Saturn-Moon Combination and Cancer Disease

Saturn-Moon Combination and Cancer Disease  

S. K. Sawhney
Views : 5731 | July 2004

Cancer, the dreaded term for malignant growths and lumps, seems to be of unusually common occurrence in recent times. More people than ever before seem to be struck by the disease, which carries with it a near pall of death, if not checked in the initial stage. Saturn, Moon and Dusthanas 6th, 8th and 12th seem to figure prominently in the charts of cancer patients. This maiming, or disfiguration of the body, relates the Ascendant, or its lord to the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, or their lords. These Dusthanas rule such traumatic situations, or events, that would change the entire course of one’s life. Many who had to suffer from cancer, their lives changed overnight from laughter and sunshine to gloom. Saturn, which characterises all that hardens, hinders, depletes and suppresses, would seem to be the best fitted planet to be associated with cancer.

It would also explain very well the mental anguish and depression, that follow the biopsy, confirming the malignant nature of lump, or growth. The Moon, ruling the mind and also all the excretions in the body system, would also fit well in this context. All lumps and tumours are nothing but the accumulations of secretions, that have been clogged, or otherwise prevented from normal movement. A study of several charts of cancer patients has shown a link between MOON AND SATRUN. This link is found in the Navmasha chart. This does not necessarily mean that all charts where the Moon and Saturn are correlated are cases of cancer. But the majority of cancer cases have the Moon-Saturn disposition. If Moon is afflicted by Saturn in Navamasha chart through posting, aspect, or conjunction, it indicates the disease of cancer. More important, Dashas or directional influences must also warrant the disease of cancer Now, I will discuss the various case studies of the natives who have suffered from cancer, to prove the combination of Saturn and Moon, a combination responsible for the disease of cancer. CASE STUDY – 1 4. Number sign., Lord of 1st sign, Moon, 4th house and its lord Moon, all the representatives of 4th organ chest are under influence of malefic planets SATURN and MARS. 4th sign, significator of chest is aspected by Saturn (R) 4th house is also aspected by Saturn, 4th lord Moon is aspected by Mars.

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D-9 The Moon is conjuncted with Saturn in Navmasha, therefore there is a definite link between Saturn and Moon, result being the disease of cancer. CHANDRA LAGNA 4th sign Cancer, it's lord Moon, the 4th house and it's Lord Jupiter, all are under the influence of malefic planets, indicating problem in 4th organ i.e. chest. DRESHKAN 4th sign Cancer, it's lord Moon, the 4th house and it's lord Mars are under the influence of malefic planets, indicating problem in 4th organ i.e. chest. DWADASHAMSHA 4th sign Cancer, it's lord Moon, the 4th house and its lord Jupiter, Saturn are under the influence of malefic planets, indicating problem in 4th organ i.e. chest.

TRISHAMSHA 4th sign Cancer, it's lord Moon, the 4th house and it's lord Jupiter are under the influence of malefic planets, indicating problem in 4th organ i.e. chest. CASE STUDY-2: BIRTH CHART OF SH. RAM KRISHNA PARAM HANS D.O.B. 18.02.1838 T.O.B. 6.23 A.M. LAT. 22N53 LONG. 87E44 DIED DUE TO THROAT CANCER D-9. NAVAMSHA CHART The Moon is aspected by Saturn by 3rd aspect. Therefore, there is a definite link between Moon and Saturn, result being the disease of Cancer.

CASE NO.3 D-1: BIRTH CHART OF SH. MAHADEV SADASHIV RAO GOLVALKER D.O.B. 30.12.1879 T.O.B. 1.00 AM LAT. 9N50 LONG. 78E50 DIED DUE TO CANCER D-9 NAVAHSHA CHART The Moon is aspected by Saturn. Therefore, there is a definite link between Saturn and Moon, resulting in cancer.

CASE STUDY -4 D.O.B. 01.09.1968 .O.B. 10.30 AM LAT. 13N LONG. 77E30 DIED DUE TO BLOOD CANCER AT THE AGE OF SEVEN YEARS D-9 NAVAMSHA CHART The Moon is conjuncted with Saturn in 8th house. Therefore, conjunction of Saturn with Moon creates direct link, resulting in cancer. CASE STUDY-5 D.O.B. 19.02.1906 T.O.B. 4.34 AM LONG. 78E5 LAT. 21N8 D-9 NAVAMSHA CHART Moon in the 7th house is directly aspected by Saturn, posted in Lagn. Hence, there is a direct link between Saturn and Moon, resulting in cancer.

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