
Layman's guide to knowing the importance of Kundli Matching before you say 'I DO'  

Future Point
Views : 3966 | March 2019

Marriage is arguably the most important aspect of one’s life, as this holy union of two souls mark a beginning wherein both the husband & wife start a new journey to explore life together. The couple spend their lives by supporting each other at all times, whether the situations are favourable or unfavourable. Not only this, the couple become a medium of bringing a fresh lease of life in the form of a child into this world and they dedicate their entire lives to raise the child in the best way possible.


Therefore, marriage demands the highest form of commitment from people and the success of a marriage depends on the sincerity with which the couple get involved in this sweet union. Everyone who marries, forays into this realm while hoping for the best out of it. But unfortunately there are people who despite their best of intentions and efforts to make the marriage work, fail to do so and ultimately get a bad experience out of this union with their partner.

Why is that?

This is because of the subtle yet highly influential planetary effects that these couples ignore at the time of marriage. Planets affect our lives in ways beyond our understanding simply because they provide us with the results of our past life karmas that we carry in the form of a Karmic Baggage at specific times in our life affecting specific aspects of our lives.

Love Problem Report

So as per the Karmic Baggage of a person, if the planets signify problems in his/her married life, then turbulence is bound to arise in the marriage and trying to make the marriage function smoothly will be like swimming against the tide. Sooner or later people in such cases ultimately give up their hopes & efforts and embrace the harsh reality of their destiny. But all of this can be very easily avoided by incorporating an amazing process prescribed in Vedic Astrology.

Kundali Matching

This incredibly effective process is the sole reason of the extremely low rate of divorces in the Indian society despite majority of marriages taking place by arranged means. Kundali Matching analyzes the horoscopes or kundlis of both the boy & girl and evaluates them on multiple parameters for determining the compatibility levels between them. This helps in ascertaining whether the boy & girl after marriage are going to enjoy bliss & harmony or their relationship will suffer from bickering & bitterness.

Ashtakoot Milan or Guna Milan For Marriage


In the process of Kundli/Horoscope Matching, an experienced astrologer calculates a score on the basis of Ashtakoot Milan or Guna Milan which is a method of matching the personality traits of both the boy & girl signified by planets as per their respective horoscopes. It has 8 parameters but to a layman, the most basic and important ones involve assessing:

True and Innermost Nature of the Couple

This is a very crucial aspect that lays the very foundation of a relationship and it is important that the individual nature of both the couple must be compatible with each other and promote harmony.

Planetary Will for the Financial Aspect of Life

We live in a materialistic world and in order to support ourselves and our family, it is very important to have a sound financial state. When two people marry, their individual planetary effects amalgamate to provide them a cumulative result of those effects.


This casts its influence on every domain of the couple’s lives including Finances. So if the planetary condition of one of the couple is not conducive to promote financial stability, then the couple are likely to face financial challenges post marriage.

The Event of Childbirth

Post marriage, having a ’bundle of joy’ in their arms is the greatest desire of every couple. But some couples, despite being medically fit to have a child, are unable to become parents. While modern medical science has no explanation for this, but the process of Kundli Matching and within that- the eight Guna of the Ashtakoot Milan or Guna Milan which is called ’Naadi’, reveals that.

Doshas in Kundli

Another crucial reason why marriages, especially Love Marriage without Kundli Matching should be avoided at all costs, is the possibility of presence of certain Doshas (flaws arising out of ill placement of planets in the horoscope) that wreak havoc in the life of a person. The single most dreaded Dosha with respect to marriage is the Manglik Dosha or Mangal Dosh.

This arises of the ill placement of planet Mars in the horoscope of a person. If not treated with proper Vedic Rituals, this Manglik Dosha is capable of ruining the marital bliss of a couple an in many cases the Manglik Dosha results into divorces or even death of the spouse. Another Dosha that brings huge bad luck in life and ruin the financial aspect is the Kaal Sarp Dosha.

It is formed in a kundli/horoscope when all the 7 planets come within the 180 degrees area of Rahu & Ketu. Therefore at the time of kundli matching if these doshas are seen, then the astrologer suggests remedial Vedic Rituals to get rid of the malefic effects of these doshas.


Hence, one must not take this lightly and consult with a professional astrologer to get remedies for all problems both of the present as well as those that are slated to appear in the life ahead.

Future Point since decades, is providing top-notch astrological services to clients all over the world. The highly experienced & brilliant astrologers of Future Point perform a thorough & comprehensive analysis of your horoscope and reveal incredibly powerful remedies that have the potential of altering the course of your destiny for good! Also, can you guess the time of your marriage?

Well, the super talented astrologers of Future Point can!

So do not wait and go for kundli/horoscope matching if you are planning to tie the knot and even if you are already married, this amazing process will anyways suggest you ways by which you can enhance bliss, joy and love in your marital domain.

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