Hindu New Year Chart and Death of National Ruler

Hindu New Year Chart and Death of National Ruler  

Sachin Malhotra
Views : 3796 | October 2014

It was exactly four years back, in year 2010, the T.V news report fl ashed breaking news about the tragic death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife and other military, political, and church offi cials of Poland in a plane crash near Smolensk, Russia. In total 96 people were killed including 7 crew members on board the Polish Air force Tupolev Tu-154M aircraft while making an attempt to land at Smolensk-north airport in Russia. This accident wiped out a large portion of the Poland’s political, military and civil leadership. The crash of this aging Russian airliner proved to be the country’s worst disaster since World War II and left the Polish people in great mourning. 

In case of death of a national ruler (in offi ce) there has to be an affl iction on the 4/10 axis and dasha co-relating to it in the foundation chart of the country concerned. Since we do not have the foundation chart of the Poland so why not check this event and fi ndings on the Hindu New year chart of Poland, which can be easily made by taking the day of ‘Chaitra shukla pratipada’ of the country and adjusting the time for the capital of country concerned. Therefore, we took the date of 15-March-2010 for the place Warsaw, the capital of Poland. The time we adjusted for the day of New moon of Chaitra shukla pratipada and reached at 22:01:01 hrs. 

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This detail gave us the following chart of New Year for Poland. We fi nd out in the chart that Mars placed in the tenth house of national ruler is affl icting the 4/10 axis. The tenth house in mundane astrology shows king, rulers, prime minister, president, head of the state and cabinet as a whole and any affl iction to it indicate danger to them. Fourth house, the throne of the ruler was affl icted by Mars and its lord Saturn falling in the twelfth was confi rming her hypothesis. We also see the condition of the cabinet from the ascendant and death of national ruler from the eighth houses. In mundane astrology the lagna denotes the conditions of the cabinet and eight houses from it signifi es the death of any cabinet member or national ruler apart from its other signifi cations. 

In this case, since the President of Poland died along with his cabinet in that disastrous plane crash so there must have been heavy affl iction to the lagna and eighth house apart from the tenth house. Now again see in the New Year chart of Poland, lagna and the eighth lord Venus is falling in the sixth house and receiving the aspect of retrograde Saturn making this amply clear. Mars being the lord of seventh house of war in the tenth house giving aspect to the lagna was explaining this violent ravaging of the top Polish leadership. Also, notice here the lunationtaking place in the sixth house and Moon being the lord of tenth house is an active participant. 

After this we decided to work more on such cases of New Year charts of the nations for the year in which their national ruler died in offi ce. To start with, we took the Hindu New Year horoscopes for the years when our four prime ministers died in offi ce. We observed few points, which are given below, and applied them in more such cases of other countries also to reach at some replicable technique of predicting the death of the national ruler/head of the state : 

1. There must be an affl iction to the tenth house and/or its lord by malefi c planets in the Hindu new year chart, as tenth house represents the national ruler. 

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2. The fourth house or its lord in the Hindu New Year chart must also be affl icted by malefi c planets, as fourth being the house representing the throne of the ruler. 

3. The eighth house in the Hindu new year chart, which mainly shows the death of the national ruler or an important leader of the country must also be affl icted by malefi c planets. 

4. A point was observed was that one of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) was either having the lordship of lagna or tenth house or together they were in the P.A.C.(Position, aspect and/or conjunction) relationship of these houses or their lords in Hindu New Year chart of the given year. Now see the cases of Hindu New year chart for the year in which our prime ministers died in offi ce. 

Case 2. Death of fi rst Prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru The Hindu New year chart given below is for the year 1964 when India’s fi rst Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru died on 27 May leaving the problem of succession for his party and the country. 1. In the Hindu New Year chart for India the tenth house is under the affl iction of Rahu/Ketu axis. 2. The fourth house of the throne of the ruler is also under the Rahu/Ketu axis. 3. The lord of eighth house Venus is receiving the aspect of Saturn. 4. The luminaries Sun and Moon conjoined with the lagna and tenth lord Jupiter confi rming our condition of their relationship with either lagna or tenth house or both. 

Case 3. Death of India’s second Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri India’s second Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri also died in offi ce at Tashkent on 11 January 1966 supposedly of a heart attack. 
See the Hindu New year chart for year 1965. 1. The tenth lord Jupiter is in Rahu/Ketu axis and malefi c Mars and Saturn are in Kendra from it. 2. The fourth lord Mercury is receiving the aspect of retrograde Mars. 3. The eighth lord, which is Venus is also affl icted by the aspect of retrograde Mars from the sixth house. 4. The Sun and the Moon are conjoined in the lagna confi rming our hypothesis of having P.A.C (Position , aspect and/ or conjunction) links with lagna or tenth houses/lords. 

Case 4- Assassination of Prime minister Indira Gandhi The Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own bodyguards on the 31st of October 1984. 1. In the Hindu New year chart the tenth house is receiving the aspect of Mars and its lord Mercury falling in the eighth house is under the aspect of retrograde Saturn. 2. The fourth house and its lord Jupiter are both under the infl uence of the retrograde Saturn. 3. The lord of eighth house is Mars, which conjoined with Ketu shows trouble to the important leader of the country. The eighth house is under affl iction by the aspect of retrograde Saturn. 4. Sun and Moon are giving their joint aspect to the lagna.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

Case 5. Assassination of Prime minister Rajiv Gandhi Rajiv Gandhi , the charismatic third prime minister from the Nehru Dynasty, was killed in a terrorist attack on 21st May 1991. See the Hindu New year chart for that year. 1. The lord of tenth house Jupiter is retrograde and is in Rahu/Ketu axis. Saturn is also affl icting the Jupiter from the eighth and is giving aspects to the tenth house as well. 2. The lord of fourth house Mercury is receiving the aspect of Saturn from the eighth house. 3. The lord of eighth house Saturn is also under the Rahu/Ketu axis. 4. The Sun and the Moon are in the tenth house and conjoined with the lord of lagna Mercury again confi rming our hypothesis of having P.A.C with lagna or tenth houses/lords. After going through the cases of death of national ruler in the world largest democracy now let us see some of the similar kind of cases in the other countries like the United States of America. 

Case 6. Death of ninth President of U.S.A -William Henry Harrison William Henry Harrison was the ninth President of America and the fi rst to die in offi ce. He died on April 14, 1841 due to pneumonia after giving a long inaugural address in the cold and rain during the month of March. 1. In New Year chart of U.S.A for 1841 the tenth house has malefi c Ketu and its lord Moon is falling in the sixth house. 2. The fourth house of throne of the ruler has Rahu receiving the aspect of retrograde Mars. 3. The eighth house of national mourning and its lord, Venus are both under affl iction by retrograde Mars. 4. The luminary Moon is having the lordship of tenth house confi rming our hypothesis.

Case 7. Death of twelfth President of U.S.A- Zachary Taylor Zachary Taylor was the twelfth President of United States and was second to die in offi ce. He died of cholerah (gastrointestinal illness) after eating cherries and milk in the middle of summer. He died in the White house on July 8, 1850. 1. In the New Year chart for America, the Mars placed in the tenth house and its lord Mercury is falling in the sixth house with Ketu. 2. The fourth house has the double affl iction by malefi c planets Mars and Saturn. The lord of fourth house (Jupiter) is retrograde and badly placed in the twelfth with Rahu. 3. The eighth house/its lord are not affl icted in the chart. 4. The luminaries Sun and Moon are giving their aspect to the lagan. 

Case 8- Death of 16th President of U.S.A- Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln the 16th President of United States died on April 15, 1865. He died a few hours after a shot by an assassin while attending a play at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. 1. In the New Year chart for 1865 the tenth house or its lord Sun is not showing any kind of affl iction. 2. However, the fourth lord Saturn badly placed in the twelfth house with Rahu confi rming the second condition. 3. Mars placed in the eighth house is enough to show the death of national ruler (President in this case). 4. The luminary, Sun having the lord ship of the tenth house again confi rms our hypothesis. 

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

Case 9- Death of thirty -second President of U.S.A- Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President of United States, also known by his initials FDR died on April 12, 1945. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage. 1. In New Year Chart the aspect of Mars affl icts chart of U.S the tenth house. The lord of tenth house Moon is falling in the sixth and receiving the aspect of Saturn. 2. The fourth house has Mars placed in it and its lord Saturn conjoined with Rahu also showing double affl iction here. 3. The lord of eighth house Venus is receiving the aspect of malefi c Mars also fulfi ls our third condition. 4. Among the luminaries, the Moon here occupies the lordship of tenth house confi rming our condition. 

Case 10- Assassination of thirty-fi fth President of U.S.A- John F. Kennady John F. Kennedy the 35th President of United States, also known by his initials J.F.K died on November 22, 1963. He died a few hours after being shot by an assassin. 1. The tenth house in the New Year chart of U.S.A is showing the ultimate affl iction. 2. Fourth house is also under the same kind of affl iction, and its lord is also badly placed and under the infl uence of malefi c Saturn, confi rm our second condition in this case. 3. Although eighth house does not have any malefi c infl uence but see the condition of its lord Mars which tells the story of the tragic death of the President of America that year. 4. Both luminaries Sun and Moon are receiving the aspect of the tenth lord Saturn but they are not making the complete P.A.C (Position , aspect and/ or conjunction) relationship with either lagna or tenth house. 

Now after dealing with the eight cases of United States of America let us come to our neighbouring nations, to start with see this case of Bangladesh. But one thing we will have to remember while we do an analysis on the New Year charts of the neighboring countries of India, we should also give more emphasis on Navamsha here as the Rashi chart will be the same in most of the countries like Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh etc. for the year concerned due to the proximity in time zone with India.

Case 11- Assassination of President of Bangladesh- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, also know as Bang Bandhu, assassinated on August 15, 1975, by a group of junior army offi cers who invaded the presidential residence with tanks and killed Mujib, his family and the personal staff. 1. In the New Year chart the tenth house of the national ruler is heavily affl icted by the aspect of Mars and Saturn. 

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

The lord of tenth house Sun is receiving the aspect of Saturn. 2. Mars placed in the fourth house and its lord Saturn falling in the eighth house also shows the danger to the throne of ruler. 3. The eighth house and its lord Mercury affl icted by the infl uence of Saturn. In Navamsha eighth house is affl icted by Rahu and Saturn. 4. Sun taking the lordship of tenth house also fulfi ls our fourth condition of luminaries having the lordship of either lagna or tenth house or making a P.A.C (Position, aspect and/or conjunction) link with these houses/lords. Now see this case of the death of a military ruler from Pakistan. 

Case 12- The death of President General Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq of Pakistan. General Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq was the sixth President of Pakistan from 16-September-1978 to his death on 17-August-1988. Initially he was a chief Martial Law Administrator when he overthrew the ruling Prime Minister Zulfi kar Ali Bhutto in a bloodless coup de etat on 5 July 1977. His days are remembered in the country for the Islamization of military and civil services. He died in a plane crash on 17 August 1988. See in the Hindu New year chart of Pakistan for that year. 1. The tenth house has two malefi c planets Mars and Saturn. 2. The fourth house is affl icted with the aspect of two hard malefi c planets and more over its lord Mercury is affl icted in the twelfth house. 3. The eighth house of the death of the national ruler is under the benefi c infl uence in the Rashi chart though if we see the Navamsha Mars is aspecting it and its lord Venus is falling in the twelfth. 4. The luminaries Sun and Moon are in the lagna making our hypothesis correct again. 

Case 13- Massacre in the Royal Palace of Nepal On 1 June- 2001 there was a massacre in the Royal Palace. King Birendra, Queen Aishwarya, Crown Prince Dipendra and seven other members of the royal family were killed. Dipendra was accused of Patricide and of committing suicide thereafter. But there are still speculation and doubts among the Nepalese as to who was responsible for the incident. See this New Year chart of Nepal for the year 2001. 1. The tenth lord Saturn is receiving the aspect of Mars from the eighth house. 2. The fourth house of the throne is affl icted by the aspect of Saturn and its lord Moon also falls in the twelfth house. 3. The lord of eighth, Mars though placed in own house but is in mutual aspect of malefi c Saturn. 4. The luminaries Sun and Moon doesn’t have any P.A.C (Position, aspect and/ or conjunction) link with either lagna or tenth house but in Navamsha they are aspecting the lagna from the seventh house. 

Case 14- Assassination of President of Bangladesh- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, also known as Bang Bandhu, was assassinated on August 15, 1975, by a group of junior army offi cers who invaded the presidential residence with tanks and killed Mujib, his family and the personal staff. 1. In the New Year chart the tenth house of the national ruler is heavily affl icted by the aspect of Mars and Saturn. And the lord of tenth house Sun is receiving the aspect of Saturn. 2. Mars placed in the fourth house and its lord Saturn falling in the eighth house also shows the danger to the throne of ruler. 3. The eighth house and its lord Mercury are affl icted by the infl uence of Saturn. And in Navamsha eighth house is affl icted by Rahu and Saturn. 4. Sun taking the lordship of tenth house also fulfi ls our fourth condition of luminaries having the lordship of either lagna or tenth house or making a P.A.C (Position, aspect and/or conjunction) link with these houses/lords.

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