Nadi Dosha and Married Life

Nadi Dosha and Married Life  

S.P. Gaur
Views : 218959 | April 2011

For assessing married life of bride and bridgegroom, there is an elaborate system in Astrology called Nakshatra Melapak. In north India, under this system eight factors or kootas are taken into considration viz. (i) Varna (ii) Vashya (iii) Tara (iv) Yoni (v) Graha Maitri (vi) Gana (vii) Bhakoot and (viii) Nadi

Each of these factors carry compatability points commencing from one for Varna, two for Vashya etc. increasing in that order with Nadikoot carrying maximum 8 points out of a total of 36 points or Gunas. From this it is evident that maximum importance is attached to Nadi with 8 points, Bhakoot with 7 and Gana with 6 points. Thus the last three kootas account for 21 out of maximum 36 points, i.e. more than 58%. That is why these 3 Doshas are termed as Mahadoshas in Guna Milan system.

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What is Nadi dosha?

The 27 Nakshatras are divided into 3 Nadis viz. Aadi, Madhya and Antya as follows :

Nadi Chakra

Nadi Nakshatra Number
Aadi 1 6 7 12 13 18 19 24 25
Madhya 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26
Antya 3 4 9 10 15 16 21 22 27

It is obvious from the above table that a sine wave pattern has been followed in dividing the 27 Nakshatras into 3 categories.

If the bride and bridegroom’s Nakshatras belong to the same Nadi (i.e. Aadi-Aadi or Madhya - Madhya or Antya - Antya) then Nadi Dosha arises and no points are alloted under Nadikoota which means 8 points are lost.

In case their birth Nakshatras belong to different Nadis, then under Nadikoota full 8 points are scored by the couple.

Ill Effects of Nadi Dosha

एक नाड़ी विवाहश्च गुणैः सर्वे समन्वितः।
वर्जनीय प्रयत्नेन दाम्पत्योः निधनं यतः।।-नारद

That means according to sage Narada, even if all other kootas are compatible, Nadi Dosha till needs to be avoided because this dosha is highly inauspicious and deadly for the couple.

अधैक नाड़ी कुरूते वियोगं, मध्याख्य नाड्यामृतयोर्विनाशं।
अन्ते च वैधव्यमतीव्र दुःखं, तस्माच्च तिस्रः परिवर्जनीयाः।।-वराह मिहिर

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

According to Varahminir if both have Aadi Nadi, it would result in separation or divorce, if they have Madhya Nadi then both would be destined to death and if they have Antya Nadi, it would result into extremely miserable married life with widowhood.

अग्रनाड़ी व्यधेभर्ता मध्य नाड़ी व्यधेद्वयम्।
पृष्ठनाडी व्यधेत्कन्या म्रियतेनात्र संशय।।-ज्योतिष सार

That means Aadi Nadi is deadly for the husband, Madhya is deadly for both while Antya Nadi would result into death of wife.

Sage visishtha is said to differ from the above views. he professed death of husband in case of Madhya Nadi and death of wife in case of Aadi and Antya Nadi.

नाड़ी दोषस्तु विप्राणां, वर्ण दोषस्तु क्षत्रिये।
गण दोषश्य वैश्येषु, योनि दोषस्तु पादजान्।।

Source of the above shloka is not known but this shloka is often quoted. It means Nadi Dosha matters most for Brahmins, Varna Dosha for Kshatriyas, Gana Dosha for Vaishyas and Yoni Dosha for Shudras. In this context, it is also pertinent to note that 12 Rashis are divided in 4 Varnas. Karka, Vrishchika and Meena Rashis are Brahmin Rashis. Perhaps this shloka is meant for Brahmin Rashis rather than Brahmin caste. According to some scholars, Nadi Dosha affects the health of progeny.

It is widely accepted fact, among majority of Hindus, that same Gotra marriage shouldn’t take place. The idea is that even if the race or caste is the same, genetically the distance between husband and wife should be as wide as possible. To ensure this, the more conservative Brahmins believe in different "Shashan" of the two families ("shashan" represents to the place where the ancestors of Gotra used to live or originated from). In modern science also, it is believed that health of cross breed children is always better. Perhaps the Nadi matching is the astrological endorsement of cross breeding for good health of the next generation. In nutshell, we can infer that Nadi Dosha is the most serious Dosha among the 8 kootas of matching. The couple would be deprived of marital happiness either due to separation or loss of partner or due to severe health problem to them or their children.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

Exceptions to Nadi Dosha or Cancellation are there.

According to Muhurta Martanda

विभैक चरणे भिन्नर्दां राश्यैककं भिन्नाङध्रयेक भमेतयोर्गण खगौ नाड़ी नृदूरंचन- मुहूर्त मार्तण्ड 4/6

This means, if

-the bride and bridegroom have same Nakshatra but different charans

- same Nakshatra but different Rashis

- same Rashis but different Nakshatras

then this would destroy the ill effects of gana, graha maitri, Nadi and Nridoor Doshas.

In accordance with the above mentioned rules, Keshwark has given example of Krittika and Rohini Nakshatras. Both these nakshatras belong to Antya Nadi and lie in Vrisha Rashi. The same rule can be extended to Swati and Vishakha, Uttarashada and Shravan which lie in Tula and Makar Rashis respectively and are free from Nadi Dosha.

Ardra and Punarvasu (Mithun), Uttar Phalguni and Hasta (Kanya) and Shatbisha - Poorva Bhadrapada (Kumbha Rashi) belong to Aadi nadi but exempted from Nadi Dosha.

We have got nine Nakshatras viz. Krittika, Mrigshira, punarvasu, Uttarphalguni, Chitra, Vishaka, Uttarshada, Dhanishtha and poorva Bhadrapad which fall in two Rashis and thus are exempted from Nadi Dosha.

राश्यैक्ये चेद् भिन्नमृक्षं द्वयोः स्यान्नक्षत्रैक्ये राशियुग्मं तथैव।
नाड़ी दोषों नो गणानां च दोषो नक्षत्रैक्ये पादभेदे शुभंस्यात्।।-मुहूर्त संग्रह दर्पण

The above shloka also endoreses the same conditions that is - if both have same Rashi but different Nakshatras, or same Nakshatra but different RAshis, or same nakshatra but different charans then Nadi Dosha gets nullified.

एक नक्षत्र जातानां नाड़ी दोषो न विद्यते। अन्यक्र्षनाड़ी वेधेषु विवाहो वर्जितः सदा।।- ज्योतिष तत्व प्रकाश

Though same Nakshatra or same Rashi of the bride and bridgroom amounts to cancellation of Nadi Dosha but if the nakshatra charans are same or there is "padavedha" then marriage cannot take place.

आद्यांशेन चतुर्थांश चतुर्थांशेन यादिमम्।
द्वितीयेन तृतीयं तु तृतीयेन द्वितीयकम्।।
ययो भांशव्यधश्चैवं जायते वर कन्ययौ। तयो मृत्युर्न सन्देहः शेषांशाः स्वल्प दोषदाः।।-नरपतिजयचर्या

Accordingly ’Pada Vedha’ extends to Charan 1&4, 2&3, 4&1 and 3&2 while the ill effect is negligible in case of charan 1&3, and 2&4.

रोहिण्याद्र्रा मृगेन्द्राग्नी पुष्यश्रवणपौष्णमम्।
अहिर्बुध्न्यक्र्षमेतेषां नाड़ी दोषो न विद्यते।।-ज्योतिष चिन्तामणि

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

Accordingly if bride and bridgegrooms Nakshatra belongs to Rohini, Mrigshira, Ardra, Jyeshtha, Krittika, Pushya, Shravan, Revati or utar Bhadrapada, then Nadi Dosha is not applicable.

Keshwark has stated in Vivah Vrindavan

पराशरः ग्राहनवांरा भेदादेकक्र्ष राश्योरपि सोमनस्यम।- विवाह वृन्दावन ¾

If the Navamsha falls in different Rashis, in case of same Nakshatra of bride and bridegroom, Nadi Dosha is cancelled.

एक राशि पृथक्धिष्ण्येऽप्युत्तमं पाणिपीडनम्। एकधिष्ण्ये पृथग्राशौ, सर्वेक्तोऽपि मृत्युदम्।।-वसिष्ठ संहिता 32/194

According to sage Vashishtha, same Rashi but different Nakshatras and same Nakshatra but different Rashis are auspiicous but same Rashi, same Nakshatra and same charan will be inauspicious like death.

न वर्ग वर्णों न गणो न योनिः द्र्विद्वादशे चैव षडष्टकेवा।
तारा विरोधे नव पंचमे ना मैत्री यदास्याच्छुमदो विवाहः।।-बृहज्जयोतिषसार

न वर्ण वर्गो न गणो न योनिद्र्विद्वादशे चैव षडष्टके वा।
वरेऽपि दूरे नवपंचमे वा मैत्री यदि स्याच्छुभदो विवाहः।।-ज्योतिर्निबन्ध

नाड़ी विविेद्ये यदि स्याद्विवाहः करोति वैधव्य युतां च कन्याम्।
स एव माहेन्द्र -दिनादि युक्तो राशीश-योनि सहितो न दोषः।।-वसिष्ठ संहिता

एकाधिपत्ये त्वथ मित्रभावे स्त्री पुंसराश्योर्न रज्जुदोषे।
षड्काष्टकादिष्वपि शर्मद स्यादुद्वाह कर्माचरतोस्तयोश्च।।-वसिष्ठ संहिता

राशीशयोः सुहृदभावे मित्रत्वेवांशनाथयोः।
गणादिदौष्ट्येऽप्युद्वाह पुत्र-पौत्र विवर्धनः।।-अत्रि

The above quoted shlokas lay high emphasis on natural friendship of Rashi lords, same Rashi Lords, friendship of Navmansha lords and same Navamsha lords for nullifying the adverse effects of various koot Doshas including Nadi Dosha. Now this is an important addition to the Nadi Dosha cancellation conditions stated earlier viz.

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1. When the Rashi of bride and bridegroom is same but nakshatras are different.

2. When both have same Nakshatra but Rashis are different.

3. When Nakshatra is same but charans are different.

Table showing Same Rashi Lord - Different Nakshatras

Rashi Nak & charan Nadi Nak & Charan Nadi Nak & Charan Nadi
Ari Bharni
Madh Ashwini
Adya Krittika Antya
Sco Anura.
Madh Jyesht Adya Visha Antya
Tau Mrigsh.
Madh Rohini
Antya Krittika Antya
Lib Chitra
Madh Swati
Antya Visha
Gem Mrig.
Madh Ardra
Adya Punar
Vir Chitra
Madh Hasta
Adya U.Phal Adya
Sag. U. Sha
Antya Moola
Adya P.Shad Madh
Pis Revati
Antya P.Bhad
Adya U.Bha

Table showing Same Nakshatras - Different Rashis

Rashi Nak Nadi Rashi Nak. Nadi Rashi Nak Nadi
Ari Kri
Ant Tau Mrig.
Madh Gem Pun
Tau Kri
Ant Mith Mrig
Madh Kar Pun
Leo U.Ph
Adya Vir Chi
Madh Lib Vish
Vir U.Ph
Adya Lib Chi
Madh Sco Vish
Sag U.Sh
Ant Cap Dhan
Madh Aqu P.Bh
Cap U.Sh
Ant Aqu Sag.
Madh Meen P.Bh

Research Study of 200 Married Couples

In view of high importance attached to Nadi Dosha in match making, the author obtained feed back from 200 married couples about the quality of their married life and problems faced by them. Couples having Nadi Dosha were segregated. 61 couples had Nadi Dosha. They were further divided into Aadi, Madhya and Antya Nadis.

To assess the quality of married life 5 categories were devised viz.

1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Average 4. Below Average 5. Bad

The last two categories reflected serious problems in their married life. The idea was to find out the extent of failure of marriages due to presence of Nadi Dosha.

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The participants were also asked to report the number of children and their year of birth. The objective was to know whether Nadi Dosha prevented birth of children or their health. The participants were further asked to report any other serious development about their marital life like separation, divorce, serious ailments or accidents, death in the family etc.

Cancellation of Nadi Dosha was also studied.

Results of the Research Study

(a) Categorisation into different Nadis

Out of 200 couples 61 couples had Nadi Dosha

Aadi or Adya Nadi 17 27.87%
Madhya Nadi 23 37.70%
Antya Nadi 21 34.43%
Total 61 100%

(b) Quality of Married Life

Quality Aadi Madhya Antya Total
  No. % No. % No. % No. %
Exce. 6 35.29 8 34.78 6 28.57 20 32.79
Good 3 17.66 9 39.13 9 42.86 21 34.42
Average 6 35.29 4 17.39 3 14.29 13 21.31
Below Avg - 0.00 2 8.70 2 9.52 4 6.56
Bad 2 11.76 - 0.00 1 4.76 3 4.92
Total 17 100 23 100 21 100 61 100

• It can be seen that despite Nadi Dosha, majority of the couples enjoyed marital happiness as reflected from the figures reported under Excellent and Good categories.

  Excel. + Good Excel. + Good+Avg
Aadi Nadi 52.95% 88.24%
Madhya 73.91% 91.30%
Antya 71.43% 85.72%
Total 67.21% 88.52%

If Average quality is also included then successful marriages touch almost 90%.

• Out of 61 cases 4 reported Below Average (6.56%) and 3 reported Bad(4.92%) quality of married life, both totalling just 11.48% only.

• It can be safely concluded that Nadi Dosha factor alone does not spoil married life.

(c) Birth of Children and Serious ailments to them

All the 61 couples, having Nadi Dosha, are blessed with children, male and female, except one, married on 27.1.2007, who did not have a child till the end of August, 2010, when the survey work was concluded.

Therefore Nadi Dosha does not prevent birth of children.

क्या आपकी कुंडली में हैं प्रेम के योग ? यदि आप जानना चाहते हैं देश के जाने-माने ज्योतिषाचार्यों से, तो तुरंत लिंक पर क्लिक करें।

Some scholars would say that though the children are born, happiness from children would not be there. There was a column in the survey format to give information about serious disease to the life partners or their children. Only in two cases, some vague information was received. One child born in 1996 suffers from cold allergy but his parents also suffer from the same (Aadi Nadi). In another case of Madhya Nadi, children born in 1996 and 2001 had some disease in 2008 but details not reported. These are stray cases and not worthy of any serious attention. In other words 59 couples, out of 61 Nadi Dosha cases, did not have any problem with regard to health of their children.

The age of the children in Nadi Dosha cases varied from a few years to well over thirty. Apparently people were satisfied with their progeny because no specific mention was made about any serious problem with their children. Therefore we are inclined to conclude that Nadi Dosha alone neither prevents birth of children nor results in bad health of children. As far as "Santan Sukh" is concerned, this is a highly subjective issue which is very difficult to assertain even in cases having no Nadi Dosha.

(d) Separation, Serious Health Problem or Death of Partner

Only in one case of Adi Nadi separation is reported. Marriage took place in February, 2004, male child born in June, 2005 but husband left wife and lived with another woman. In another case of Antya Nadi (Nadi Dosha cancelled), divorse occured. Dealth of husband occured in one case due to electric shock within two years of marriage (Antya Nadi).

In two cases of Madhya Nadi and two cases of Antya Nadi, surgical operations or non-fatal road accidents occured. The summary is here below:

Nadi   No. of cases Percent
Aadi 17 1 5.88%
Madhya 23 2 8.70%
Antya 21 4 19.05%
Total 61 7 11.47%

Only under Antya Nadi percentage of cases involving health problems is noticeable otherwise overall percentage is less than 12%.

(e) Cancellation of Nadi Dosha

The table below shows the quality of married life separately under 3 Nadis alongwith the figures where Nadi Dosha was found cancelled.

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Nadi Dosha was found cancelled in 37.70% cases. However no trend has emerged to confirm that cancellation of Nadi Dosha had definite impact in improving quality of married life.

Conclusion : The popular fears about Nadi Mahadosha have not been found to be true in real life situation. The percentage of cases of divorce, separation, serious health problems, death or accidents is very low in case of married partners or their children. The quality of married life, on the contrary, has been found to highly satisfactory. Then why this factor should be accorded high importance while matching the horoscopes for aliance?

Instead of relying on Guna Milan system and Nadi Dosha factor, will it not be better to rely upon age old cardinal principles to analyse the 7th house and other important houses of the horoscopes in the present context? For compatability, we should judge the friendship of Lagna lords, Rashi lords and Navmansha lords, judge strength of 7th house on Sudarshan Chakra basis as well as D-9 chart. We should give importance to the running Maha and Antardashas and the following Dashas of both the partners. These are the primary factors in my view. Manglik Dosha or Nadi Dosha factors are only secondary factors, not worthy of serious attention which is being generally accorded to them by general public as well as by majority of practicing astrologers.

Quality of Aadi Nadi Madhya Nadi Antya Nadi G.Total Married Life Total Cancelled Total Cancelled Total Cancelled Total Cancelled Excellent 6 4 8 2 6 3 20 9 Good 3 1 9 2 9 2 21 5 Average 6 3 4 1 3 1 13 5 Below Avg. - - 2 1 2 1 4 2 Bad 2 2 - - 1 - 3 2 G.Total 17 10 23 6 21 7 61 23 58.82 26.09 33.33 37.70

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