Preferential Methodology of Divisional Charts

Preferential Methodology of Divisional Charts  

Raghvendra Khare
Views : 6487 | July 2014

There are 16 Vargas (sub divisions) of ascendant and planets in Vedic astrology, to pin point any prediction and making difference between nativities. Planets stay at a sign for a long time and even ascendant rises about two hours. Several births took place in this duration. We can differentiate every birth by the use of Varga charts.

Most of them calculated on the basis of successive counting making equal division equal to as desired division, starting from the sign Aries or sign itself. But there is often more than one method in vogue to calculate such divisions, resulting in different conclusions.

Often astrologers favour its scientific nature. The entire astrological theme and its mechanism, even our whole cosmos work in a regular and systematic order. So the methods of calculating certain astrological figure must be logical and in proper order. According to the preferential methodology, simply multiply the Rasi figure by the numerical digit equal to desired division and make the resultant figure within the range of zodiac.

A divisional chart mostly describes the result of house mainly, for which it is known by the name. Such as Drekkana chart carries the significance of 3rd house since it is a result of 3rd division of a sign. The 2nd division Hora which is meant for wealth (2nd house stands for wealth), Saptamsa the 7th division is for conception (7th house stands for cohabitation), Dasamsa is for occupation (10th house stands for occupation), Trisamsa is meant for ill health or misfortune, when we allotted one degree (30th division of a sign) to each house from ascendant, it falls at 6th house that is known for ill health. Similarly Shodashamsa is for vehicle and other divisions also work following this basic natural method.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

Hora, Drekkana and Trisamsa divisions are very important divisions. But these are victims of uncertainty obtained from the mixture of calculation methods.

Here the methods of Hora, Drekkana and Dwadasamsa division have been discussed:


The Hora is 2nd division of a sign each of 15 degrees and known for wealth as 2nd house represents wealth in a horoscope. There are various methods and way of calculating Hora chart. We cannot discuss each of them here but we are talking only two mentioned in Parashar Hora. One of them supported by Varah Mihir and in vogue nowadays. This Hora of Varah divides a sign in two parts of Sun and Moon and ignoring sign at all. The logic behind this type of Hora is available in the version of Parashar Hora. The second method is also in the same book, which suggests Hora of sign, continuously reckoning from sign Aries repeating every sign two times. The second method is Vedic method and fit at practical ground too. Related verses are

तत्क्षेत्र तस्य खेटस्य राशेर्यो यस्य नायकः।
सूर्योद्धोविषमे राशै समे तद्विरीवकम्।।
पितरश्चन्द्रहोरेशा देवा सूर्यस्य कीर्तिताः।
राशेरार्ध भवेदधोरा ताश्चतुर्विशतिः स्मृता।।
मेषादि तासां होयणां परिवृत्तिद्धयं भवेत्।।

The greatest authority of astrology is in confusion! Which one is correct method! This question does not stand before such great sage. We find many old scriptures of Vedic culture as contaminated so we can say that astrological literature may be also haphazard mixture of Yavana's view and other. The line of above Sloka that is under lined may be corrupt. If it is not so, probably other hidden meaning of this line is same as next sloka. First observe the Hora table of signs of both views together. Brackets are showing view of Varah as per first Sloka.

Sign Degrees
  0-15 15-30
Aries 1(5) 2(4)
Taurus 3(4) 4(5)
Gemini 5(5) 6(4)
Cancer 7(4) 8(5)
Leo 9(5) 10(4)
Virgo 11(4) 12(5)
Libra 1(5) 2(4)
Scorpio 3(4) 4(5)
Sagittarus 5(5) 6(4)
Capricorn 7(4) 8(5)
Aquarius 9(5) 10(4)
Pisces 11(4) 12(5)

Now observe the sign involving in the Hora of Vedic method in the Sun and Moon Hora as per Varah method of Hora.

Moon Hora

Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

The owner of these signs is Venus, Mercury and Saturn. All of them are mutually friends and become mutual Yogakarak in the ascendant ruled by each other and all of them either are female or hermaphrodite planet.

Sun Hora

Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces

The owner of these signs is Mars, Sun, Moon and Jupiter. All are mutually friend. All of them are male planet except Moon. So perhaps Maharishi Parashar called these signs by a single name of Sun and Moon making two groups of planet in a literary way but misunderstood later.

Here we must consider their signs and not planets since divisions are only possible of signs not of a planet. There is another controversy which arises when we ignore Hora of signs that is the theory obtaining ‘Parijatadi Sanjya’ in Shada Vargas (group of six divisions) or in Dasa Vargas (group of ten divisions) became defunct because we have ignored an important division of Hora. This is also a strong argument against popular division of Trisamsa (D-30).

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Here we must keep in mind that we should ignore the idea of calculating Vimshottari Dasa based on Moon's longitude in divisional charts. This will be too much as there are several divisional charts and become unbearable in the presence of so many Ayanamsa. Secondly interpretation of Dasa also depends upon the lordship of houses besides of planets placement in particular house. But lordship of houses is not recommended in divisional charts except divisional ascendant. The methods of calculating houses are only possible in Rasi chart. So we can take divisions of each house like ascendant but this method cannot include all the twelve signs in a divisional chart. If we adopt equal house division method it will defunct other methods of calculating houses and also concept of Chalit chart. It also ignores longitude of mid heaven that is an important factor. So we cannot accept the idea of equal house division.

So observe the impact of Dasa (based on Rasi Moon) of a planet in Hora chart only with placement of it in a particular house within other influences.

Chart 1: Bill Gate:

Born October 28, 1955 at 21h 21m (8 hours West of GMT) at 47N36, 122W20, Lahiri Ayanamsa

Balance of Dasa is Saturn 2 year 10 months 27 days The peak of his wealth graph came during 1999-2002 when Microsoft stock was at his apex. He was under the impact of sub period of Mercury and Ketu under the major period of Venus.

The Venus is well posited with sign depositor Moon in the Hora ascendant as per system of Varah but the sub period lords Mercury and Ketu in the 12th house are not good within affliction at all, making 2-12 relationship with major dasa lord Venus.

According to Vedic system of Hora, Hora ascendant Virgo is within the aspect of its lord Mercury. The major Dasa lord Venus is well posited in the 9th house in his own sign. Lord of sub period, the Mercury is Hora lord and in the 7th house and Ketu is in the 11th house This is massive over Hora of Varah.

Chart 2: Dhirubhai Ambani :

Born December 28, 1932 at 6h.37m at Chorwad, India (21N01, 70E14), Ayanamsa-Lahiri

Balance of Dasa- Venus 8y 3m 28days He arose during the year 1965 to 1981 when he was under the influence of Rahu Dasa. His successful ventures the Reliance Textiles was started by him in 1966 when Rahu - Rahu was in operation.

According to Varah Hora, Rahu is posited in the 12th house within malefic influence of Mars in debility, Saturn and waning Moon. It cannot provide grand success.

According to Vedic system, Hora lord Sun in the Hora ascendant within the aspect of Jupiter is very good. The Dasa lord Rahu posited in the 6th house with planet in exaltation is more over within the aspect of benefic. The 2nd,6th and 11th house stand for monetary gain in a horoscope. The 6th house also stands for loan. So selling out of shares is a modern form of it. Loan pays interest and shares pays profit. The Rahu in the 6th house in Hora chart can explain all of this very well.

Try following tips with Vedic Hora chart using Lahiri Ayanamsa

Calculate the Sign, Tithi and Yoga for Hora chart through simply multiplying Rasi figure by two and making the resultant figure within the range of zodiac.

The Moon star and Yoga falling in a benefic Tara from Hora Moon star and Yoga are good to get financial gain. The Tithi of Mrita Vargas is avoidable while Yuva and Briddha Vargas are suitable.

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This divisional chart is also victim of uncertainty obtained from the mixture of calculation methods. We shall discuss only two mentioned in Parashar Hora.

राशित्रिभागाद्रेष्काणास्ते च षट्त्रिंशदीरिताः।
परिवृत्तित्रयं तेषां मेषादेः कमशो भवेत्।।
स्वपंचनवमानां च राशीनां कमशश्च ते।
नारदागस्तिदुर्वासा द्रेष्काणेशाश्चरादिषु।।

The Sloka six is suggesting three parts of a sign, counting from sign Aries continuously and repeating every sign three times to complete Drekkana table for all twelve signs. This is a valid Vedic method. But what was the need to mention second method in next Sloka! That is suggesting three part of a sign, counting from sign itself with jumping to fifth sign for next. This method is supported by Varah Mihir and the great impact of him on Vedic astrology threw away Vedic method of Drekkana divisions.

Sign Varah System Vedic System
Aries 1,5,9 1,2,3
Taurus 2,6,10 4,5,6
Gemini 3,7,11 7,8,9
Cancer 4,8,12 10,11,12
Leo 5,9,1 1,2,3
Virgo 6,10,2 4,5,6
Libra 7,11,3 7,8,9
Scorpio 8,12,4 10,11,12
Sagittarus 9,1,5 1,2,3
Capricorn 10,2,6 4,5,6
Aquarius 11,3,7 7,8,9
Pisces 12,4,8 10,11,12

In the second Sloka perhaps Maharishi Parashar is saying same thing as previous Sloka but in literary sense. He had to mention the owner of Drekkanas. So he added this line in literary sense with the line mentioning owner of Drekkanas. Observe the word “Swa-Panch-Nav”. This word is telling about the nature of sign falling in the first, fifth and in the ninth place from sign Aries. The first sign (Swa) is a Movable sign, fifth (Panch) sign is fixed one and ninth sign (Nav) is of dual nature. He also said in the same line “Rashinam Krimshashch te”. Counting must be continuously.

So First Drekkana for all sign is in movable sign, second Drekkana should be in fix sign and third Drekkana in dual signs. Adopting this meaning with continuous reckoning from sign Aries shall draw only the table of Drekkana as it is showing above the Vedic Drekkana table. Either this is the proper meaning of line that is underlined or it is added later by someone. There are some other controversies in the system of Varah. Let us observe them.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

1. First Drekkana of every sign always becomes Vargottam.

2. It always falls in friendly sign. This is an anomaly. Neighbours and sibling for which Drekkana chart known for may be also unfavourable. It is also known for ‘fruit of action’ (Karma Phal) that is not generally so auspicious.

3. It always falls in Trikona houses, the most benefic houses of a horoscope. The result of Drekkana is not always so auspicious. Secondly we cannot examine a planet just like Navamsa chart as equal to eighth Navamsa from ascendant or planet himself.

4. A male sign have all the three Drekkana in male sign and a female sign have all the three Drekkana in female sign. So what is the need of calculating Drekkana sign to determine the sex of a concerned person.

5. Observe the following Sloka of Prashna Marg.

भानुरथेन्दुगतक्र्ष तत्सुततपः प्राप्ते दृगाणक्रमात्
चन्द्रे स्याज्जनि रेवमिन्दुरवि भागेशे बलिष्ठे सति।

Author is suggesting taking trine signs (तत् सुत तपः1st,5th,9th) from Drekkana of Sun or Moon. According to scheme of Varah there is no need to draw Drekkana signs of Sun or Moon. Since Drekkana signs are always trine already and taking trine sign from there will be same signs. It is out of question that the author of the Prashna Marg is not aware of this. But he is talking about the Drekkana of Vedic view.

The most of predictive tools are developed within the context of Varah Drekkana. However there are some which supports only Vedic system of Drekkana.

1. Birth with cord (Naal) like snake

भौमत्रयशे चन्द्रे पापलग्ने शुभाः स्वायगाः सर्पवेष्ठितो जातः।

Moon in the Drekkana of Mars, ascendant should belong to malefic and benefic in the second and eleventh house results the birth with cord (‘Naal’) like snake. There is another Sloka with same meaning in the 3rd chapter, verse 38 of Jatak Parijat.

Chart 1: Male: Born July 7, 1971 at 10h.30m at 78E09, 26N12 (Gwalior), with balance of Dasa Ketu 4 year 2 month 0 day, Ayanamsha Lahiri

The Moon is in the Drekkana of Mars in the Vedic Drekkana chart while she is attaining the Drekkana of Jupiter under the scheme of Varah Drekkana. Both type of Drekkana chart have a malefic in the 2nd house while a benefic in the 11th is in the Vedic Drekkana chart. The combination is only relevant with Vedic Drekkana chart.

Chart 2: Female: Born January 25, 1956 at about 17h.45m at 77E13, 28N36 (New Delhi), Ayanamsa-Lahiri

Ascendant- Cancer (3-10/14), Moon Drekkana of Moon as per Varah is Libra but according to Vedic scheme of Drekkana is Scorpio, as desired by author of Jatak Tatvam and Jatak Parijat.

करियर से जुड़ी किसी भी समस्या का ज्योतिषीय उपाय पाएं हमारे करियर एक्सपर्ट ज्योतिषी से।

Chart 3: Female: Born October 3, 2007 at 22h.15m at 78E43, 23N08 (village Gorakhpur, tehsil Udaipura, Dist-Raisen, M.P.), Ayanamsa-Lahiri

Ascendant- Taurus (1-29/09), Moon Drekkana of Moon as per Varah is Libra but according to Vedic scheme of Drekkana it is Scorpio Here neither ascendant nor Moon is in the Drekkana of Mars according to scheme of Varah.

Let us observe the situations of planet for being a birth with cord, according to experience for Drekkana of Vedic view.

a. The Moon generally found in the Drekkana of Mars but not necessarily.

b. Ascendant not necessarily of malefic but Drekkana must belong to Saturn, Mercury or Mars. Mercury is well known for defective birth. Many combinations like ‘birth with teeth’, ‘birth with extra hands’ are made by the help of Mercury or its sign. Observe a verse of Jatak Parijat that is asking for Drekkana ascendant within the influence of these planets for birth with cord like snake. The sign of mentioned planet should be involved in Drekkana ascendant.

लग्नत्रिभागे बुधसर्पकोलास्तन्नाथयुक्तस्तु तथा त्रिभागः।
शुभग्रहाणां च दशाविहीने जातोरगौर्वेष्टितदेहवान् स्यात्।।

This situation comes true only with Drekkana of Vedic system.

c. The 2nd house of Drekkana chart should be posited by Rahu or Saturn and 11th or 12th house posited by any planet.

d. Generally at least one luminary falls in the square houses from Vedic Drekkana chart.

So we must accept the Vedic scheme of Drekkana without hesitation.

2. Rajyoga and Drekkana

Hence the preferential methodology, of calculating divisional charts is it that multiplies the Rasi figure by the numerical digit equal to desired division and makes the resultant figure within the range of zodiac.

- * - The Sun and Moon occasionally becomes male or female as per Krishneeyam.

स्वोक्षेत्रे रविचन्द्रौ नारीचिन्ताकरौ विनिर्दिष्टौ।
तावेव पुरुषराशौ कुरुतः पुरुषाश्रयां चिन्ताम्।।

If the Sun and Moon are posited in a trine or quadrant and if that sign happen to be a feminine sign then the subject of query will be a female. On the other hand, if they occupy a male sign, the subject of query will be a male person.

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