Leo Star Forecast

Leo Star Forecast  

Tanvi Bansal
Views : 3416 | May 2016

The latest, Most Advanced, Comprehensive and High End edition of popular astrology software Leo Forecast supports all astrological systems. This astrology software contains all features of Leostar Professional and Leostar Expert and in addition to that it is the only software which can predict about Share Market Trend, Sensex, Gold & Dollar. Leo Forecast the result of extensive research work of last 40 years is the best gift of the computerization of Astrology.

Leo Forecast uses historic data to determine the direction of future trends. Stock analysts use various forecasting methods to determine how a stock's price will move in the future. It is rightly termed as a planning tool that helps management in its attempts to cope with the uncertainty of the future, relying mainly on data from the past and present and analysis of trends.

The one blow of share market can ruin you completely whereas the correct idea about market trend can turn you into a millionaire. To get this idea share market prediction shall prove to be a miracle. Leo Star software gives these predictions and then you can decide when to invest and where to invest.

Leo Forecast Package

Astrology software Leo Forecast contains following modules:


All additional features of Leo Forecast edition have been included in this module.


All additional features of Leo star expert edition have been included in this module.


With this Kundli software various divisional charts can be made accurately.


Avakhada, Ashtakvarga, Festivals, Mantras, Rahukal, Yoga, Table of 249 number of kp


Horoscope matching on the basis of Ashtakoot Guna and Manglikdosh Matching


Shodash Vargas, Shadbal, Dashaphal, Transit, longevity and databank of horoscopes


Traditional/ Modern Annual chart, Patyansh, Mudda and Vimsottari Dasha


KP horoscope, planet/house position, significators, 249 no. System, Vimshotri Dasha.


Calculation and detailed answer of questions on the basis of horary astrology

Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab module gives Lalkitab Kundli, Dasha, Debts, Varshphal, Remedies & Predictions.


Root number, destiny number, name number calculations with remedies & predictions.


Muhurata for Job, Business, House Warming (Grah Pravesh), Marriage etc.


Price analysis, Sarvadobhadra Chakra, Transit of Planets, Result of Transit.


Create Panchang containing Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Karan, Yog for any year.


It contains useful mantras for accomplishing various objectives .

Leo Query

Various old and traditional methods of answering questions are given in this application

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