LEOStar–I Software- The Pioneer in Astrology

LEOStar–I Software- The Pioneer in Astrology  

Views : 3978 | May 2021

Vedic Astrology is a treatise of Indian wisdom of our ancient seers. It remains an important facet of folk belief in the contemporary lives of almost every Hindu in Hindu culture. However our ancient scholars were so advanced in their spiritual pursuits that they could imagine the solar system within them. 

Based on these visualisations and staunch observations they could calculate the motions of planetary bodies quite correctly. The whole world has accepted their mettle and now astrology is observed and followed worldwide. Astrology with its global approach has grown in leaps and bounds and has transformed it to match the modern and technological advancements. 

Our ancient vedic masters used to perform elaborate astrological calculations to observe astrological events in the sky. The casting of a single chart while taking care of every minute detail must be a tough grind as it seems to an ordinary astrology lover. 

Our ancient scholars must be divine personalities but today’s modern astrologers and astrology hobbyists take it as a night mare if it comes to do such intricate calculations. It also adds proneness to possible errors.

Based on a mathematical binary system, Computer as a Modern Scientific Tool can handle complex calculations, display graphics, play audio visuals and be connected through other devices for data sharing in no time. The world of Astrology has not remained untouched and usage of use astrological or astronomical calculation software is a major trend today. In late seventies software programmers brought revolution in the field of astrology software. One such name is Dr. Arul Bansal- an astrology pioneer. In 1978 Dr. Arun Bansal, an Indian Software Programmer and Astrologer released the first Kundali Software based on Indian System of Astrology and the commercial release of the software is now named as LeoStar.  

Vedic astrology software LeoStar professional can be exaggerated as an encyclopaedia of astrology. It contains an exhaustive list of facilities and information required for making precise predictions and other uses in the field of astrology. 

Leostar produced by Future Point is amongst the top rated astrology software with global roots. This is considered equally good for time tested professionals or new entrants in the field of Vedic science. This Vedic Jyotish software is an outcome of an extensive research spanning more than 40 years. 

It contains predictions based on Lal Kitab, Tajik system, KP system, Muhurtha, Horary astrology, Panchang and horoscope matching to name a few. The most prominent ones include Lal Kitab and Panchangam modules. 

Parashar system based leostar incorporates different astrological systems and varied aspects of astrology in the form of comprehensive Calculations, Predictions based on different branches of astrology, Remedies including both Vedic and Lal Kitab, Various kinds of astrological Charts, Dashas, Teva, Astrology, Kundli Milan (Matching), Varshphal, Numerology, Horary, K.P, Lal Kitab, Muhurat, Panchang, Mundane aspects, Books, Calendar, Transit, Mantras and lots of other astrology information. This is extremely popular as the best Kundli Milan software too. 

Leostar astrology software has been widely accepted in astrology research institutes and computerized astrology centres. This astrology software can be availed in more than 12 languages including Hindi, English, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi etc. Kundli Software Leostar is a trusted name that affirms accuracy and credibility.

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The key features are:

  • Panchanga based predictions 
  • Natal/Progression/Transit Charts
  • Multiple ayanamsas
  • North/South Indian kundali
  • Divisional charts (Varga Chakras)
  • Transit Predictions based on the transits of different planets as compared to their placements in the birth chart
  • Various Doshas & remedies 
  • Rahu-Ketu doshas & remedies 
  • Different Yogas as formed in the birth chart and their influence in life.
  • Favourable periods for Career, Marriage, House Construction and Businesses.
  • House and planet cusps tables
  • Planet house aspects
  • 4-level Vimshottari Dasha
  • Multiple language support
  • Ashtakavarga system 
  • Planetary Analysis based on planetary strength & state.
  • Jaimini System with Jaimini karakas, padas & arudas.
  • Ayanamsa Options 
  • A large database of cities around the world to facilitate horoscope casting. 
  • Set Default Location
  • Dark and light themes
  • Different languages
  • Log in to save the charts
  • Print

The buying and installation process of this software is a simple task. Just download it through the software link provided on the website of Future point. Install it to your desktop / laptop and register the software by just giving details of your mobile no and email id. 

The free mode of software will start working as soon as you will install it. This will last for 1 month. In the free mode you can cast simple horoscopes with basic details and match making can also be done with ease. 

For advance contents one has to buy other packages which are available in the demo mode for a fixed duration of time. The payments can easily be made by just clicking on "LeoUpdate" icon in the LeoStar-I software or directly from our website www.futurepointindia.com. After paying the required dues, you will be asked to activate the paid mode of the software and after activation the software will start functioning as per the language and package licence purchased by you.

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