The Year 2010 for you

The Year 2010 for you  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 4879 | January 2010

All the slow moving planets have changed their signs for the New Year like Saturn has entered into Virgo, Jupiter in Aquarius, Rahu in Sagittarius and Ketu in Gemini. In the beginning of New Year Mars shall also stay in its debilitation sign Cancer for next five months. Jupiter and Mars both shall be changing their signs in May 2010. Venus shall be combust in the beginning of the year after that Jupiter shall be combust, then Sun shall be in Pisces and after that there shall be extra month (Malmaas).

Therefore there won’t be any suitable Muhurat for marriage till 15th May. In the beginning of the year there won’t be aspect of Jupiter on debilitated Mars therefore there shall remain the malefic impact of malefic planets in first four months which shall create an atmosphere of anarchy and lack of peace all over the world. After May there shall be an improvement in planetary transit which shall get consolidated by the end of the year and there shall be all-round peace and progress all over the world.

The later half of the year shall be auspicious for India. Common wealth games shall be organized with peace and dignity and India shall succeed in making its mark in these games by making several records. In 2010 the rainfall shall be below normal. The chances of rains are almost negligible in the month of March, April and May. There shall be probability of sufficient rains in July only. Monsoon shall come very late this year and there shall be rains only from the mid of July till the end of August.

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The climate shall be hotter. The games shall be held in the month of October and there is no indication of disruption of games by rains. In money market dollar shall become expensive gradually however in the mid of the year its value shall depreciate to a reasonable price level. In the year 2010 gold shall not be that expensive. Chances of rise in its price are very less and if at all it goes up it would come down also.

In the months of February, May, June and August the cost of gold shall be pretty much under control whereas in January, April, July and November there shall be an increase in it. Share market shall catch up new heights but there shall be probability of fall in it in February, March, May and November. The months of July and September are showing boom in market.

Aries : The year 2010 shall be better as compared to 2009. You shall get benefited by going on long journeys and in addition to that you shall be able to make new beneficial investments. Your enemies shall get defeated.You will also go for pilgrimage.

Taurus : This year shall be beneficial for you. Be cautious about stomach related disorders. You might undertake some new tasks. Those doing job might get transferred or promoted. You shall be getting good news from children. Abstain from unnecessary fights. Your influence shall increase.

Gemini: For the people of Gemini sign the year 2010 shall bring good time after so many years. There shall be all-round improvement and tasks shall start settling and there shall be new gains and success by the end of the year. So, start working with strong will power and determination, you shall be successful.

Cancer : The year 2010 shall bring new achievements after so many years however you shall have to wait for some time to enjoy the beneficial results. Your time period shall be very auspicious after April. Be alert towards your work and duties, you shall get auspicious results very soon. There are indications of your going on long journeys.

Leo : This year shall bring the indication of peace and progress after the turmoil, difficulties and troubles of previous year. Start making lot of efforts for the accomplishment of your task and don’t doubt yourself. You shall get benefited from your spouse and there shall be increase in your income. There is probability of your going on journeys too. You are likely to get parental property.

Virgo : This year shall be excellent for your health as compared to the previous year. You shall get rid of all health related troubles. There shall be substantial decrease in expenditure. Mental tension shall decrease. Those who are of marriageable age might get married after May.

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Libra : For the natives of Libra sign Sadesati has started but first and second phase of Sadesati won’t bring inauspicious results rather it shall prove beneficial only. In nutshell Sadesati shall bring some gains only but don’t make big investments and don’t take big decisions independently.

Scorpio : This year shall yield auspicious results. There shall be an increase in income, make proper use of time. In the beginning of the year there shall be strong probability of sale èpurchase of vehicle and change or renovation of house. Your children shall work according to your expectations.

Sagittarius : The year 2010 shall be better as compared to 2008-09. New avenues for work shall be opening for you. There are probabilities of purchase of house or vehicle in the later half of the month. Especially students shall be getting more beneficial results in this year. If you are unmarried there shall open up the probability of your marriage in the later part of this year.

Capricorn : This year shall bring financial gains for you. The favorable transit of Jupiter and Saturn shall bring favor of destiny. The 12th house Rahu might bring in the opportunities of long journeys. You need to be cautious about the health and sentiments of your spouse.

Aquarius : This year might prove auspicious for reputation and success but there shall be some tensions too. Your health might get deteriorated. There are possibilities of backache and joint pain. Worship lord Saturn to get relief. You shall be able to develop good social connections.

Pisces : This year shall be auspicious for you. You shall get into some new venture. There are probabilities of long journeys and big and beneficial investments. Your reputation shall enhance. You might go on overseas journeys. Students shall get good marks. The time period is auspicious utilize it properly.

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