshatra. Overall there is good mixing of Sun and Moon, male and female nakshatras that indicates good rains. Note :This is common for the entire world. 13. Varsha Avarodhak Chakra Sun remains in Rohini for 13 days. Rains during one of these 13 days deny further rains for a specified number of days. This year in India the rains were not there during these days and this indicates rains without any delay. Wherever the rains occurred on the above such dates, there may be a delay in rains. Note :The results are dependent upon the happening of rains at various places during Sun’s transit on Rohini 14. Planetary Transits The major transits which should be considered for rains are of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Mars. This year Saturn is in Cancer in Pushya nakshatra, Jupiter shall be in Hast and Chitra in Virgo/Libra signs, Rahu is in Revati in Pisces, Mars shall pass through Revati, Ashwani, Bharani, Krithika and remains in Aries for over 5 months. The above transits indicate medium rainfall. Note :Transits are valid for the entire world. Summary • All the above considerations give indications that there will be normal to below normal rainfall in most of the states of India, whereas there may be floods in some Eastern and Southern parts. Rains will not be equally distributed and total average in total country will be less than normal. • Most (12 out of 14) of the considerations are valid for the entire world. Hence the above predictions remain valid for the world. Since it is not possible that the rainfall is similar in all locations, it is difficult to predict the rains areawise exactly using astrological formulae.
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