(3 Articles)
Miracles of Dousing

What does using a pendulum mean & how does it work. We can only proceed if we understand the above to enter a most fascinating and exciting journey. In simple language for a layman a pendulum is perceived as a flexible connectio... more

Other occult sciencesDowsing

Apr 2007

Views: 4103

Introduction to Dowsing

Introduction to Dowsing

Ravinder Lakhotia

Dowsing is related to the study of unconscious mind. It provides vital information about the Present, Past and Future and auspicious suitability of an individual with the help of his/her photograph or physical presence without the... more


Jan 2008

Views: 3604

Astrological Views on Pendulum

Use of Pendulum : A freely suspended object is called pendulum. By dowsing we are getting the reply from our own sub conscious mind. i.e. Atma. It should be used positively, in good faith and for guidance. For accurate reply our s... more


Apr 2004

Views: 5274

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