Fasts / Festivals

(37 Articles) View 201 Hindi articles


Future Point

It has been said in Agnipurana that those who observe fasting should have bath daily, have light meal and chant the Mantras of Ishta Devta. The devotees should also read Vrata katha of his Ishta Devta. In it the importance of Homa... more

Goddess and GodsRemediesFasts / Festivals

Jun 2017

Views: 2861

Srividya Sadhna

Srividya Sadhna

Dr. Arun Bansal

Goddess Mahalaxmi is considered to be the Greatest of all the Goddesses. Shri Chakra Nagar Samrajni Paramba Shodashi Sri Vidyabhagwati Raj Rajeshwari Sri Lalita Mahatripur Sundari is considered to be the best embodiment of Goddess... more

Goddess and GodsFasts / Festivals

Nov 2016

Views: 3521

Sharad Navratri

Sharad Navratri

Abha Bansal

This is the most important navratri among all the 5 navratri of the year, fall’s in Sharad season (Oct –Nov) and is simply called Maha Navratri and is celebrated in the month of Ashivina as per hindu calendar. Sharad Navratri cele... more

Goddess and GodsFasts / Festivals

Oct 2016

Views: 2774

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