

S.R. Swamy
Views : 4909 | January 2013
Rudraksha is a Sanskrit word. If we split this word into two we get these two words Rudra and Aksha. Rudra means Lord Shiva and Aksha means Aansu(tears) of Lord Shiva. According to Hindu Mythology tears of Shiva fell on earth in the form of Rudraksha tree. The Rudraksha tree belongs to Elaecarpaceae family and is as huge as the Banyan tree which has seed covered with pulp and outer skin. After drying the skin turns black and grooves appear on the surface running from apex to the bottom, there by demarcating clear areas called ‘Mukha or faces’. The Rudraksha are classified on the basis of number of faces, which can range from one to twenty one. 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is the form of Kalagni Rudra and its deity is kalagni. Whosoever wears this 5 Mukhi Rudraksha, he comes out of misfortune and enjoys peace, happiness and prosperity. This Rudraksha transforms curse into boon and makes one healthy. Panch here represents the five elements as well as lord Brahma Himself. As such this Rudraksha makes one free from any sort of problem, misfortune, financial sufferings and bestows upon him all round success, development and prosperity. Spiritual persons get enlightened and attains siddhis very soon after wearing this 5 Mukhi Rudraksha. Astrologically, this Rudraksha represents Jupiter and helps in getting rid of diseases arising out of the malefic effects of Jupiter. Anyone who has committed the sin of rape or illicit physical relationships can also wipeout his negative papa karma by wearing this Rudraksha. It is said that this Rudraksha has the capacity and potential to negate even thousands of evil deeds. This 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is specifically beneficial for the saints and yogis involved in continuous meditation for siddhis. This 5 Mukhi Rudraksha enables them to get the siddhis quite early. Preferably this rudraksha should be worn on Monday after dipping it into cow milk and in Ganga jal thereafter with the recitation of the following mantra at least 108 times. Mantra - Om Hreeng Namah ! Om Namah Shivay ! 6 Mukhi Rudraksha is the form of lord Shadanan and its principal deity is lord Kartikeya. 6 Mukhi Rudraksha enables a person to activate his dormant power and utilise it in right direction. It also provides intellect and is good for education. Besides that it also helps in strengthening will power and attaining the ultimate. This Rudraksha provides optimum benefits to the person who wears it and it is said that this Rudraksha is capable of removing the doshas of six great evils- Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Mud and Matsar. In Astrology, this Rudraksha represents planet Venus. This Rudraksha can also be worn for mutual love and affection between husband and wife. It also improves the sexual urge amongst them and eliminate the diseases caused by the planet Venus like erectile dysfunction, urinary problem etc. 6 Mukhi Rudraksha is also beneficial in keeeping the enemy away and get victory over them. Some scholars call this Rudraksha as ‘Shatrunjay Rudraksha’ meaning the victory giver over the enemies. This Rudraksha is specifically beneficial to the natives born in Taurus lagna. Preferably this rudraksha should be worn on Monday and Friday after dipping it into cow milk and in Ganga jal thereafter with the recitation of the following mantra at least 108 times. Mantra - Om Hreeng Hrung Namah ! Om Shadananay Namah ! The deity of 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is Sapta Rishi and it brings financial prosperity, happiness, fame and high status. It is said that 7 Mukhi Rudraksha has the capability of eradicating the evil effects of heinous crimes of the highest degree like Gowadh and Brahmhatya. In ancient times 7 Mukhi Rudraksha used to be very favourite to the rishis as it protects from the evils and gives inclination towards charitable endowments. This Rudraksha is specifically beneficial to the natives born in Taurus, Virgo and Aquarius lagnas. As per the notions of Astrology, 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Saturn. Whosoever wears 7 Mukhi Rudraksha can ably get rid of the doshas rendered by planet Saturn and provides the spiritual pleasures. This Rudraksha is also helpful in strengthening the bonds of union, love and affection between husband and wife. Preferably this rudraksha should be worn on Monday,Wednesday,Friday and Saturday after dipping it into cow milk and in Ganga jal thereafter with the recitation of the following mantra at least 108 times. Mantra - Om Hrung Namah ! Anantaya Om Namah ! 8 Mukhi Rudraksha resembles with lord Vinayak. Lord Vinayak is called vighnaharta, so the wearer of this 8 Mukhi Rudraksha gets immunity from all sorts of impending dangers, legal problems and attains worldly happiness and prosperity. This 8 Mukhi Rudraksha is specifically beneficial for the natives born in Pisces lagna. This 8 Mukhi Rudraksha can be proved of immense utility and benefit to attain divinity in short time, to cure uncurable diseases and pacify and correct the evil effects of Rahu. This 8 Mukhi Rudraksha helps in attaining Ganesh Siddhis in short time if the mantras are recited with this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha also eliminates the sinful effects of the sexual intercourse with an evil woman. Preferably this rudraksha should be worn on Monday after dipping it into cow milk and in Ganga jal thereafter with the recitation of the following mantra at least 108 times. Mantra - Om Hrung Namah ! Om Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah ! (To be contd..)
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