(6 Articles) View 46 Hindi articles
The Right Muhurta

The Right Muhurta

Ritu Bhatnagar

Whenever we think of performing any auspicious event or task, the first thing that strikes the mind is “the right muhuruta”. On the other hand if anything goes wrong and the desired results are not obtained, the foremost thing th... more

AstrologyGoddess and GodsMuhurt

Jun 2017

Views: 4114

Muhurat and Matritwa

Muhurat and Matritwa

Sharad Tripathi

In Astrology the place of Sanghita is more important than 'Sidhaanta' and 'Hora because according to shloka.It is not easy to change the destiny. in fact, it is imp0ossible to do so.... more


Jan 2012

Views: 19613

Electing Auspicious Time

Electing Auspicious Time

Dr. Arun Bansal

Every moment in life is an indication of the time ahead. Practically It is not possible to select time for our routine activities like going to office for work/job, coming back home, etc. But choosing the most auspicious moments f... more


Jul 2011

Views: 8817

Astrology and Timing of Plantation

Some people have green fingers -ie. Everything they plant seems to flourish. On the other hand, some people always try hard to do the right. thing yet, they continually replace dead plants. But the people in the second category n... more


Apr 2007

Views: 4935

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