A Relook at Some Jyotish Basics

A Relook at Some Jyotish Basics  

O.D. Mande
Views : 10223 | July 2011

The subject of astrology is very vast, and its knowledge is immense. Our Rishis & seers have set innumerable parameters to analyse the different areas of native's life. It is for this reason, astrologers find it difficult to come to the conclusion which make the astrologer's task complicated. In this article, a modest attempt has been made by the writer to ease the task of the astrologers. Horoscope analysis requires the knowledge of and the skill to use a plethora of astrological parameters viz. planetary avasthas (of different types) shadbal, vimshopakbal, dugdha rashi ,shoonya rashi, dugdha nakshatra , pushkar navamamsa ,pushkar bhag , mrityubhag , different types of drekkana , amsa rulers of divisional charts etc .

A proper use of so many parameters is a challenge even for veteran astrologers. This difficulty raises a fundamental question— Is it not desirable to synthesize these parameters into fewer ones, to the extent possible, so that they may become more user-friendly? The author would like to make some suggestions in this regard as under. 1 Avastha, Shadbal & Vimshopakbal These parameters are supposed to indicate the planet’s capacity to influence other planets and to give result during own dasa. A planet may be strong in shadbal and/or vimshopakbal but may be weak in avastha or vice versa.

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However, the first parameter i.e. avastha alone is of five types viz. Baladi ,Deeptadi , Jagratadi, Lajjitadi & Sayanadi , which makes the task even more complex. It is known that the first two avasthas are basic & quite different from each other whereas the third avastha ( Jagratadi) is like an abridged form of Deeptadi avastha. Lajjitadi & Sayanadi avasthas have their own significance but are not used by astrologers regularly. Generally astrologers have a look at the first two avasthas , shadbal,vimshopakbal and weigh them mentally to judge the overall strength of a planet . This can be done in a systematic manner as suggested below. ( i) Assign weightages to Baladi avasthas i.e. Bal 0.25 , Kumar 0.50 ,Yuva 1.0, Vriddha 0.25 & Mrit 0.10 (ii) Assign weightages to Deeptadi avasthas also i.e. Deepta 1.0, Swastha 0.9 , Mudita 0.8 Shanta 0.7 , Din 0.6 , Vikala 0.5 , Dukhita 0.4 , Khal 0.3 & Kop 0.2 (iii) Suppose a planet is in Bal avastha ( weightage 0.25) and also in Din avastha ( weightage 0.6). The average of these two weightages comes to 0.425.

Knowing the planet’s shadbal ( say 170%) and vimshopakbal ( say 60%) it’s resultant strength ( parinamibal) can be taken as 170x60x0.425 i.e. 43.3% This single parameter is a better indicator of planetary strength than the traditional four divergent figures . Example1: Female 14 April 1975 12.50 PM Delhi She is employed in a paramedical organization of Govt and has earned very good reputation and popularity in the organization. She has received merit certificates and special increments too. Her chart has Cancer ascendant with exalted Sun ( Karak for fame/ recognition) in the tenth house. Sun has very high shadbal of 235% and vimshopakbal as high as 82% . Sun is exalted (Deeptadi avastha weightage 1.0) but being in Bal avastha ( weightage 0.25 ) gets the mean avastha weightage as 0.625 .

The resultant strength ( parinamibal ) comes to 235x82x0.625 i.e.120.4% . This is far below the shadbal of 235% yet above 100% and hence justifies the native’s success in her profession. If the native were born on April 27, the exalted Sun would have been in Yuva avastha . Taking into account the corresponding shadbal (239%) and vimshopakbal (66%) the resultant strength would have been much higher i.e. 157.7%. But that would be against the law of karma and hence not possible. Sri Yukteswar(1855-1936) a great yogi, astrologer and astronomer had rightly remarked “ a child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in harmony with his individual karma” as mentioned by his illustrious disciple Paramhansa Yogananda (1893-1952) in his spiritual classic Autobiography a Yogi . 2 Ashtakavarga and Bhavbal Ashtakavarga indicates the strengths of houses as well as of the planets occupying them.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

Bhavbal also indicates the strengths of houses. Bhavbal parameter is not very popular with astrologers. But sometimes it can give a clue when something goes wrong despite positive indications from Sarvashtakavarga (SAV) and Bhinnashtakavarga (BAV) charts. For example, the bhavbal figures of the twelve houses of Albert Einstein’ chart (chart discussed under the subsequent item) are 8.77, 7.63, 9.76, 8.15, 10.00, 7.75, 7.78, 4.92, 4.99, 7.41, 7.54, and 10.02. It is seen that the eighth house (sustenance of marriage) is the weakest although strongest as per SAV chart! 3 Blemish due to Mars’ placement The placement of Mars in first , second , fourth , seventh , eighth or twelfth house is considered a drawback ( mangalik or kuja dosha ) specially in matrimony .

There is a widespread “mangalik —phobia” in Indian society ! Separate matrimonial websites have come up exclusively for prospective brides and grooms believed to be ‘afflicted ‘ with this so called curse of Mars! Theoretically 50% of people have this blemish,. Some astrologers consider this blemish not just from ascendant but from Moon and Venus also. With this approach not a single person would be found free from this blemish! Fortunately there are several factors Which can and do mitigate/ neutralize this blemish in majority of horoscopes, provided the concerned astrologer is knowledgeable, experienced and unorthodox. But before going into such a mangalik—scrutiny would it not be advisable to first see whether, in a given horoscope, is Mars really malefic at all? The traditional way would be to see whether Mars is functional malefic/benefic, yogakarak, exalted/ debilitated his house/sign of placement vis-à-vis the ascendant etc.

But all this examination is qualitative and inadequate unless the basic SAV chart and the BAV chart of Mars are also examined as they can give quantitative and overriding indications . If Mars turns to be benefic due to high scores in SAV chart ( say35 ) and BAV chart (say 6 ) then he is like a friend and not foe of the native . However, as mangalik-dosha is mostly seen in the context of matrimony it is important to examine navamsa chart and the corresponding ashtakavarga chart also. If Mars is seen to be malefic after such examination, the astrologer will have to look for ‘antidote’ factors in the chart . In any case , all avilable escape routes should be explored before declaring a native mangalik .

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

Such people wiil be far below the theoretical figure of 50%. As Mars-blemish depends on his placement in certain houses should one consider rasi chart or bhav-chalit chart ? This is a controversial issue and hence it is advisable to consider both charts and take a considered view. Eample 2 : Albert Einstein 14 March 1879, 11.30 AM 100 E 00, 480 N 24' (40 minutes ahead of GMT) Albert Einstein is regarded as the greatest physicist of 20th century . In his chart Mars , being the lord of two malefic houses ,is posited in the eighth house which is the worst placement! But in the SAV chart eighth house has as high as 40 points whereas Mars has 7 points in his BAV chart.This feature made the malefic Mars very benefic and the eighth house of research exceptionally strong.

He published the theory of relativity in1905 during Ven- Rah dasa Feb 1903 –Feb 1906 ; Rahu acted like conjunct Mars . He published the general theory in 1915 during Ven- Ket dasa Oct 1914-Dec 1915 . Ketu has 30 points in SAV and the aspect of powerful Mars . He was awarded the Nobel prize in 1922 during Moon-Mars dasa Dec 1921—Oct 1922. It is noteworthy that the sixth house containing debilitated Moon has 35 points and Moon has 5 points in her BAV chart. Einstein married Mileva Maric in Jan 1903 but they were separated in 1914 and divorced in 1919 .In the same year he married Elsa Lowenthal.

This marriage lasted up to 1936 when Elsa died of heart and kidney problems. His married life was not smooth . The powerful Mars has proved extremely benefic for scientific research but not for married life.This can be attributed (partly) to relatively weaker Mars in navamsa ( 27points in SAV & 2 points in BAV) who is placed in the lagna house in conjunction with fourth /ninth lord Venus. This apart, the strongest eighth house (sustenance of marriage) as per SAV chart becomes the weakest in bhavbal as mentioned earlier! Example 3 : Female 25 October 1949 1.44 PM Delhi In the chart of this native too Mars (as 11th lord) is placed in the eighth house.

The house containing Mars is strong enough with 29 points in SAV chart though he has just 2 points in his BAV chart. In the navamsa Mars , as the lord of two malefic houses, is placed in twelfth house with 30 points in SAV chart and 5 points in his BAV chart. She was married 39 years ago and her family life has been very smooth. 4 Geocentric vs Topocentric Vedic astrology is based on ‘geocentric’ view of the Solar system. The longitudes of planets are reckoned with the centre of Earth as reference point. But in reality we all live on the Earth’s surface and there is absolutely no question of going anywhere near the centre! This apart, some astrologers advance the argument of planets’ influence on humanity through the rays emitted by them , which is possible at Earth’s surface only.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

This raises a basic question—should the reference point be the centre of earth (geocentric) or the native’s birthplace (topocentric)? From a practical point of view there is little difference in the two types of longitudes except in case of Moon. In case of Moon this difference is substantial and can go up to two degrees. A large difference can shift ( nakshatra based) dasa sequence by several months! Apparently topocentric approach seems logical but needs to be examined and validated by studying the modified dasa sequence given by it over a large number of horoscopes. After all , the geocentric approach in vogue for generations has not been giving poor results ! (Even the proponents of planets’ influence on humanity through their rays , do not follow topocentric approach for dasa sequence !) Example :

Albert Einstein The longitude of Moon ( geocentric) is 220Sc21' and correspondingly the first dasa(Mercury) ends on 15 Dec 1888. A few important events of Einstein’s life have been explained as per this dasa sequence in the example discussed earlier. The topocentric longitude of Moon is 210 Sc 47’which extends the first dasa up to 7 Sept 1889 i.e. by a long duration of about nine months . As a consequence the subsequent dasas too get shifted by nine months. This modified dasa sequence does not explain the events anyway better. Conclusion Sri. Yukteswar had expressed “ Astrology is too vast mathematically and philosophically, to be grasped “.

He was perfectly right as the sheer plethora of astrological parameters is sufficient to confirm this though it is just the tip of iceberg ! This paper is a modest attempt to ease the task a little bit. A simple mathematical method has been suggested to combine the more important strength parameters, for convenience of astrologers to form a quick first impression about planetary strength. It is hoped that this would ease astrologer’s task a bit and also introduce some uniformity. Bhavbal parameter is not very popular with astrologers but sometimes it can give a good clue . In view of the prevalent mangalik-phobia, a thorough horoscope—scrutiny using SAV/BAV charts has been stressed upon. One can hope that in some years to come this phobia will become a thing of the past like gotra-phobia which has disappeared from most parts of India . The controversy of ‘geocentric vs. topocentric’ has also been touched upon. r

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