Cancer : Effect of Vastu Defects

Cancer : Effect of Vastu Defects  

Vinay Singal
Views : 19367 | July 2011

Vastu deals with the influences of the directions and five elements and demonstrates how to balance the energies to bring benefits relating to wealth, health and spirituality. Vastu can have a detrimental effect on health when certain defects occurs in certain directions. Related article throws light on the manifestation of cancer disease in relationship to vastu defects... We have found it necessary to discuss separately the manifestation of cancer in relationship to the vaastu defects due to some specific reasons.

Although various diseases do manifest connected with the inefficient functioning of a particular organ system the cells in them are normal. For example, in diabetes the problem centres round the production and assimilation of pancreatic juices(insulin) or in cases of renal failure where the disease is limited to the kidneys. The same line of reasoning applies to other disorders like heart problems. Asthma, digestive problems, piles etc.

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In all these various types of diseases we find that the organ system is defective but the cell structure in them remains unaffected or in other words not cancerous. Every cell in the body has a dna and it is programmed such that it multiplies responding to some intelligence in the body at an appropriate time. As long as the message reaches the cell in time and the cell division goes on according to it, no cancer occurs. Some where along the line, this communication goes hay wire.

The cell then begins to multiply at its own pleasure and the multiplication is uncontrolled resulting in cancer. We have seen a predominant feature in the residential area of cancer patients. There is always a defective north-east and a strained or a defective second sector. As was explained earlier, for a body to remain healthy, it is necessary that the positive forces dominate the structure suppressing the negative forces to create the necessary bio-energy field. You should remember that the north-east of the plot has a very important effect on the mind of inmates.

In a house with a defect in north-east, the plot organism’s mind itself is affected and the line of current is completely disturbed. Considering that mind and the matter are only different expressions to signify the same thing, what surprise is there that a mindless energy field alters the cell’s mind equally and makes it go mad so that it multiplies out of control. Several billion dollars are spend in the last few decades to get a clear understanding of this disease which is supposed to be the second largest killer. Food habits, tobacco, coffee, environmental factors, stress and a host of factors have all been blamed for the occurrence of the disease. But none is conclusive.

They are only statistical information and plainly has led nowhere. Similarly none of the systems of medicine including the modern allopathic system has a ‘cure’ for this disease. We have only ‘detection centres and relief centres’. Doctors do not use the term ‘cure’ after giving a line of treatment but hope for a ‘ period of remission.’ All the lines of treatment such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy adds to the misery of the patient to no end. No single cause for cancer will ever be found in the laboratories or under the microscopes.

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The cause is in the structure one lives in and the distorted field due to a defective north-east sector results in its manifestation. Which organ develops cancer depends on the other sector which is involved along with north-east. Thus there must be severe defects in atleast two sectors including north-east for the disease to arise or in other words for the cell to lose it’s mental balance. Instead of waiting for the development of the disease it is Prudent for the house owners to resort to correction in these cases.

It is with this, intention the following cases are mentioned:- North east rounded, north west closed Development of cancer in chest region-may affect lungs, breast easophagus etc. north east projection of the house with depression in west Development of cancer in head and neck region. North east, east, north west up and south west, south, west down- Brain cancer. Defective north east & defective south east. Cancer of breast. Defective north east and defective south or south west Cancer of uterus Defective north east & defective west of south west Cancer of kidneys. Defective north east and all round defect in other sectors.

Blood cancer Defective northeast and defective west Cancer of the abdominal organs- stomach cancer In case the above defects exist we strongly suggest you seek the help of vaastu consultant for checking the severity. Please note severity is a very important factor and unless the defect is extremely severe the disease does not manifest. Please bear this point in mind while effecting corrections. r

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