Vastu Tips for the Study Room to Ensure Success in the Examination

Vastu Tips for the Study Room to Ensure Success in the Examination  

Views : 5402 | July 2021

Vastu tips for Study Room: The ancient science of India involves construction of houses, palaces, buildings or temples as per few principles prescribed by our ancient scholars. Vastu can be elaborated as an ancient form of modern-day science architecture. Not just construction but how the household items or in fact anything in the house should be placed also comes under the purview of Vastu. It is a science that works on the principle of balancing the energies of directions. Ten directions have been prescribed in Vastu Shastra.

Each of these directions is ruled by a specific Lord. We can also name Vastu Shastra as the science of building construction. All these directions disseminate energy which in turn put influence on the house or work place. It is certain that this energy will also have an effect on the people living in the house. With easy Vastu tips, you can remove any Vastu defects present in your house, if there is a Vastu dosha in the house; it also affects the career and nature of the members of that house in a positive or negative way. For the bright education of children, it is necessary to have a Vastu complacent house.

If the children's study room is not constructed according to Vastu, then it is obvious that their studies will be affected. This will affect their focus and they will have to work harder to achieve their academic goals. It is necessary to have a peaceful and light environment that proves conducive for studies and artistic activities. The Vastu defects, may turn the atmosphere heavy and negative giving mental burden and stress. This causes affliction to the mind and intellect. The students don’t get the desired results even after burning midnight’s oil for their studies.

The presence of the study room in the wrong direction may prove fatal to studies in many ways. According to Vastu, there are some directions, where studies becomes the cause of mental stress and depression, no matter how hard a student tries, he doesn’t get desired results, so it is also important for you to know whether your child is studying in the right direction or not? 

With Vastu Tips, you can find solutions to such direction related problems. Soaring competitions have raised a feeling of fear and insecurity in the minds of the students. In such a situation, it is utmost important that the students maintain patience and balance of mind. If mental stress prevails at the time of examination, then the performance of the student is affected and as a result the hard work of the full year goes in vain. Vastu assumes a major role when it comes to studies. Which side should you read facing? What should be the environment of the house, etc., all the things have a direct influence on our career and studies. 


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Let us discuss about the directions which as per Vastu are not supportive for good studies -

North - North West Direction-

The North- Northwest direction is located in the middle of the North West and the West direction. This direction is considered unfavourable for reading or constructing a study room. If a person studies at this place, it may cause mental stress or depression in him. Avoid all kind of reading and studying activities in this direction, particularly if you need to sit in this direction for a long time.

South - Southwest Direction

The South- Southwest Direction lies between the South and the South-West directions. Children do not perform well in examinations if they study while sitting in the South- Southwest Direction. If a study room is located in this direction, then even after putting hardest of the efforts, the student doesn’t get secure good marks and success in their exams. It is even better to not to put any study material or books in this direction too.

South-South East Direction-

The South-South East Direction is situated between the East and the South East direction. This direction is better than the previous ones as mentioned earlier, but still is not considered preferable. Generally, by studying in the study room located in the South-South East Direction, a person starts analyzing any subject excessively. This causes a negative impact on a person's ability to complete the task in the stipulated time and in an accurate manner as well.


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Few things to keep in mind -

  • If a child studies diligently and still doesn’t get the desired results, then in such a situation the child should sit and study in the west direction. By doing so, the student will definitely reap the benefits of his hard work.
  • Maa Saraswati is the goddess of learning, so if there is any problem regarding the examination results of a child; it may be probably due to a defect in the placement of Saraswati idol or picture in your house and rectification of the same will bring the desired results.
  • If the child is in a habit of studying studies while sitting in the bed, then the same should be stopped as it may reduce the seriousness a child may portray in the studies. This has a direct influence on the memorizing power and the child may end up forgetting everything as soon as he learns his lessons. 
  • If the study room is in the East or North or in the North East direction, the blessings of the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are obtained. For students and children preparing for competitive examinations should prefer these directions to get the desired results.
  • If you have completed school and college education and are studying to get a job, then the best place for you is the north direction.
  • Try to get direct sunlight in the room. Even if the rays of the sun are not able to reach the study room, keep the windows and doors open in the morning and evening. This creates positive energy which creates a perfect environment for study.
  • Put a picture of Saraswati, the goddess of learning, in the study room. Chant 'Om Aim Hreem Saraswatyai Namah' (‘ॐ ऐं हीं सरस्वत्यै नमः’) in the morning and evening and pray for sharp intellect.
  • If the walls the study room is painted in light green, it will be beneficial. It maintains concentration and agility.
  • The mind wanders by studying under a direct light beam. One should neither sleep nor study in these places. It increases negative energy.
  • Planning things according to the principles of Vastu will enhance your memory and intelligence. They will also relax your mind by keeping away any kind of negativity. Therefore, by following these Vastu tips, we can make our study room Vastu friendly and positive.


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