Yantra as a Talisman & Tool for Worship

Yantra as a Talisman & Tool for Worship  

Yashkaran Sharma
Views : 3119 | September 2016

Significance of Yantra

As Mantras are recited to attain realization of God similarly visualisation or imagination of Yantra while worshipping it with its Mantra or Avaran Puja is also helpful to attain union with God. Yantras in most advanced phases are used to achieve total silence in mind where mental chatter stops completely. This is achieved by tactics of concentration. Devotee shall have to meditate on one single object like Yantra. This Yantra shall be used untill the time mind does not achieve the required silence. After achieving this silence the devotee shall be practicing to keep the mind empty without the help of Yantra. The continuous practice of Yantra Puja shall make the user ore progressive on the path of realization of God.

What is Yantra ?

Literally ‘Yantra’ means an instrument. Sanskrit word ‘Yantra’ means ‘apparatus’. It is like microcosmic picture of macrocosm. The Yantra is a geometric design which provides a focusing point for concentration and meditation. The Yantras are considered highly efficient because they help tghe users do better in contemplation, concentration and meditation and the possibilities of making mistakes or going astray while meditating also decrease with the smart use of Yantras.

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Glory of Yantra

Different Yantras are for different Gods therefore, by tuning oneself in a specific Yantra one can tap a specific creative energy center or God in universe. Yantras can be defined as visual Mantras. They have been used since the Vedic age to remove the malefic effects of certain evil forces and to strengthen the positive powers. Yantras create vibrations and other mystic effects of a Mantra jusrt by sight. These Yantras representing Gods are based on specific geometrical designs and mathematical equations. Yantra a “Talisman” is a window into the absolute. In sacred books lots of songs have been sung about the glory of mystic power of Yantras. As oil is essential to oil lamps similarly the worship of Yantras are an integral part of worshipping a specific God.

Use of Yantra

By having a Yantra, worshipping it every day one can fulfill one’s aspirations and attain desired goals. Keep it at a sacred place in your house and worship it regularly. Yantra is beneficial for you in every field of your life, to attain success in your profession, to acquire wealth, peace, good luck, getting rid of tensions, to win in court cases, to ward off diseases, to progress in meditation.

Significance of Energisining a Yantra

For energizing Yantra the assistance of learned and expert person is taken. The process of energizing Yantra (Pranapratishtha) is done by reciting the Mantras of the presiding deity of Yantra and after that Homas should be preformed by decorating the place of sacred fire and Ahutis should be given. Use of energized Yantras is popular because they are highly beneficial for us in thousand ways. If the user of Yantras is having enough faith, trust and respect for Yantras, he shall get benefited from the countless benefits of Yantras in several ways like to get rid of poverty, enemies, anger, bad time, bad effects of planets, diseases and many more.

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Muhurat for Energising

Yantras energized during the nights of Mahashivaratri, Holi and Diwali are most effective and powerful. The purpose of a Yantra is to focus spiritual and mental energies, to improve health, wealth, family life or the invoking of any God or Goddess.These Yantras are generally prepared by learned persons in auspicious Muhurats on metals such as Gold, Silver, Copper, Bhojapatras and sometimes on paper also.

How to Energise Yantra

First of all the should be soaked in milk for one hour. Then should be dipped in Panchamrita (mixture of milk, curd, honey, sugar & butter) for a minute and washed 2- 3 times with clean water. Now bath it in the smoke of incense and camphor. Place white/red/yellow cloth in the place where it is to be installed. Color of cloth should be decided according to the nature of Yantra. Offer flowers again according to the nature of presiding deity of Yantra. Also burn camphor and apply Chandana(sandal) on the Yantra. After this the next step is to do Bhootlipi Upasna.

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