Predicting the Gender of First Child

Predicting the Gender of First Child  

Vikram Singh Chauhan
Views : 65899 | July 2016

Astrology is the science of indication and so the horoscope often indicates the typical tendencies and aptitude of a person which leads producing first chid of specific gender, in this article, it is proposed to study the astrological combinations, which produce either first male child or first female child.

Parameters for Child Birth Prediction

For a child birth we see the following parameters:

1. Fifth House from Lagna in D1

2. Fifth Lord from Lagna in D1

3. Karaka for Progeny – Jupiter in D1

4. 5th House/ 5th Lord from Jupiter in D1

5. Fifth House/ 5th Lord from Moon

6. 5H /5L in D9 (Navansha)

7. Jupiter’s strength in D9

8. 5H /5L in D7 ( Saptmansha Chart)

9. Jupiter’s strength in D7

Influence of Benefic and Male Planets

Role of Planetary Influences in Child Gender Prediction

The gender of the child depends on the influence of benefic planets as well as male planets and signs with respect to the above nine points.


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Fifth House in Horoscope-D1

This house in your horoscope shows the prospects of having children. Association of good planets with the 5th house like Jupiter, Venus or Moon support in the healthy development of the foetus, while dry and malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars or Sun may not be favourable for childbirth. We also classify the planets as male and female planets, (Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury & Rahu are male planets and Venus, Moon, Saturn, Ketu are female planets). So when male planets are placed in fifth House and are strong , aspected by benefic planets will increase the probability of delivering male child first, whereas opposite to it when female planets are strongly placed in fifth house the probability of delivering female child first increases.

Lord of the Fifth House-D1

The fifth house lord is the ruler of the zodiac sign that falls on the cusp of the fifth house. For instance, if Scorpio falls on the cusp of the fifth house, Mars will be the fifth house lord, since Mars rules the Scorpio sign. Since Mars is a masculine planet, the first child could be a male. Also the placement of 5thlord in the horoscope matters. If it is placed in masculine signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Aquarius) then male progeny can be predicted else if it is placed in female signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces) then female progeny is predicted as first issue.

Jupiter, ‘The `Significator’ For Children-D1/D9

Jupiter, which rules the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces, is the main significator for children. If Jupiter is weak in the horoscope, being placed in a malefic house (6th, 8th or 12th houses) or in conjunction with malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, it may deter the prospects of childbirth and may provide female issue where as strong Jupiter in horoscope placed in Trikon and 11th House promises male child.


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Fifth House / Fifth house lord from Jupiter-D1

Counting from Placement of Jupiter in D1 chart, If fifth house contains Male planets and male zodiac signs then probability of first male issue increases whereas opposite to that if female planets and female zodiac signs are witnessed then first female issue is predicted.

Fifth House / Fifth house lord from Moon

If your Moon is sitting in the 5th house, and gets favourable aspects and/or association of other planets, you may be blessed with many children. However, any influence of evil planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn may act as a deterrent to childbirth. Counting from Placement of Moon, If fifth house contains Male planets and male zodiac signs then probability of first male issue increases whereas opposite to that if female planets and female zodiac signs are witnessed then first female issue is predicted.

Fifth House / Fifth house lord in D9/ D7

So when male planets are placed in fifth House and are strong, aspected by benefic planets will increase the probability of delivering male child first, whereas opposite to it when female planets are strongly placed in fifth house the probability of delivering female child first increases.

D-7 or Saptmansha Chart

It is a continuation of the birth chart or the birth horoscope. It gives a deeper insight into matters pertaining to children like, impregnation, gender of the child, birth of the child, comforts from the child, grandchildren etc. In this chart a zodiac sign is divided in 7 equal parts of 4 degrees 17 minutes. Therefore, as per Vedic Astrology, the fifth house of your horoscope is the primary determinant of your children. Moreover, factors like strength and placement of 5th house lord, the zodiac sign at the cusp of 5th house, strength of Jupiter in horoscope and Saptmansha or D-7 chart can help us predict about our children and happiness from them. Again here strength and aspect of Jupiter indicates male progeny and reverse of it indicates female progeny. Now let’s analyse the above said observations through some real life examples This horoscope belongs to a couple who has given birth to first female child and in another horoscope, couple was blessed with first female child.


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First Couple's Horoscope Analysis

Looking at fifth house from Lagna chart, there is no planet sitting there so we will consider zodiac sign of that house , and it is Taurus – ruler of sign is Venus (female planet)which is sitting in tenth house in Libra again own sign forming Malavya yog. Jupiter's placement is not good, it is in eighth house and also not aspecting fifth house. No aspect of male planet or Jupiter or male zodiac sign is there in D1 chart.

Looking in D9 chart fifth house from Lagna witness Sun sitting in its own sign and Mercury aspecting it from 11th house. Jupiter placed in third house, Mars, Venus and Saturn aspecting from 9th house, no benefic or male planet is aspecting Sun.

Analysing D-7 chart, in fifth house Moon and Mercury are making conjunction in Capricorn sign, with no benefic aspect, fifth lord Saturn is sitting in sixth house in own sign. So Moon is again feminine planet and is more powerful than Mercury. indicates first female offspring.

The Vimshottari dasha in which the person became father was Mer-Rahu-Mer. Looking and analysing all three charts on the basis of above written points, it indicates that the person has strong chance of getting female as first child.


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Second Couple's Horoscope Analysis

Wife Looking at fifth house from Lagna chart, there is Ketu sitting there in Capricorn sign, Saturn and Jupiter sitting in Virgo and are in Lagna. Jupiter is aspecting 5th house as well as Ketu. According to literature Ketu in fifth house delivers more female child. Also if we see 9th house there is Moon exalted, literature also say that in female horoscope first child must be seen from 9th house, 2nd child from 7th and 3rd from fifth house, whereas it is vice-versa for male Kundali. Thus denoting female as her first child.

In D9 chart Zodiac sign Mercury is there in fifth house again Ketu aspecting from Lagna. In D7 chart zodiac sign of Venus is ruling with Ketu sitting in fifth house. Venus sitting in 9th house with Sun and Mars. All combinations and placements denoting female progeny as first child. At time of child birth Vimshottari dasha was Rahu-Mer-Sat.

The couple became parents of first girl child on 25 April 2012.

Couple 2 who are parents of Boy as their first child.

Husband Let's analyse Chart D1 first , no planet sitting in fifth house, so Venus becomes the ruler as Sign Taurus is there, Venus sitting in fourth house in Mars sign Aries and Saturn aspecting it which is exalted in tenth house. Placement of Jupiter is good in 11th house and is having direct aspect on fifth house. So in Lagna chart there is influence of Male planets and influence of Jupiter on fifth house. As per literature Jupiter of 11th house gives birth to 5 sons.

Looking in D9 chart Jupiter and Saturn is again sitting in 11th house aspecting 5th house. In D9 fifth house zodiac sign is of Gemini- ruler Mercury who has 9th aspect of Jupiter. Thus showing good influence of male planets.

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