
Saturn's Transit in Vishakha Nakshatra : What it Foretells  

Anil Kumar Jain
Views : 10026 | July 2014

Ever since the Start of May 2014 there have been untoward happenings, of course a Start of a Newly Born Strong Government has also come and is a boon for India. It has been observed in the Past that the Dasha of Sun, Saturn, and Ketu has been always enigmatic for India. Transit of Saturn and Rahu in Libra bring strong changes in the Political scenario. If you look at the Globe, lots of political changes are also taking place. Dasha of Sun-Ketu started from 5th May 2014 and shall be over on the 9th Sept. 2014, when Dasha of Sun-Venus shall resume.

If you look at the Rudramsha Chart with Aquarius sign rising and the Lagna Lord Saturn in the 8th house and Malefics Rahu, Ketu and Mars placed in Lagna is sufficient to indicate along with Sun in the 5th house and aspected by Saturn from the 8th house that dasha of Rahu-Ketu, Saturn and Sun can never be good. Impact of malefic planets Mars and Saturn Transiting in Vishakha Nakshatra in the sign of Libra, the 6th house where the 8th lord Jupiter is placed in Vishakha nakshatra at 25.52 degrees in the foundation chart of India have been discussed in this article. Libra is Signified by Kashmir and Marwar and Vishakha nakshatra in the Koorma chakra signifies South-west direction. Libra sign also signifies Metropolitan busy cities. Let us first have a brief look at the happenings after 6th May 2014 :

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1. Formation of New Govt. by NDA who came with thumping majority. Oath taking of the newly born Strong Government on the 26th May 2014 which is a boon for the country after total collapse of the dynasty politics of UPA Government led by Congress(I)

2. Sun Ingressing in Taurus and Untoward happenings in the Eastern part of the country. Moon is in Vishakha Nakshatra in this ingress and Saturn's transit in Vishakha is not good as it is Ardha Ashtamsha and we have experienced the results of Saturn in Vishakha in June and Oct 1984. Rapes, torture against Women, on the 3rd June 2014, Days after Union Rural Development Minister Gopinath Munde lost his life in a road accident in the national capital.

3. Another Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Vijay Pandit was shot dead on Saturday night 7th June 2014 by unknown bikers in Greater Noida.According to reports, bike riders fired five bullets on him leaving Pandit dead on the spot.

4. 6th June 2014 : Sword fight breaks out at golden temple. All the above happenings have taken place in the dasha of Sun-Ketu-Sun. Let us see the Transit of the various planets with respect to the Foundation chart of India in the present scenario. Sun : It is Placed in the Lagna in the Taurus sign. On the 16th May it was in Taurus in own nakshatra and formed a strong Govt. and subsequently a Oath taking of the NDA Govt on 26th May 2014. On 3rd June Rape event in the Eastern part of the Country. Ketu with Venus and Venus afflicted badly by Ketu, and aspected by Saturn and Mars.

Venus will be afflicted badly till it ingresses in Taurus, but unfortunately Venus will be aspected by deblitated Mars and deblitated Saturn in Transit in Navamsha from 19th to 24th June 2014, this can surface again sex scandles, torture against women could become the headlines in the Newspaper and TV till Rahu and Ketu change signs on 14th July 2014 and more so between 19th to 24th June 2014 as stated above. Since it is the Lagna Lord of the Oath Taking Chart of N. Modi and the Lord is Venus and afflicted badly in transit, ill effect on the Cabinet of the new Govt.

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Mercury will go in retrogression on 7th June to 30th June, but will be in its own sign is a saving. Jupiter in Gemini aspecting the 8th house,and will ingress in the sign of Cancer in the 3rd house and over Natal Moon. The 3rd House will be activated, Since Jupiter is also the 8th Lord, there could be happenings concerning 3rd house, Rail accidents, Air Accidents and Terrorist activities after 19th June 2014, espoinage by neighbouring Countries and Terrorist groups. The crucial parameter of conjuction of Rahu and Mars will take place on the 14th July in Virgo at 29.53 degrees in the nakshatra of chitra is indicative of Chemical blast as well.

This will be crucial for Political Scenerio, since then Mars will ingress Libra and join Saturn.

7. In the Paksha Kundali the Yoga Karaka Venus 10th Lord and 5th lord is badly afflicted, in Rahu-Ketu axis, very close degrees and aspected by both Mars and Saturn. Sun and Saturn in 6/8 axis, Mars and Saturn in 2/12 axis, Mars and Rahu in 2/12 axis. are some critical parameters of this Paksha kundali. Jupiter 3rd and 12th lord aspecting the Lagna Lord in the 10th house is also not favourable parameter. The acting Govt. could face hurdles and untoward happenings.

8. The Solar Ingress in cardinal signs are very important and at the time of Solar ingress in Aries, Taurus sign again an Earthy sign was rising and Sun and Moon both afflicted and again Moon and Mars were in Earthy sign Virgo and in Moon nakshatra. 4th Lord Sun in the 12th house and aspected by retrograde Saturn and Mars retrograde and Moon was at 15.14 degrees in Virgo, now Mars on those degrees in the same sign.

9. Mars placed in the 9th house is critical, aspecting the 12th house, 3rd house and 4th house. Attack from the neighbouring countries on the places of Religion, Judiciary, Consulate etc.

10. Sun is in the Sign of Taurus and it is inferred that Eastern Direction will have untoward happenings. All untoward happenings have occurred between the 3rd June and 7th June 2014. Let us now have a look on the Foundation chart, Transit charts, Paksha and Solar ingress charts. Dasha running in the foundation chart of India is Sun-Ketu from 6th May to 9th Sept. 2014.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

Sun is the 4th Lord and is placed in the 3rd house going in the 12th from itself and Ketu is placed in the 7th house in the sign of Scorpio, The dispositor of Ketu is Placed in the 2nd House and both Ketu and Mars, its dispositors are ill placed from Sun. Dasha of Sat, Sun, Ketu have never been good for India. The simple reason is the Aquarius Sign rising in the Rudramsha and its Lord Saturn placed in the 8th house and the 8th Lord Mercury placed in the 10th House.

The Lagna has Rahu, Ketu and Mars. Saturn aspects Sun placed in the 5th house by 10th aspect. At the time of partition in August 1947 the Dasha was Sat-Sat-Ketu. All disasters have taken place in Sun, Saturn,Ketu and Mercury dasha. We all know of the bloodshed at the time of partition. Now Clashes broke out between Sikhs on Friday at the Golden Temple in northern India on the 30th anniversary of a notorious army raid on the site. At least two people were wounded in the violence, according to an AFP photographer at the temple in the city of Amritsar, which is the holiest shrine for the Sikh religion.

Hundreds of Sikhs had gathered at the shrine to pay their respects to those killed in the June 6, 1984 raid of the temple by Indian troops aimed at flushing out armed separatists demanding an independent Sikh homeland.The dasha of Sun-Ketu is in Operation till 9th Sept. 2014. The Dasha when the Blue star operation which took place on the 5th June 1984 was Ketu-Sun-Saturn and the Dasha at the time assasination of the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was Ketu-Moon-Jupiter. Saturn was then in Vishakha nakshatra. Now looking at the Present Scenario the sudden accidental death of the NDA Leader Gopi Nath Munde top Brass leader is also when Saturn is in Vishakha Nakshatra.

Saturn is over the natal Jupiter almost on the degrees and both Saturn and Jupiter in transit were in the same navamsha on the 3rd June, the day of the event. Saturn's transit in Vishakha nakshatra is not supposed to be good for India. Saturn will remain in this nakshatra till 2nd Dec. 2014 and after 18thOct. 2014 Mars will transit Sagittarius. Hence another critical period of Saturn in Vishakha will also be from 18th oct. to 2nd Nov. 2014 for untoward happenings and escalation of happenings earlier happened around August 2014. 1. Saturn is transitting in the 4th house from the natal Moon in Cancer sign and hence Ardra Ashtama. 2. The Vehicle of Saturn transitting is Wolf and not considered good for Pushya Nakshatra 3.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

Another simple reason is that then Saturn will be transitting over the 8th Lord Jupiter who is also in Vishakha nakshatra placed in the 6th house which is the 11th from the 8th house, a pure upachaya sthan for the 8th house Jupiter is also the lord of the 11th house and is placed in the 8th house from this sthan, hence the sign Libra acquires a special dimension and when malefics transit over this house and specially in malefic nakshatra or Vishakha there have been untoward happenings, We all know whatever goes in the 11th house from a house it sprouts. At the time of Blue star operation, both Saturn and Mars were in Swati nakshatra in Libra and at very close degrees. Saturn was 17 and Mars 19 degrees in Libra.

See the transit charts above. On 30th Oct. 1984 at the time of death of Indira Gandhi Mars was in the 8th house at 24.24 and Saturn was 24.02 degrees over Jupiter at almost exact natal degrees of 25.52, they were in the same navamsha, Jupiter was also in the 8th house with Mars in Sagittarius. See the degrees aspect of Saturn from the 6th house on the 8th house where transiting Mars and Jupiter were placed. In Rudramsha Chart Mars and Saturn were in the 7th house in the sign of Leo and both activated the Lagna. Both are ill placed in this chart. Transit charts are given in this article above. In the Present transit Mars, Saturn and Jupiter all influencing the 8th house of the Foundation chart, the Sign Sagittarius of ups and downs. After 19th June, Saturn will also be aspecting transit Jupiter in Cancer sign and also the 8th house and also over the natal 8th Lord Jupiter at almost same degrees, this could sprout untoward happenings in which masses could be influenced directly or indirectly.

On the 14th July Mars will shift to Libra and both Mars and Saturn will be in degree conjuction on the 25th August 2014 when both these malefics will be in Vishakha nakshatra and over the 8th Lord Jupiter at almost same degrees and same navamsha. In the Rudramsha chart both Mars and Saturn will be in Leo the same sign as were at the time of death of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. 27th June 2014 Paksha Kundali of the New Moon with Virgo Lagna having Mars in hasta nakshatra and close to Lagna degrees in chitra nakshatra. The 8th house is badly afflicted. Virgo sign is signified by Maharashtra, There could be untoward happenings due to excessive heat or excessive rains. 16th July 2014 21.53 hrs Sun Ingresses in Cancer Sun is placed in the 6th house with Jupiter and the sign rising is Aquarius and 6th Lord Moon is Placed in the Lagna.

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Both Jupiter and Sun are aspected by Saturn. Saturn is also Stationary from the 16th July to 25th July 2014 , this can damage to the significations of Sun and untoward happenings can surface. Ketu is placed in the sign of Jupiter and will behave like Jupiter. 27th July New Moon chart, Jupiter, Sun, Moon all aspected by Saturn. There could be untoward happenings regarding Places of Religion,Court, Judiciary and Consolates, when Venus also joins Cancer sign on the 7th August 2014. 17th August 2014 06-16 hrs Solar ingress in Leo Sun and Mercury the 2nd and 11th Lord Placed in Lagna is very good, but unfortunately the 8th Lord from Lagna and 8th Lord from 10th house Jupiter is placed in the 8th house from the 5th house the Mantriya sthan the 12th house with 10th Lord Venus is certainly not good, Saturn is the 6th and the 7th Lord and also aspecting 8th house from 10th house is crucial parameter. There may be some espionage from the neighbouring countries. Some Places of Religon, Justice and consoulate may be sources of concern for untoward happenings.

There is exchange of Nakshatras of Mercury and Ketu placed in the 8th house. Now see the degrees of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and compare in the happenings before in 1984 and the present Scenrerio. It reminds the Blue star operation which took place on the 5th June 1984 and the Assasination of the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on the 30th Oct 1984, 30 years back when Saturn and Mars were in degree conjuction at17- 19 degrees in Swati nakshatra. Now this conjuction is taking place degree wise on the 25th August 2014 in the nakshatra of Vishakha at 23.34 degrees. Degree wise almost same as on the 30th Oct. 1984 and placement of planets in Rudramsha chart. Paksha Kundali : New Moon on the 25th August 2014 then you shall find both Mars and Saturn degree conjuct in the 9th house and both in Taurus Navamsha and aspecting Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio navamsha.

In transit Saturn is also aspecting Venus, the dispositor of Mars and Saturn and lagna lord and 6th Lord of the Foundation chart, This Parameter is indicative of a crucial happening again between 13th June to 5th Sept. 2014. Why on 13th June. It is the Paksha Kundali of Full Moon 13th June 2014 of Cancer Lagna and Moon deblitated and Lagna aspected by Saturn the 7th and 8th lord at the MEP, since lagna is 23.34 degrees and Saturn is 23.40 degrees in Libra in the 4th house. One More observation is the Oath taking Chart of Narendra Modi. It is of Libra Lagna and Vishakha nakshatra and when Mars ingresses in Libra on 14th July, it will not bring good results for the Cabinet in totality. The Prime Minister has to take full security measures for himself and the cabinet members.

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Vishakha is signified by Southwest of India and Libra is signified by Kashmir and Marwar. Hence there is every possibility of Kashmir issue taking a greater dimension and untoward happenings in the Southwest of India as well. The Dates which are crucial are 19th to 24th June, 7th August to 10th August and then 25-26th August 2014, 18th Octpber- 2nd November 2014. The untoward happenings could be related to religion, through terrorist activities at the Courts, places of religion and consulates, torture against women and mass happenings since 8th house is involved. There could also be hazards due to no rain and excessive rains and Floods. The Mercury could also go high as Mars is in Virgo till 14th July 2014. Viral fevers could also take a toll. The period of Sun-Ketu will be full of turmoils for the Newly born Govt. and untoward happenings as well. Narendra Modi with his strong Chart, strong will, favourable dasha of the lagna lord Mars in future after Moon, his Road map for 10 years Govt. may come true.

At Present also promise, condusive dasha and favourable transit will be able to get through and take India miles towards the roadmap for success. From the above it is clear that Sun-Ketu dasha though may bring adversities, India will still progress, as at the time of partition and other happenings there were Independence, simlarly India will Progress inspite of adversities.

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