Life is Beset with Good and Bad

Life is Beset with Good and Bad  

Puneet Vohra
Views : 4452 | October 2011

Life is beset with good and bad, health and disease. No living being is free from health problem at one time or other. Medical science can diagnose the disease only when it occurs. It is only astrology and palmistry that can warn about a pending disease. The life of a person is governed by the planetary influences which can be read from the horoscope of a person. The main function of medical astrology is to provide an indication as to whether the planetary influences at the time of an illness are likely to be advantageous or disadvantageous to the sufferer.

A medical Astrologer may consider the following factors while studying a chart with respect to disease; 

1. Likely timing (onset) of the particular disease, 

2. Likely diagnosis (nature) of the disease, 

3. Probable eventual outcome of the disease and 

4. Additional means that might be employed by a physician to counteract the disease and thus facilitate the restoration of the patient’s health. 

The effect of planets on each sign, house and on each other plays an important role on the health in general and on particular organs. This effect will be felt during particular Dasha, Antardasha of concerned planets in the life of a person. Some chronic or permanent disabilities occur in accordance with the placement of malefic planets in adverse positions. Occasional physical disabilities and disturbances occur due to the astrological factors in time. The signs, the planets and the houses considered from moon sign have their own significance pertaining to certain organs. To study the health aspect the significance of signs, houses and the planets should be super imposed and synchronized in an effective way.  

Medical Palmistry: 

To become adept at practice of modern Medical Palmistry, you must have more than intuition or power of suggestion; you must have knowledge, reasoning and wisdom. If you have these qualities, you can help your friends, as well as yourself, to maintain better health.   While observing the lines, observe them in both the hands. If the following indications are found in both the hands, then the given conclusions can be confirmed. If these indications appear in only one hand, then we can say that the person is prone to that disease. Remember that other factors are also to be considered besides given below to reach at a final conclusion. 

Diseases Through Hand: 

Abortion: A cross above the Marriage line shows natural abortion. Other indicators are-defective line of Venus, Weak or defective Head line, First Bracelet upwards to mount of Moon, A star on the lines of Mercury and Head. 

Accident: A line of influence from the mount of Venus or Life line to the mount of Saturn leads accident from Vehicle. It will be very serious, if there is a cross on the Head line under the mounts of Saturn or Sun. 

Also Read: 9 Planets & 9 Astro Remedies for all Health Problems

Acidity:  Smooth and knotty fingers, Wavy Head line ending on mount of Moon, Chained or weakened half Head line, Prominent confusing lines on mount of Moon, Depressed mount of Mars, Health line cutting Life line are the indicators of Acidity problem. 

Alcoholism(Drunkenness): A line or branch from the mount of Venus or the Life  line or Mars  line terminating in a star on the mount of Moon, an upward line from the third angle of the triangle ending about the center mount of the Moon are the main indicators. Others are-Mars line dividing into two lines, red spot on the Head line  under mount of Saturn, changes in the Nails and Skin(rough, dry or red), little finger much little and under developed, short Thumb, line from the Life line ending in mount of Moon, broken Girdle of Venus. 

Anaemia: A very pale palm, short and pale nails, lower part of the mount of Moon exaggerates or much lined are main indicators. Apoplexy: Very red skin, plain of Mars hollow toward Head line, Health line very uneven and red where it crosses Heart line, exaggerate or much lined mount of Jupiter, a grill and a star on the mount of Moon, long red scar on the Heart line are the indicators. 

Assassination: A cross or star on the upper mount of Mars, also a large cross in the centre of the triangle, a line from the quadrangle under the mount of Saturn cutting deep into a girdle of Venus are the indicators. 

Asthma: The space between the Head line and Heart line is narrow under the middle finger and one or two lines starting from the mount of Venus move towards the Head line indicate Asthma. Poorly traced Health line with narrow quadrangle due to Heart line curving down to Head line, no clarity in the beginning of Heart line, a dot on the Head line under the mount of Saturn, Whirl between mounts of Saturn and Sun, a black spot inside the quadrangle are other indicators. 

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Biliousness: Yellow hued palm, cold, exaggerate or much lined mount of Mercury, wavy Health line are the indicators. Blindness: Of one eye-one circle on Life line: Of both eyes-two circles on the Life line. A cross on the upper part of the Health line and a circle on the Heart line, Same cross with a break of the lines of Head or Heart under the mount of Sun, a star in the triangle close to the Health line are the indicators. Blood Circulation: Numerous white spots on the nails, Heart line broken under mount of Saturn are the main indicators. 

Blood Poisoning: Black or bluish spots on the nails are the indicators. Blood Pressure(High): Red skin, Red nails, Red lines, Exaggerate mounts of Mars and Jupiter, apex of Jupiter towards mount of Saturn, line of Mars deeply marked are the indicators. 

Blood Pressure (Low): Yellow or white Hand, an island on Heart line, red spots on the hand, many lines on Saturn are the indicators. 

Blood Troubles: Exaggerate or much lined upper mount of Mars, deep and cross bars cutting Head line, dots on Head line, various spots on nails, Heart line break below mount of Saturn, broad and shallow Heart line, prominent Jupiter, Saturn mount having many lines are the indicators. 

Also Read: Use of Astrology for Cure of Diseases

Brain Fever: Deep Health line entirely absent in the quadrangle, same line ending at Head line with many bars cutting Life line, Mercury line ending on head line and many lines cutting Life line, Head lines quite close to Life line are the indicators. 

Brain Trouble: Plain of Mars hollow toward Head line, an influence line from the mount of Venus cutting head line, small and underdeveloped Thumb, pale and wide Head line with black spots on it and Life line forked at the start, a star on the Head line at the end of a line of influence, Head line wavy and inclining towards a wavy Health line, a break of the Head line, Head line starred or crossed by a deep bar or badly broken or much starred mount of Moon are the indicators. 

Bronchitis: Exaggerate of much lined upper mount of Mars, cross lines especially if deep or forked from the Percussion into the upper mount of Mars are the indicators. 

Cancer: A drooping and forked Head line, upon this line just before the fork begins a star at the end of the lower point of the fork, all major lines are islanded and minor lines crossing these lines, Wavery line from Life line to Health line, a break in Health line and a square on that line are the indicators. Palm ridge pattern breaks into parts. Malformation of ridges below the ring finger under the Heart and Head lines represent Cancer virus has set into the body. In the next stage, the entire hand is filled with cob web formation of thin and zigzag lines. Children Illness/Death: Bars, dots, stars or islands spoiling the line of children are the indicators. 

Deafness/Ear Trouble: Dots and often island on Head line under the mount of Saturn with a rather bulging mount of Venus, an  exaggerate or much rayed mount of Saturn are the indicators. Death by Apoplexy: Two parallel lines from Heart line low down into mount of Moon are the indicators. Death, Early: A short Life line in both hands, the Head lines and Heart lines stopping short before reaching the Fate line, the Head line coming up wavy to the Heart line under the mount of Mercury are the indicators. 

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Death on Battle field: A star on the mount of Mars,  a line from the upper mount of Mars to the mount of Saturn are the indicators. Death, Suddenly: Life line ending in a deep spot or bar, Life line terminating abruptly with a few short parallel lines, Head and Heart lines joined at the start in both hands, one short downward line on the joints of all the fingers, a cross on the middle of the Head line, Violent death often marked by a Grille on the upper mount of Mars are the indicators. 

Diabetes: Jupiter and Saturn mounts badly affected, Very red palm, Many confused and crossed lines at the bottom of the mount of Moon, a cross at the same place on the same mount are the indicators. Digestive Problem: Loops on the tips of fingers, thick and short Health line, bad mount of Venus, defective Girdle of Venus, damped skin, Head line very thin, Health line in ladder shaped are the indicators. 

Domestic Troubles: Plain of Mars hollow towards Life line, lines of influence from the mount of Venus or the Life line cutting the other major lines are the indicators. Dropsy: The lower part of the mount of Moon exaggerates or much lined, a star on the same place on the same mount are the indicators. 

Epilepsy (Mirgi): Life line suddenly taking curves, double Girdle of Venus, badly affected mount of Moon, a very poor Heart line, Head line sloping and broken in small fragments with a large cross (the rays of which terminate in spots) in the triangle are the indicators. 

Eye Trouble: Exaggerate or much lined mount of the Sun, an ill-formed circle on the mount of Sun with a poor line of the Sun, circle in quadrangle under mount of Sun, white dot on the Life line, two circles on Life line, a line of influence from the mount of Venus ending in a black dot or a star at the connection of the Head lines and the Sun, broken Head line under the mount of Saturn or Sun, a circle on the Heart line under the mount of Sun are the indicators. 

Female Troubles: Plain of Mars hollow towards Moon, the lower part of the mount of Moon exaggerate or much lined, a cross in the same place on the mount, the Life line after a short normal run starting towards bottom of the mount of Moon. Exemption of female troubles will be when a double Heart line occurs. Crisscross or horizontal lines on the mount of Moon indicate weak uterus and discharge problems for women. Fever, 

Bilious: Health line thin and red as it crosses Head line, especially with an island on the latter are the indicators. 

Fever, Malaria/Typhoid: Bluish dot on the Life line, very narrow, highly colored, often broken Health line with dark dots on the Head line, black or bluish dots on the Heart line are the indicators. 

Fever, Hay: Poor Health line with a narrow quadrangle, due to Heart line curving down to the Head line are the indicators.   

Also Read: Astrological Remedies for Growth, Health and Prosperity 

Generative Organs Troubles: Exaggerate or badly marked mount of Venus, first bracelet of the Rascette very convex, a star at the connection of the Head and Heart lines are the indicators. 

Gout (Gathia/Joints Problem): Exaggerate or much lined mount of Jupiter, the middle part of mount exaggerate or much lined, ridges on the nails,a downward line often crossed on the middle part of the mount of the Moon, an island line on the Saturn mount from an island of Life line, the Life line forked and red at its termination, Life line divides into two parts at the end  are the indicators. 

Headache, Chronic: Minute dots in Head line represent Tensions and Headaches. Health line red at its termination, exaggerate mount of Moon, chained Head line, short Head line and irregular Health line, bars cutting Head line, number of small breaks of the Head line, Head line cut by many bars are the indicators. 

Headache, Serious: Very large branch from starting point of Life line down to the Rascette, wavery/irregular Mercury line, drooping and much broken Head line are the indicators. 

Heart Palpitations: Health line red at the start, especially if connected with the Life line, many dots on the Heart line are the indicators. 

Heart Troubles: Plain of Mars hollow toward Heart line, short, square shaped and bluish nails, exaggerate or much lined mount of Sun, Fate line ending on Heart line starting from mount of Moon, line of influence from mount of Venus cutting Heart line, chained Heart line, bars cutting Heart line. If the Heart line has breaks, it represents Heart Attacks. If the Heart line has ridges below it and appears wide, it is an indication of accumulating fat into the Heart’s valves which may be closed. If Heart troubles is due to diseased Liver then Life and Health lines closely connected with red or bluish spots on the former and the Heart line broken under the mount of Mercury are the indicators. 

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Heart Weakness: Short and square nails, narrow, thin palm, bluish fingers, swelling on palm, pale skin, total absence of the Heart line with poor Head line and wavy Health line, circle on Heart line, very pale and wide Heart line are the indicators. 

Hemorrhage: A grille on the upper mount of Mars, the Heart line absent or very poor. Sometimes in female cases stars on the lower part of the mount of Moon are the indicators. 

Hemorrhoids: Exaggerate or much lined mount of Saturn, a line of influence from a dot on the Life line ending in star on upper mount of Mars, a Health line rising ladder wise in broken fragments and ending on upper mount of Mars are the indicators. 

Hysteria (Madness): Second finger crooked, a star on the mount of Moon connected by a line of influence with the mount of Venus, double or triple Girdle of Venus, a Girdle of Venus cut by many bars are the indicators. 

Ill-Health, Continuous: Thin palm, Health line connected with Life line at the start, a wide and pale Life line, a Life line  formed of small ladder like fragments, a number of dots on the Life line are the indicators. 

Ill-Health, Childhood: Life line chained in its first part, Fate line twisted or much crossed at the start are the indicators. 

Ill-Health, Old Age: Faint, poorly formed star on the mount of Saturn, short and broad Health line, Life and Fate lines connected by confused lines at bottom of triangle, cross near termination of Life line are the indicators. 

Ill-Health, Serious: A break or cross or star or black dot on the Life and Health lines, an island is a still worse indication, are the indicators. 

Incurable Disease: A star on the mount of Saturn, a cross cut by a downward branch of the Life line are the indicators. 

Indigestion, Chronic: A wavy Health line and an islanded Life line, thick and short Health line, irregular or wavy Health line with poor Head line are the indicators. 

Insanity (Mental Illness): Many confused lines on a bulging mount of Moon, with a sloping Head line sloping to bottom of mount of Moon with a star on second phalanx of second finger, Head line sloping deeply and broken, Head line merging into Health line, starred or chained Head line, Wavy Head line rising close to Heart line under mounts of Sun or Mercury, the Life line being forked at the start, a split Head line are the indicators. 

Also Read: Planets and Related Diseases

Insanity, Alcoholic: Line of Mars very red ending in a fork, one point ending in a star on the mount of Moon with a black dot on Head line are the indicators. 

Insanity, Heredity: A star at the end of a branch of Heart line drooping into mount of Moon are the indicators. 

Insanity, Violent: The sign of the Moon on upper mount of Mars, the sign of Mars on the mount of Moon, the Life line of a bright color, all lines very red and the mounts of Mars and the Moon exaggerate are the indicators. 

Intestinal Troubles: Malformation of ridges and some thin lines parallel to the Health line under the Head line represents Bacterial Infection in intestines and if strong leads to Intestinal Ulcers. A strong red line between the first and second fingers, much lined lower part of the upper mount of Mars and upper part of the mount of Moon, large island at termination of the Head line are the indicators. 

Jaundice: Exaggerate or much lined mount of Mercury, a spot or a star on the mount of the Moon are the indicators. 

Kidney Troubles: If there is a grille or cross on the lower part of the Mount of Moon, it represents Kidney Troubles. Thick but moist skin, Lower part of the mount of Moon exaggerate or much lined, a cross at the same place on the mount, defective Sun finger, many lines on lower Mars, broken Heart line in both hands,  a long line of Voyage reaching almost to the Life line and forked at the termination are the indicators. 

Legs Troubles: Exaggerate or much lined mount of Saturn, Head line broken under the mount of Saturn are the indicators. Capillary cross lines on the mount of Mercury will lead to Wounds on Legs. 

Lethargy: Very poor Life and Heart lines, a single uncrossed Bracelet of the Rascette, a very low plain of Mars are the indicators. Liver Troubles, 

Very Serious: Damp skin, especially if clammy cold, Health line formed in ladder like fragments, exaggerate and much lined mount of Mercury, yellow colored lines, especially Health line, dark spots on the mount of Moon are the indicators. 

Longevity: Very long and good Fate line, especially if it comes out in a great circle, long and clear Health line, if not connected at the start with the Life line, a complete Rascette, Head and Heart lines in a healthy condition are the indicators. 

Memory Loss: If the Head line has islands, it tells about Mental Tensions and Memory Loss. A much broken up Head line, a wavy or fragmentary Health line are the indicators. 

Nervous Trouble: Plain of Mars hollow toward Moon, long, narrow, almond shaped nails, very short nails, flat first phalanx of the Thumb, increase of opposite loops on mount of Venus, exaggerate or much lined mount of Saturn, whirl and loops on the mount of Moon, a large spot or dot on the lower part of the mount of Moon, Life line chained are the indicators. 

Paralysis: Nails short and triangular shaped, exaggerate or much lined mount of Saturn, a star on the mount of Saturn, a grille and a star on the mount of Moon, main lines all poorly marked after the attack, are the indicators. 

Piles: Excessive upper Mars, Health line ladder shaped, Head line ending in square are the indicators. 

Respiratory Organs Disease: Thin palm, long, brittle, curved or fluted nails, pale lines, mount of Jupiter exaggerate, many islands on the Head line, a line of influence ending in an island on the mount of Jupiter are the indicators. 

Rheumatism: Life line widely forked and red at the termination, cross lines from the Life line to the mount of Saturn, exaggerate or much lined mount of Saturn, middle part of mount of Moon exaggerate or much lined, a line down the middle part of the mount of Moon, especially if crossed, are the indicators. 

Spinal Troubles: Nails short, narrow and curved, a star on the mount of Saturn, a drooping Life line often starred or broken under mount of Saturn, a much rayed and often starred mount of Moon are the indicators. 

Sterility(Barrenness): A cross on the mount of Saturn, the Life line lying too close to the second Phalanx of the Thumb, Life line turns to lower mount of Moon and ends there, a star at the connection of the Head and Health lines, weak and poor Heart line terminating forkless are the indicators. 

Stone Problem: Lower part of the mount of Moon exaggerates or much lined are the indicators. Suicidal Tendencies: Stars on the mounts of Saturn and the Moon, the latter mount quite prominent, dropping Head line, a Head line merging into Health line with poor Fate line and numerous bars on the Life line are the indicators. 

Teeth Trouble: Exaggerate or much lined mount of Saturn, long and wavy Health line with similar Fate line and second phalanges of all fingers abnormally long, black spot on Head line are the indicators. If the Heart line has fine vertical lines cutting it under the middle finger, it represents the problems to gums and teeth. 

Throat Sore:  Exaggerate or much lined upper mount of Mars, cross lines especially if deep or forked from the percussion of the upper mount of Mars are the indicators. 

Venereal Disease: A star on a double Girdle of Venus, a black spot on the mount of Venus,  a star at the junction of the Head and Health lines. The same thing is indicated by island on the lower portion of Mount of Moon, are the indicators. 

Womb Displacement: island on Life line in the age of 35-45 years for women, lower Moon much raged, cross raged poor Heart line are the indicators. Even though, now-a-days hospitals have latest lab equipment, the doctors are able to diagnose a disease only at its culminating stage. Can’t we know the onset of a disease well in advance, so that we can get rid of the disease at its preliminary stage itself? Palmistry helps very much in such cases. Reading the lines of the palm can provide the information about the diseases well in advance, that is even difficult to diagnose using modern lab equipment in a hospital. 

See what the editorial of Journal of American Medical Association writes:

“The human hand is a unique organ from which an extraordinary amount of clinical information may be derived”.  Let us now try to understand how to diagnose some diseases by observing the nails of the fingers and the lines in the palm. Let us now try to understand how to diagnose some diseases by observing the nails of the fingers and the lines in the palm. 


(a) long nails: indicate weakness of lungs and respiratory problems. 
(b) short nails flat and raised up at edges: throat and bronchial troubles. 
(c) thin nails: headaches and body aches. 
(d) triangular nails: nervous disorders and paralysis. 
(e) circular nails with the finger tips look like knobs: weakness of heart. 
(f) spoon shaped nails: malnutrition and glandular diseases. Eye troubles: If the heart line has an island formation or a circle under the ring finger, it represents eye weakness and sometimes blindness Heart aches:If the heart line has breaks, it represents heart attacks. 

Fatty heart:: If the heart line has ridges below it and appears wide, it is an indication of accumulating fat into the heart’s valves which may be closed. Teeth problems: If the heart line has fine vertical lines cutting it under the middle finger, it represents the problems to gums and teeth. Headaches: Minute dots in head line represent tensions and headaches. Mental ill health: Any breaks and chains in head line represent mental ill health. Tensions: If the head line has islands, it tells about mental tensions and memory loss. 

Intestinal Ulceration: Malformation of ridges and some thin lines parallel to the health line under the head line represents bacterial infection in intestines and if strong leads to intestinal ulcers. Female problems: Crisscross or horizontal lines on the Mount of Moon indicate weak uterus and discharge problems for women. 

Venereal diseases: A star at the junction of the Head line and Health lines indicate venereal diseases. The same thing is indicated by island on the lower portion of Mount of Moon. 

Asthma: The space between the head line and heart line is narrow under the middle finger and one or two lines starting from the Mount of Venus move towards the head line - indicate asthma. 

Kidney troubles: If there is a grille or cross on the lower part of the Mount of Moon, it represents kidney troubles. 

Cancer:  Malformation of ridges below the ring finger under the heart and head lines represent cancer virus has set into the body. In the next stage, the entire hand is filled with cob web formation of thin and crisscross lines. While observing the lines, observe them in both the palms. If the above indications are found in both the hands, then the above conclusions can be confirmed. If the above indications appear in only one palm, then we can say the person is prone to that disease.  Astrologer should treat those diseases by accurate remedial measures – applying mantra therapy, gem therapy, yantra therapy , rudraksha therapy etc.

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