Marriage Failure & Aspects of Planets

Marriage Failure & Aspects of Planets  

S.P. Gaur
Views : 5472 | April 2016

We have taken into consideration 441 cases, segregated lagnawise. Aspects of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Sun and Jupiter have been found on 7th house. Since the aspect of Jupiter, a natural benefic, has also figured prominently for certain lagnas, we could not ignore it. However role of other three benefics viz. Mercury, Venus and Moon was found to be negligible, hence these are not included. Sometimes 7th house has aspects from more than one planet, therefore the sum total of aspects would obviously exceed the total number of 441 cases, whose marriages were spoiled and actually broken. 

1. Aries Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat 1 1 2 8% Rah 8 6 1 15 58% Ket 1 1 2 8% Mar 1 1 3 11% Sun 1 1 4% Jup 1 2 3 11% Total 26 100% As we can notice from the above table, Rahu's 5th & 7th aspects on 7th house account for 58% role in damaging the marital house. Aspects of all other planets are not significant. 

2. Taurus Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat 11 1 12 32% Rah 5 8 6 19 50% Ket - - - - - Mar 2 2 5% Sun 1 1 2% Jup 1 3 4 11% Total 38 100% In Taurus Lagna also, maximum damage is caused by aspects of Rahu (accounting for 50%) followed by Saturn (32%) while Saturn also happens to be yogkarak for this Lagna. 

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3. Gemini Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat 15 15 29% Rah 3 7 10 20 38% Ket 2 2 4% Mar 2 3 3 8 15% Sun 3 3 6% Jup 3 1 4 8% Total 52 100% The results in Gemini Lagna are similar to those of Taurus. Aspects of Rahu account for 38% and those of Saturn 29% in damaging the 7th house. 

4. Cancer Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat 9 9 16% Rah 1 8 9 18 32% Ket 6 2 8 13% Mar 6 1 3 10 18% Sun 2 2 3% Jup 6 4 10 18% Total 57 100% In Cancer Lagna, the share of Rahu's aspects is maximum at 32% but it is interesting to note that in the second place are Mars, Yogkarak and Jupiter, a benefic, accounting for 18% share each. 

5. Leo Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat 5 3 8 16% Rah 3 9 12 24% Ket 7 2 1 10 20% Mar 1 3 3 7 14% Sun 4 4 8% Jup 4 3 2 9 18% Total 50 100% In Leo Lagna also, role of Rahu's aspets is maximum at 24%, followed by Ketu at 20%. Jupiter at 18% is not far behind, being a benefic and natural friend of Lagnesh. 

6. Virgo Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat 1 8 9 17% Rah - - 1 1 2% Ket 6 4 2 12 23% Mar 4 7 3 14 26% Sun 3 3 6% Jup 9 2 3 14 26% Total 53 100% In Virgo Lagna however lead is taken by Mars an Akarak planet at 26% and a Marak and Badhak planet. Jupiter also at 26%. But please note that Jupiter also happens to be 7th lord in this lagna. Ketu is not far behind at 23%. 

7. Libra Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat - 12 1 13 23% Rah - - 1 1 1% Ket 5 9 6 20 36% Mar 2 3 5 10 18% Sun 2 2 4% Jup 5 2 3 10 18% Total 56 100% In Libra Lagna, Rahu's role is virtually absent, its place is taken by Ketu's aspects at 36%, followed by Saturn at 23% though Saturn is Yogkarak here. 

8. Scorpio Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat - - - Rah - - - - - Ket 4 8 5 17 33% Mar 4 3 4 11 22% Sun 4 4 8% Jup 8 7 4 19 37% Total 51 100% In Scorpio Lagna interestingly, aspects of Jupiter (a benefic and friend of Lagnesh) have damaged 7th house maximum at 37% followed by Ketu at 33%. Again role of Lagnesh Mars at 22% cannot be ignored altogether. Rahu & Saturn surprisingly do not play negative role here. 

9. Sagittarius Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat - 6 7 13 18% Rah 3 - - 3 4% Ket 3 10 9 22 31% Mar 2 5 3 10 14% Sun 4 4 6% Jup 3 9 7 19 27% Total 7 100% In Sagittarius Lagna, Ketu's aspects account for 31% damage to 7th house, followed by surprisingly Jupiter, the Lagnesh at 27%. Here also role of Rahu at 4%, is insignificant. 

10. Capricorn Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat - - 6 6 18% Rah 2 - 1 3 9% Ket 2 2 5 9 28% Mar - - - - - Sun 3 3 9% Jup 1 4 7 12 36% Total 33 100% In Capricorn Lagna, aspect of Sun has emerged at the top claiming 36%, followed by Ketu at 28%. Lagnesh Saturn too has figured with 18% damage but there is no role for Mars here. 

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11. Aquarius Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat - - 5 5 12% Rah 5 2 1 8 18% Ket - 2 6 8 18% Mar 2 3 2 7 16% Sun 7 7 16% Jup 1 4 4 9 20% Total 44 100% All the 6 planets seem to be active in Aquarius Lagna, led by Jupiter at 20%, Rahu & Ketu at 18% each, followed by Sun & Mars at 16% each and Lagnesh Saturn at 12%. 

12. Pisces Lagna Aspects on 7th House Plan. 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10thTot. % Sat - - 2 2 11% Rah 7 1 - 8 45% Ket - 1 3 4 22% Mar 1 - - 1 5% Sun - - - Jup 1 - 2 3 17% Total 18 100% In Pisces Lagna, Rahu at 45% has come out as the leader in damaging marital house while Ketu is far behind at 22%. Role of Jupiter, the Lagnesh, is also suspect, claiming 17%. Consolidated Sheet of Aspects Sat Rah Ket Mar Sun Jup Tot. Ari. 2 15 2 3 1 3 26 Tau. 12 19 - 2 1 4 38 Gem. 15 20 2 8 3 4 52 Can. 9 18 8 10 2 10 57 Leo 8 12 10 7 4 9 50 Vir. 9 1 12 14 3 14 53 Lib. 13 1 20 10 2 10 56 Sco. - - 17 11 4 19 51 Sag. 13 3 22 10 4 19 71 Cap 6 3 9 - 3 12 33 Aqu. 5 8 8 7 7 9 44 Pis. 2 8 4 1 - 3 18 Total 94 108 114 83 34 116 549 % 17% 20% 21% 15% 6% 21% 100% From the above figures it is apparent that aspects of Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter, Saturn have been more lethal compared to Mars, which is supposed to be most powerful malefic in marital affairs, while Sun's role is marginal only. 

Most surprising element is Jupiter, said to be the most auspicious planet, whose aspect is said to be full of nectar (Amrit in its Drishti) yet it has shared the top spot with Ketu which is neck in neck with its counterpart Rahu in destroying in marital cordiality. Planets vs. Lagnas It has been noticed that aspects of a particular planets had excessive adverse impact on certain lagnas only itstead of affecting all the Lagnas equally. Since we have considered 6 planets, the average per planet per Lagna comes to approx. 17%. Therefore we have taken 25% or more impact of a planet on a Lagna and ignored lesser impacts. Planetwise inferences are as given under : 

Saturn : Aspects of Saturn in damaging the 7th house here to the extent of 12 cases out of 38 or 32% on Taurus lagna, followed by 15/52 or 29% on Gemini Lagna. It also affected Libra (23%) and Capricorn (18%) though these are Saturn's favourable Lagnas, apart from Taurus, which was worst affected. Rahu : Rahu's aspects have emerged to be most damaging out of all planets and all the Lagnas as well. Aries : 15/26 or 58% Taurus : 19/38 or 50% Pisces : 8/18 or 44% Gemini : 20/52 or 38% Cancer : 18/57 or 32% Leo was also affected to that extent of 24%. Therefore Rahu had major influence on half of the Lagnas. Ketu : Ketu's aspects damaged the marital house extensively but to a lesser extent compared to Rahu as is evident from the following : Libra : 20/56 or 36% Scorpio : 17/51 or 33% Sagittarius : 22/71 or 31% Capricorn : 9/33 or 27% Virgo (23%) and Leo (20%) were the other two,affected by Ketu. Mars : Mars' aspects were found to be most damaging for Virgo Lagna : 14/53 or 26% followed by Scorpio (22%) and Cancer (18%) which are its favoured lagnas. Sun : Sun surprisingly has emerged as a benign planet. Its maximum impact was observed in Aquarius lagna to the extent of 16% only. 

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It caused only negligible damage to other lagnas. Jupiter : The most auspicious planet Jupiter's aspects were found to be quite damaging on following lagnas : Scorpio : 19/51 or 37% Capricorn : 12/33 or 36% Virgo : 14/53 or 26% Sagittarius : 19/71 or 27% Followed by Aquarius (20%), Cancer (18%), Leo(18%) and Libra (18%). While Sagittarius in its own Lagna, it is a benefic planet in Cancer, Leo and Scorpio Lagnas. Traditionally aspects of Jupiter are considered to be auspicious only and that of Saturn as damaging but both have proved to be on equal footing. Most Damaging Aspect We have tried to assess which particular aspect of a planet becomes most damaging in a particular ascendant. Out of total aspects of a planet on 7th house of a particular Lagna, a specific aspect accounts for 75% or more , we can safely conclude that this aspect was most crucial in damaging the house of marriage. 

From the table given below, we can say that Saturn's 3rd aspect in Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, 7th aspect in Virgo, Libra and Scorpo and 10th aspect in Capricorn and Aquarius Lagnas was found to be most fatal. Rahu's 5th aspect in Pisces and 9th aspect in Leo Lagna was very bad alongwith Ketu's 9th aspect in Pisces. Lagna Rashi Total no. of failed marriages Most Damaging Planet Total no of Aspects on 7th house Most Damaging Aspect Aspect Number Percentage Aries 27 Rah 15 5th 8 53% Taurus 42 Sat. 12 3rd 11 92% Gemini 45 Rahu Saturn 20 15 9th 3rd 10 15 50% 100% Cancer 40 Saturn 9 3rd 9 100% Leo 47 Rahu Saturn 12 8 9th 3rd 9 5 75% 63% Virgo 46 Jupiter Saturn 14 8 5th 7th 9 7 64% 88% Libra 38 Ketu Saturn 20 13 7th 7th 9 12 45% 92% Scorpio 41 Jupiter Saturn 19 10 5th 7th 8 10 42% 100% Sagitt. 47 Jupiter Ketu 19 22 7th 7th 9 10 47% 45% Capri. 22 Saturn 6 10th 6 100% Aqua. 29 Ketu Saturn 9 5 9th 10th 6 5 67% 100% Piesces 17 Rahu Ketu 8 4 5th 9th 7 3 88% 75% Total 441 248 Conclusion in brief 
• Aspects of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu among natural malefics were found to be prominent in damaging 7th house. 
• Jupiter, though a natural benefic, was also found to be afflicting 7th house. 
• Aspects of Sun and Mars had a minor, rather a neglible role. 
• Rahu's affliction was highly noticeable in Aries, Taurus, Pisces and Gemini Lagnas. 
• Saturn's adverse role was prominent in Taurus and Gemini Lagnas. 
• Ketu's negative role was crucial in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn Lagnas. 
• Jupiter played villain in Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo and surprisingly in its own Sagittarius Lagna.
• Despite being Yogkarak/Lagnesh, Saturn afflicted 7th house of Taurus Lagna by 3rd aspect, Libra by 7th and Capricorn by its 10th aspect.

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