Bhakoot Dosha in Love Marriage - Impact and Remedies S.P. GaurBhakoot Dosha affects chances of fertility, pregnanacy, cause trouble in conceiving and delay in having children. Let us see, how Bhakoot Dosha can affect a married life.... moreAstrologyHoroscope InterpretationHoroscope MatchingHouseMarriagePlanetPrediction Technique Jul 2011Views: 314108
Feng Shui Principles : how to Build and Arrange the House Brajveer SinghFeng Shui principles applied to architecture, home site and interior design are practical and common sense directives not silly superstitions. Before you build, you should take care of the following :... moreFeng ShuiFengshui & VastuFundamentalsHouse Jan 2015Views: 8023
Heart Disease and its Causes G.K. Goyal Here in this article the author has discussed in detail that which planetary combinations give strength to heart or cause heart related ailments.... moreAstrologyAstrological CombinationsHoroscope InterpretationHouseMedical AstrologyPlanetPrediction Technique Jul 2010Views: 1820
The Trick of Trika Houses Ritu BhatnagarMalefic, evil, inauspicious, obstructive, damaging, negative are some of the adjectives that are generally associated with the 6th house, 8th house and 12th house trio.... moreAstrologyHousePlanetPrediction Technique Mar 2017Views: 7101
Education and Career Jay DeyThe different planetary combinations signifying success in different walks of life are listed in this article on the basis of Krishnamurti padhati... moreAstrologyAstrological CombinationsEducationHoroscope InterpretationHousePlanetPrediction Technique Oct 2009Views: 1964
Planetary Co-operation Sitaram singhHuman beings get co-operation from their friends and opposition from enemies, but planetary relationship is based on the principle 'Might is Right'. According to Maharishi Parasara, a strong planet compels a weak planet in his sph... moreAstrologyAstrological CombinationsHoroscope InterpretationHousePlanetPrediction Technique Jan 2014Views: 4109
Development of Knowledge and Early Spiritual Education K. SanthanamThe purpose of Education is the upliftment of Human Beings. Education stems from two basic roots namely (a) attainment of knowledge and (b) proper utilization of that knowledge. The former again depends on (i) the ability of the i... moreAstrologyEducationHoroscope InterpretationHousePlanetPrediction Technique Jan 2013Views: 4099
Astrology and Diagnosis of Diseaes Sandeep V. BinodkarOur ancient Rishis have given us knowledge of Chakras. Just like the Sun being centre of Solar System, in our body, the centre portion is our heart signified by the Sun. Through Chakra related analysis of the horoscope an astrolo... moreAstrologyHealthHoroscope InterpretationHouseMedical AstrologyPlanetPrediction Technique Jan 2012Views: 4492
Light on Progeny : A compact Approach to Conception Suresh Chandra MishraIn the classics, there are certain specific canons of astrology which help us to determine whether the native can enjoy the bliss of a child. The Shastra deals with Aadhana or conception in a scientific manner so as to help us ach... moreAstrologyChildrenHoroscope InterpretationHousePlanetPrediction Technique Oct 2012Views: 4274
Education in Hotel Management Manoj KumarIn the present modern era every field underwent remarkable transformation and education system is no exception to this. There emerged a number of branches, sub branches and micro branches of a particular subject. in this perspecti... moreAstrologyEducationHoroscope InterpretationHousePlanetPrediction TechniqueProfession Jan 2014Views: 4353
Naadi System-Stellar Effects N.V.R.A. RajaThe constellations have a major role to play in deciding the strength of the planets as far as the digbala and power of planets whether they are in exaltation or debilitation signs. Some astrologers of view that exalted planet giv... moreAstrologyHoroscope InterpretationHouseNakshatraPlanetPrediction Technique Jan 2012Views: 4709
The Upachaya Method Girija Shankar PrasadEach house in a chart is allocated some event in the life of an individual. If you make a keen observation, you will find that the result denoted by any house is the by-product of some other house or a combination of houses. In ad... moreAstrologyAstrological CombinationsHousePlanetPrediction Technique Oct 2008Views: 5950