Astrology, Mundane and Vastu Issue

Astrology, Mundane and Vastu Issue  October 2007

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In this Astrology, Mundane and Vastu Issue of Research Journal of astrology there are various informative and research oriented articles related to prediction technique like - Facts about Gems, The Roots of Indian Astrology, Nakshatra 2008, Glory of Sriyantra, Alternate or Special Lagnas, Planets and Heart Diseases, Vedic vastu and vastu Science, Effect of Saturn's Transit in Leo, Nakshatras and Navamsha, Saturn : the Potential force, The Significance of Dreams, Introduction to Medical astrology, Astrology and Mental Health, Vastu tips, The Fortune of Your Personnel door, Vastu Shastra for Prosperity in Life, Rajyoga of 8th House, Predictions about Rains and Earthqukes, The Relation of 5th, 9th and 12th house with Dasha of Birth, Herbs, Fundamentals of vastu.
research journal is mainly astrological magazine in which you shall find research oriented articles on astrology.
