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S.R. Swamy

Conch serves its worshipper for rising financially. Lord Krishna reverberated the whole world by blowing a conch (shankh) during Mahabharata. It is believed that blowing the conch daily saves a man from heart diseases. Influenc... more


Jul 2008

Views: 6409

Nakshatra Meditation

According to Kashmir Shaivism, Lord Shiva literally got bored of being alone for an infi nite time. In his deep trance he thought that he should create an image of himself. He immediately discarded this thought on its face value be... more


Oct 2013

Views: 4493

Remedies for Finance

Remedies for Finance

Yashkaran Sharma

Remedies for finance The best astrological remedial measures to control your financial position are as follows- Keep crystal sriyantra of around 350 grams at place of worship and chant srisuktam and laxmisuktam in front of it ... more


Apr 2016

Views: 12909

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