Major (Dasa) and Sub-periods (Antar Dasas) of the Planets based on the Method of Ansayurdaya

Major (Dasa) and Sub-periods (Antar Dasas) of the Planets based on the Method of Ansayurdaya  

G.K. Goyal
Views : 7783 | April 2012

Bhattotpalla, the famous commentator on the works of Varaha Mihira has indicated that the prime role of following three constituents in the predictive Astrology: 1. Planets: The planets act as seeds and when are sprouted with the help of houses and signs, they become fully grown trees and indicate the direction as well as the nature in which the destiny of native will grow. As such, planetary directional periods (compared to the Nakshatra or sign dasa periods) play the vital and important role in understanding the shape and direction through which fate and destiny may unfold. 2. Signs (Rashis): Twelve (12) signs act like manure, or fertilizer as well as right surroundings and atmosphere, for the sprouting of the seed and growth of the trees. 3. Houses (Bhavas): The twelve houses act as ground where planets (as seeds) are sown and then germinate and grow with the help of signs.

This is the reason; Sage Parasara teaches us three kinds of main dasas periods: 1. The dasas of planets (These are dealt in the separate chapter on Ayurdaya) 2. The Nakshatra Dasa periods 3. The sign and House dasa periods On account of some misplaced notions, the dasa system based on planets is not widely in use, though Varaha Mihira has devoted one complete chapter viii on this topic in Brihat Jataka. As explained above the Dasas of planets hold the fundamental and basic key of the Predictive Astrology. ‘Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra’ indicates three methods of directional (dasa) periods for living beings in the chapter on “Ayuradaya” dasa system: 1. Pindayurdaya 2. Nisargayurdya 3. Ansayurdaya Sage Satyacharya and Acharya Varaha Mihira are of the view that Ansayurdaya method yields better results compared to pindayurdaya. (B.J. Ch. VIII Sl. 13).

The purpose of Nisargayurdya dasa system is different, wherein, each planet controls the segment of life at a particular age. The effects of the planets during these dasa periods have a overriding effects irrespective of dasa periods under any other system. Thus Nisargayurdya dasa system give a general direction of life pattern synonym to the natural signification and characteristics of planets which are directly linked with the age of the native. It is a general assumption that the total sum of dasa periods of the planets and the ascendant constitute the span of life of the native. This assumption does not sound correct. As a matter of fact, the total sum of dasa periods represents one cycle of dasa periods. After completion of first cycle, the second and third cycles will commence one after the other. (The similar method is adopted in Nakshatra and sign dasas e.g.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

Yogni and char Dasas). The death is ascertained based on different principles which are dealt in all Jatak granth’s in separate chapters. Parasara and Varaha Mihira have elaborated the dictums of death in separate chapters under the heading of Balaristha and Maraka. In this appendix, the following subjects will be explained so that the savants could calculate the Dasa period of planets and ascendant by Ansayurdaya method easily and without going into lengthy calculations: (a) Method of calculating Dasa periods (b) Order of fixing Dasa periods (c) Order of fixing Antardasa periods in Dasa periods. A. Method of Calculating Dasa (Major) Periods. The basic principles are: (1) Each of the seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Ascendant can contribute maximum period of 12 years (solar), based on their placement in respective Navamsa.

This is called Basic Dasa (Asanskrit Dasa) (2) Rahu and Ketu do not contribute any Dasa period and as such they do not have Dasa and Antar-dasa periods. (3) Each planet and ascendant will contribute dasa periods equivalent to its placement in Navamsa sign in proportion to its longitude, counted from sign Aries. In this method, advancement of a planet or ascendant in one complete Navamsa counted from sign Aries contribute one year each. When, the planet obtains last degree of sign Pisces Navamsa, will contribute full 12 years. (4) The Basic dasa periods of planets and Ascended can easily be calculated from tables 1a and 1b without any calculations. In Colum 1 of table Ia, the longitudes of planets and ascendant are given at the interval of 3º20' (Navamsa) and column 2 provide corresponding basic dasa-periods.

Similarly, column 1 of table 1b indicates the balance longitudes of planets and ascendant in degrees and minutes in a Navamsa; and the column 2 provides the corresponding remainder dasa periods in month and days. The sum of the periods obtained from table Ia and Ib will indicate the total basic dasa-periods of planets and ascendant. (5) The special condition for Ascendant only: The basic dasa-period of the Ascendant, as calculated from table Ia and 1b, can be increased subject to certain rules specified below. But this period will not be subject to any reduction. This is a special condition applicable to the Ascendant only. (6) The special condition for Planets only: The basic dasa-periods of planets will be subjected to two(2) reductions and thereafter the reduced Dasa period will be increased on account of two (2) factors, whichever is applicable. (7) Basic Dasa-period is called ASANSKRIT Dasa.

The Basic Dasa after rectification called Sanskrit Dasa periods (rectified Dasa periods). B. Rules for increase of Basic Dasa-period of the Ascendant 1. If the Ascendant has (a) adequate shad-bala (b) occupied or aspected by its lord or benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus) and (c) unaspected or occupied by malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) (d) and Navamsa Lagna is also in auspicious influence; the basic dasa period will be increased according to the sign occupied by the Ascendant in main birth chart (nativity). (Navamsa sign will not be considered for increase in Dasa-period as Navamsa itself has contributed the basic dasa-period). 2. Each sign will contribute one year counted from Aries.

Table 2a is constructed at a interval of 2º30' (Dwadasamsa). Each Dwadasamsa will contribute for increase in dasa period of Ascendant by One Month counted from sign Aries. As such 144 dwadasamsa will contribute 144 months or 12 years. Table 2b is constructed at an interval of 5º, and each 5º advance in the longitude of Ascending degree will increase the Dasa period by 1(one) day. After adding up the contribution obtained from Table 2a and 2b, the Sum will represent total increase in Basic Dasa period of Ascendant in years, months and days. This period will be added to basic dasa period calculated from Table Ia and Ib.

This will yield to total Dasa period contributed by Ascendant. 3. In case Ascendant is weak and afflicted on account of Malefics, the Basic dasa period will remain unaltered and will also not decrease. 4. There is no other rectification is basic dasa period of Ascendant. C. Rectification of Basic Dasa Period of Planets The basic dasa period is subjected to two kinds of reductions one after the another applied in serial order. After reduction in dasa period, the remainder period is increased. As such Basic dasa period of each planet may suffer maximum of two kinds of reductions and one kind of increase one after the other, in the serial order as detailed below. Some authorities have indicated different variations, but the method given below has the sanction of Sage Parasara, Sage Satyacharya and Varaha Mihira (refer B.J. Chapters VII and VIII).

Saravali is not in full agreement with Varha Mihira on this procedure. (1) Reduction in Basic Ayurdaya (a) Chakrapatha (Harana) reduction This reduction is required on account of placement of the planets in visible half of the Birth Chart i.e. from 7th house to 12th house. This reduction is not applicable on the plants placed from 1st house to 6th house. The reduction will be applicable as per following rules. Table 3 Chakrapatha reduction of Basic longevity of Planets House 12 11 10 9 8 7 Malefic Full 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 Planets Benefic 1/2 1/4 1/6 1/8 1/10 1/12 Planets Malefics: Saturn, Mars and Sun are considered Malefics for this purpose. Benefics: Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are considered Benefic, Waning Moon, and Mercury associated with malefics are also considered benefics.

करियर से जुड़ी किसी भी समस्या का ज्योतिषीय उपाय पाएं हमारे करियर एक्सपर्ट ज्योतिषी से।

In case more than one planet is placed in one house (sign), the Chakrapatha reduction will be applicable only on one planet, which is most powerful in shadh-bala. This reduction on other planets, which are conjoining the strongest planet, will not be applicable. The next reductions will be applicable only after carrying out this reduction. (b) Reduction on account of placement of planets in enemy signs and in combustion with Sun i. When the planet is in direct motion (Margi) and is also placed in enemy sign, it looses its one third (1/3) Dasa-period. If the planet is in retrograde motion, this reduction is not applicable. Further, this reduction is not applicable on Mars even if it is in direct motion and placed in enemy sign. The reason is that Mars is called as Vakra Graha.

As such this reduction is applicable to Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn only. This reduction is not applicable on Moon as it does not have enmity with any planet. Table 4-Natural enemies of Planets Planet Sun Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Enemy Venus Moon Mercury Sun Sun Planets Saturn Venus Moon Moon Mars ii. In case, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter are combust on account of the proximity with the Sun, the Dasa-period is reduced by one half (½). This reduction to not applicable on Saturn and Venus even if these two planets are combust. Similarly, this reduction is not applicable to Mercury, when it is retrograde & combust. The planets will be considered combust when they are within following degreed from the Sun on either side: Table 5-Degree of combustion Planet Moon Mars Jupiter Mercury When direct Degree 12º 17º 11º 14º Both reductions will not apply simultaneously.

The planet will suffered maximum reduction in Dasa period on account of one source only. (c) (Virdhi) increase in the Dasa Period of Planets The increase will be applied on the Dasa-period obtained after applying the reductions on account of Chakrapatha and then on account of placement of planets in enemy house or in combustion with Sun. (1) The Dasa-period will be increased by three (3) times, if the planet is in exaltation or in Retrograde motion. (2) If the planet is in (a) own sign (b) own Navamsa, (c) Vargottama Navamsa or (d) own Drekkana, the dasa period will be increased two (2) times. If planet is entitled for increase on account of both the counts, the maximum increase will only be applicable i.e. on account of first source only. In that case, the increase on account of second sources will not be applicable.

The dasa period of any planet will not be increased more than three (3) times is any case. (D) Method of fixing Ansayurdaya Dasa order of Planets (Refer main text of Brihat Jataka Chapter VIII slokas 1 and 2). The following points are to be kept in view while fixing the order of Major Dasas of planets: (1) The equal house division is only applicable This means the middle point of each house will have the same longitude as that of ascending degree. It is necessary because dasa periods are being calculated based on Navamsa, Drekkana and dwadasamsa divisions. The middle point of the each house will have Deeptamsa of 15º on either side (refer foreword). (2) Find out which of the three: The Ascendant, the Sun or the Moon is strongest in Shadbala. Its period will come first. Then the periods of the planets occupying the angular houses from it will follow i.e. from such powerful the Ascendant, the Sun or the Moon.

Then comes the periods of the planets occupying the Panphar or Apooklim houses successively from the same. If there are no planets in the Kendra or Panphar or Apooklim houses, then the periods of the other planets come in the order stated above. (3) If more than one planet is occupying the angular houses from each other, the dasa periods of planets will follow based on their Dasa order Bala (Graha Krama Bala). (a) The dasa order Bala will be calculated according to following formula: Dasa order Bala = Shad bala of planet ´ Factor K. Factor K = 1 – Angular distance of the planet from the middle point of Bhava / 15 (b) Middle point of each Bhava will obtain the same degrees as that of the Ascendant, having Deeptamsa of 15º on either side. (c) Factor K can be calculated easily from table no. 6( given below) which is based on angular distance of the plants from the middle point.

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The procedure for calculating the factor K is explained in table 6A and 6B, in detail. Table 6a and 6b : Factor ‘k’ based on longitudinal distance of planet on other side from the middle point of the house Table 6A-Difference in degrees Table 6B-balance Difference Longitu Factor K Longitu Diff. Factor K dinal dinal Min. 0º 0º 1º (+) 1.00 29 1' 0.001 2 0.934 28 2 0.002 3 0.867 27 3 0.003 4 0.800 26 4 0.004 5 0.734 25 5 0.005 6 0.667 24 6 0.006 7 0.600 23 7 0.007 8 0.534 22 8 0.008 9 0.467 21 9 0.010 10 0.400 20 10' 0.011 11 0.334 19 20' 0.022 12 0.267 18 30' 0.033 13 0.200 17 40' 0.044 14 0.067 16 50' 0.055 15º (+) 0.000 (–) 15º 60' 0.067 Notes: (1) (2) (d) If the planet is more than 15º away from the middle point of the house, its dasa order bala will become negative. (4) If Malefic is placed in 12th house, and if this planet is subjected to Chakrapatha harana, its Major Dasa period will become Zero (nil). As such, Dasa period of such planet (which can be only one planet in a horoscope) will not operate.

However, Antardasa periods of such planet will be operative as Antardasa periods depend on different rules. (5) If the planets which are in angular houses to each other, be of equal power, the Dasa period of the planet whose period is the longest, comes first, and (6) If the planet be of equal power and Dasa period, the period of the planet which rises first, will get precedence. (E) Sub-periods of planets in the Major Period of Planets The procedure may be seen in the main text of Brihat Jataka Chapter VIII slokas 3 and 4 : (1) First Antardasa will be of Major Dasa lord itself. The Antardasa period will be say, one UNIT.. (2) If number of planets are placed with dasa lord, the dasa of the most powerful planet only which is with Dasa lord, will follow. In deciding the most power full planet, shadbala will be the only basis(Dasa order Bala is not applicable in choosing sub-dasa lords).

If more then one planet is placed with dasa lord, the sub-period of most powerful planet will only be taken, other planets will not get sub- period. The sub-period of this planet will be ½(one half) unit of the sub-period of Dasa lord. (3) The next sub-period will be of one planet each if placed in 5th and 9th house. The order will be decided by the shad-bala of planets. Each of these two planets will have sub-period equal to( one third) 1/3 unit off Antardasa period of the Major Dasa lord. (4) Thereafter, the sub-dasa of strongest planet placed in seventh house will operate. Its sub- period will be 1/7(one seventh) unit of the sub-period of Dasa lord. (5) Though, the sub-dasa of strongest planet one each placed in 4th and 8th houses will operate. These planets will follow the rule mentioned in sl. 3 above.

Their periods will be ¼(one forth) unit of the sub-period of dasa lord. (6) The total numbers of sub-periods of planets in major dasa period will vary according to the configuration of planets vis-à-vis Dasa lord. The minimum may be one(1) only i.e. sub-period of Dasa lord only if there are no planets either with Dasa lord or in 5th, 9th, 7th & 4th and 8th house from it. The maximum number of sub-dasa periods can be seven (7) in number. (7) Ascendant is treated as a planet for calculating Dasa and Sub-Dasa period. (1) Example Horoscope- Male Born on 23.04.1937 at 04.31 PM (IST) Log 79 E 23; lat 28 N 21; Time zone East of GMT: 5:30 Hrs. Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa = 22º 58’ 13" “True longitude of Nodes are adopted Solar Year of 365.25 days is taken for Dasa and Antardasa calculations. ‘ Chart No. 1 Planetary Longitudes Planet Longitude Shad-Bala of Angular Asc. and Distance from Planets Mid point of the house Ascendant 12 : 04 : 02 404.0 00 : 00 : 00 Sun 09 : 54 : 03 513.0 02 : 09 : 59 Moon 15 : 46 : 25 437.0 03 : 42 : 23 Mars (R) 12 : 04 : 36 374.0 00 : 00 : 34 Merc 29 : 12 : 58 404.0 17 : 08 : 56 Jup 03 : 35 : 12 432.0 08 : 28 : 50 Venus (R) 01 : 19 : 19 409.0 10 : 45 : 17 Saturn 06 : 49 : 50 483.1 5 : 14 : 46 Rahu 22 : 55 : 48 Ketu 22 : 55 : 48 (2) Calculation of Dasa Periods (A) Basic Dasa period of Planets and Ascendant (1) Ascendant: Lagna is 12º04’12" in Virgo in Aries Navamsa.

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It will give basic period of less than one year. Ascendant is advanced by 0º04’12" in Aries Navamsa that will give basic period of 0yrs 7 months 13 days (Refer Table 1b). (2) Ascendant has Bhava Shad-Bala of 404.0 Virupa, and occupied by Moon in sign chart and Venus in the ascendant of Navamsa chart. As such, basic Dasa period of Ascendant will be increased by 5 years 4 months (Table 2a) plus 26 days (Table 2b). Total increase will be 5 years 4 months 26 days. Thus rectified dasa period of the Ascendant will be (0 yrs 7 month 13 days plus 5 years 4 m 26 day) = 6yrs 0 month 09 days. (3) In the case of Ascendant , the increase in basic dasa period only is possible.

There can not be any decrease in basic dasa period of ascendant. (B) Basic Dasa periods of planets (1) Jupiter is in Aquarius Navamsa. it will give full 10 years. The Jupiter is advanced in sign chart by 0º:15':12"in the portion occupied by Aquarius Navamsa. As such basic dasa period will increase by o month 27days (Table-Ib). the basic dasa period of Jupiter will work out 10 yrs o m 27 days. In this manner Basic dasa periods can be calculated of remaining planets (See chart 1). (2) Chakrapatha (Harana) Reduction Saturn is placed in 7th house alone and will loose its 1/6 (one sixth) of basic dasa period, as being malefic. Venus, Sun and Mercury are placed in eighth (8th) house. As the Sun is most powerful in Shad-Bala, compared to the Venus and the Mercury, the Sun will loose its 1/5 (one fifth) of its Basic dasa period, being a malefic. Venus and Mercury will not attract this reduction.

No other planet is placed from 9th to 12th houses. The Moon, Mars and Jupiter will not attract Chakrapatha reduction as these planets are placed from 1st to 6th houses. (3) Reduction on account of placement of planets in Enemy house or combust with Sun In example horoscope, none of the planet is either in enemy house or combust. As such no reduction will be afflicable on account of these two sources of reductions. (c) Increase in Basic dasa period after applying reduction Mars is in own sign and is also retrograde motion. The dasa period will be increased by three times. Venus is in Vargottama Navamsa and is also in retrograde motion. Its dasa period will be increased by three times. The Sun is in the sign of its exaltation, thus its dasa period will be increased three times. Other planets; Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are not entitled for any increase. Order of Planets for Major Dasa periods In the example Horoscope, the Sun is most powerful in Shad-bala among the Sun (513.6), or the Moon (437.3) or the Ascendant (404.0).

Dasa order will be controlled by and will also commence with the Sun. Three planets are in angular houses from the Sun, namely; Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. The planet order strength i.e. Graha Krama Bala of these planets work out as under : Venus: Graha Kram Bala = Shada Bala ´ Factor ‘K’ Graha Karam Bala of Venus = 409.4´ 0.285 = 116.7 (The Venus is away by 10º45' from mid-point of the house. (See chart 1). From table 6 A, the factor K is equivalent to 0.334 corresponding to 10 deg. From table 3b, we get the figure of 0.049 corresponding 45'. This is to the deducted from 0.334 to get the final value of K in case of Venus). Graha Krama bala of Jupiter = 432.9 ´ 0.502 = 217.3 (Jupiter is away by 8º28’50", thus K = 0.534–0.032 = 0.502 -Table 6a & 6b). Graha Krama Bala of Mercury = 404.7 ´ (–) 0.144 = (–) 58.2 (Mercury is more than 15º away from Mid-point of the house.

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Its factor K will become (–) negative. The values obtained from column 6a, will be added in the figure obtained from Table 6B. Thus the value of factor K will be –(0.134+0.010= 0.144) Dasa Krama of planets in angular house from the Sun will be as under: Planets Dasa Periods Sun 7yrs 4M 18 d. Jupiter (217.3) 10 yrs 0M 27 d Venus (116.7) 1 yr 2 M 9 d Mercury (–58.2) 8 ys 9 M 5 d The Mars is only one planet which is placed in Panphar houses from the Sun. As such next Dasa will be of Mars. Mars 19 yrs 10m 12d In Apooklim houses form the Sun two planets, Moon and Saturn and the Ascendant are placed.Acendent will act as a planet.. Dasa Kram Bala Ascendant = 404.0 ´ 1 = 404.0 (Ascendant has K equivalent to one (1) as it is the mid point itself). Moon = 437.3 ´ 0.754 = 329.7 Saturn = 483.1 ´ 0.651 = 314.5 Thus order of Dasa period in Apooklim houses from Sun will be as under.

Ascendant (404.0) 6 yrs 0 M 9 days Moon (329.7) 1 yr 8 M 23 days Saturn (314.5) 4 yr 2 M 15 days Calculation of Antardasa periods In Example horoscope, the calculations of Antar- Dasa’s in the major period of Mars and Jupiter are shown below as an example: A. Sub-periods in the Major period of Mars (1) There is no planet with Mars except Rahu (2) Saturn is in Trine. (3) There is no planet in seventh house except Ketu. (4) There is no planet in 4th and 8th houses from Mars. As such sub-periods will be of the Mars and Saturn only and guided by the formula (refer to Sloka 3&4 of CH. VIII of B.J.) Mars being major dasa lord will contribute one unit of Antardasa period and Saturn will provide 1/3 unit of Dasa period Mars being in trine to Mars. 1/1: 1/3=3/3:1/3=3+1/3 i.e. 3 : 1=4 After ignoring the denominator the sub period will be in the Ratio of 3 : 1 Sub. Period of Mars will occur first will be of duration 19 yr 10 M 12d x 3 = 14 yr 10 m 24days 4 Sub period of Saturn 4 ys 11 m 18 days B. Sub-periods in the Major period of Jupiter 10 yrs 0 m 27 days (1) There is no planet with Jupiter. (2) Moon and ascendant are in 9th house from Jupiter.

Moon is stronger than Ascendant (only shad bala is compared in the case of sub-periods). (3) No planet in seventh house. (4) In 4th house, there are three planets-Sun, Mercury and Venus. Sun is most strong. The equation of the sub-periods will work out as under: 1/1:1/3:1/4=(12:4:3)/12 i.e12:4:3=19 After ignoring common denominator of 12, the final ratio of sub-dasa periods shall be 12:4:3 = 19 of Major Dasa period of Jupiter: Sub-period of Jupiter = 10 yrs 0 M 27 days ´12 /19 = 6 yrs 4 M 11 days Sub-period of Moon = 10 yrs 0 M 27 days ´4 /19 = 2yrs 1 M 14 days Sub-period of Sun = 10 yr 0 M 27 days ´3 /19 = 1yrs 7M 2 days Chart : Sub-periods in the major period of Mars Antar Duration of Upto the Age Up to the Dasas Sub-period of native Date (in A.D.) Planets Yrs M days Yrs M days Mars 14 10 24 42 03 23 1979-8-17 Saturn 4 11 18 47 03 11 1984-10-05 Chart : Sub-periods in the major period of Jupiter Antar Duration of Upto the Age Up to the Dasas Sub-period of native Date (in A.D.) Planets Yrs M days Yrs M days Yrs M days Yrs M days Jupiter 6 4 11 72 11 27 2010-6-24 Moon 2 1 14 75 1 11 2012-8-8 Moon 1 7 2 76 8 13 2014-3-10 Brief analysis of the some of the Major periods Mercury: (In first cycle-1955 to 1964 – commenced at the age of 18 years) :It is significator of education and Lord of Ascendant and 10th house.

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In Navamsa chart it is placed in Ninth house in sign Sagittarius. This sign controls the fourth house in birth chart. In Chalit, it moves to ninth house in birth chart. During the period of Mercury, the native completed his graduation in engineering from a renowned University, was married, got a job in electricity board and blessed with a son. Thus, the Mercury dasa laid down the foundation in life cycle. It acted as seed planet in the nativity and provided every thing needed for sustenance of life in future. The placement of Mercury in 8th house has given many hindrances which the scribe was able to over come during the operation of this Dasa period. Mars: (In first cycle-1964 to 1984-commenced at the age of 27 years): It is lord of 3d and 8th house and placed in 3rd house with Rahu. It is in its own house and retrograde. In Navamsa, it is in Libra sign, thus it will give the result of 2nd house also which is in Libra in birth chart.

In Navamsa, Mars is in angular houses, and exchange signs with Venus and is also aspected by both Venus and Jupiter. Mars is the lord of rising sign in Navamsa and placed in sixth house from powerful Moon. On Commencement of Mars Dasa, the native changed his job from Govt. deptt. to a trading organization. The scribe was entrusted with responsibility for executing contract on short and long term basis. On one hand, it had given a job stationary in nature; though full of short and long duration of touring responsibilities. Growth was constant and regular but sluggish in nature. The native had to fight his way sometimes for even smaller benefits. On negative side his father, grand mother, sister-in-law and brother-in-low expired in this period leaving a burden to marry four brothers and sisters. He also acquired and suffered from high blood pressure and developed heart problem. Jupiter: (In second cycle- 2004 to 2014 –commences at the age of 66): It is in debility and also Marka and badhaka lord. Jupiter obtains Neech –bhang Raja- yoga and exchanged signs with Saturn forming another raja-yoga. Jupiter Dasa will see lot of activity on the front of property, children and foreign travel.

As Jupiter is placed in sign Aquarius in Navamsa chart, which is placed is sixth house in the birth chart, the general health of the native may further deteriorate. His elder sibling may pass away. The Jupiter being the lord of 7th house is not good for longevity. In second cycle the Jupiter will not provide new avenues of further progress but make the native dependent on past acquisitions and achievements. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS The results of Ansayurdaya are to be interpreted in the manner, that in the first cycle, the seed will sprout and will take the shape of a tree, either to give benefits or liabilities. In the second cycle, no seed will sprout as it has already sprouted and grown in a full tree during the operation of the first cycle. The benefits or disadvantages of the above tree will only accrue in the operation of the second cycle. The intelligent astrologer will be able to interpret the dasas in this manner. Varaha Mihra has given the results of these planetary dasas in chapter VIII of Brihat Jataka. This is the basic Dasa system and gives tremendous foresight to interpret the other Dasas based on Nakshatra or Signs.

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