Marriages are Settled in Heaven and Celebrated on Earth

Marriages are Settled in Heaven and Celebrated on Earth  

S. K. Sawhney
Views : 8459 | July 2014

We all believe on above mentioned statement. According to this principle Marriage of Boy and Girl are predetermined and decided by almighty God. Now question is whether this statement is true? After extensive research on more than 100 Horoscopes of couples. This statement seems to be absolutely true. The following principles have been found applicable on most of the hooscopes of Boys and Girls who got married.

Combination : 7th Lord of Boy when encircled in the Horoscope of his Wife will make contact with Sun, Moon, lagna and Lagnesh and 7th house or 7th lord by PAC i.e. position, aspect and conjunction. In the same way the 7th lord of wife when encircled in the horoscope of the husband will have contact with Sun, Moon, lagna, lagnesh, 7th house and 7th lord by PAC.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

The logic behind this combination is that without contact of Sun the Soul, Lagna and lagnesh as the Body, Moon the Mind and 7th house and 7th lord the house of Marriage, it is not possible to become wife and husband. This research will prove very beneficial for the family of bride and groom who are searching match for their son or daughter.

Case Study - 1 : 7th lord of Boy and Girl are encircled in both the horoscopes. In case of Boy the 7th lord of wife is aspecting the Lagna and 7th lord. In Girl's horoscope 7th Lord of boy is conjunct with Moon and aspecting 7th house.

Case Study - 2 : In Horoscope of Boy 7th Lord of Wife Venus is aspecting Moon and in case of Girl the 7th Lord of Boy Saturn is aspecting the Lagnesh of the girl.

Case Study - 3 : In Husband's Horoscope 7th Lord of Girl is aspecting Lagna and in Horoscope of Wife 7th lord of Husband aspecing 7th house of Wife.

Case Study - 4 : In Horoscope of Boy 7th Lord of Wife Mercury is conjunct with Sun. In horoscope of Wife 7th Lord of boy i.e. Venus is in Lagna of Wife.

Consult our astrologers for more details on compatibility marriage astrology

Case Study - 5 : 7th Lord of Wife in Horoscope of Girl i.e. Mars is aspecting Moon of the Boy and 7th Lord. In the Horoscope of Wife 7th Lord i.e. Saturn is aspecting Lagna Lord of wife.

Case Study - 6 : In Horoscope of Husband 7th Lord of Girl is conjunct with 7th Lord of Boy and in Horoscope of Wife 7th Lord of boy is conjunct with Sun and 7th lord of Wife.

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