Planet, Transit and You

Planet, Transit and You  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 3532 | July 2014

The month of July is showing significant changes in transit. Rahu shall enter into Virgo on 13th July at 21:43 hrs. Mars which was in Virgo from last so many months w o u l d be entering into Libra on 14th July at 8:45 AM. Saturn shall go direct on 21st July at 02:05 AM. Jupiter would enter into its sign of exaltation on 19th June at 08:47 AM. In this way there is change in the position of all important planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. If we analyze the planetary position in the horoscope of India we find that Saturn shall be moving towards 5th house from Moon and Rahu shall enter into 3rd from moon. In addition to that the Jupiter shall come on the Rashi where 5 planets are placed in the horoscope of independent India. 

This planetary transit indicates that India is about to see its good days and next one year shall be auspicious and prosperous. The exalted Jupiter shall enhance the reputation of India and the 3rd house Rahu would increase the influence of India on its neighbouring countries. The fifth house Saturn shall take the progress of industry to a new level. The exalted Jupiter brings a downfall in real estate market. Therefore next one year shall prove to be a difficult year for real estate inspite of all round developments on all fronts. The auspicious transit of Jupiter is bringing the promise of rapid progress in the development of Indian civilization, culture, religion, knowledge and education. In addition to that there shall be propagation of religious education, Vedic culture, Vedas, Vedantic philosophy and Astrology on a larger level. 

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The incidents related to terrorism and crime in society shall come under control. In the horoscope of Narendra Modi Rahu shall be entering into 11th house. Therefore he would definitely succeed in making stronger grip in his area of work and as a result the people of India and the heads of various countries shall honour him. Jupiter shall also transit into 9th house thereby giving auspicious aspect to his Lagna and 5th house which would enhance his reputation. He would be interested in religious activities and work for the betterment of religious places and Vedic sciences. His intelligence shall help him in getting success in the accomplishment of various tasks. 

Saturn shall be moving towards natal moon as a result of which there is strong probability of anger and resentment in the party. The coming time period especially October, November, December and January shall prove to be highly difficult for him. Several people shall start opposing and it would be a tough time for him. Probably there shall be elections in Delhi and some other states in the month of November. It is probable that a big dispute in party might get erupted on the issue of allocation of seats. If we analyze the planetary position in the horoscope of India we find that Saturn shall be moving towards 5th house from Moon and Rahu shall enter into 3rd from moon. 

In addition to that the Jupiter shall come on the Rashi where 5 planets are placed in the horoscope of independent India. This planetary transit indicates that India is about to see its good days and next one year shall be auspicious and prosperous. The exalted Jupiter shall enhance the reputation of India and the 3rd house Rahu would increase the influence of India on its neighbouring countries. The fifth house Saturn shall take the progress of industry to a new level. The exalted Jupiter brings a downfall in real estate market. Therefore next one year shall prove to be a difficult year for real estate inspite of all round developments on all fronts. 

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The auspicious transit of Jupiter is bringing the promise of rapid progress in the development of Indian civilization, culture, religion, knowledge and education. In addition to that there shall be propagation of religious education, Vedic culture, Vedas, Vedantic philosophy and Astrology on a larger level. The incidents related to terrorism and crime in society shall come under control. In the horoscope of Narendra Modi Rahu shall be entering into 11th house. Therefore he would definitely succeed in making stronger grip in his area of work and as a result the people of India and the heads of various countries shall honour him. Jupiter shall also transit into 9th house thereby giving auspicious aspect to his Lagna and 5th house which would enhance his reputation. 

He would be interested in religious activities and work for the betterment of religious places and Vedic sciences. His intelligence shall help him in getting success in the accomplishment of various tasks. Saturn shall be moving towards natal moon as a result of which there is strong probability of anger and resentment in the party. The coming time period especially October, November, December and January shall prove to be highly difficult for him. Several people shall start opposing and it would be a tough time for him. Probably there shall be elections in Delhi and some other states in the month of November. It is probable that a big dispute in party might get erupted on the issue of allocation of seats.

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