Loksabha Election 2014

Loksabha Election 2014  

Dr. Arun Bansal
Views : 3853 | April 2014
Saturn is the chief significator of politics whereas Jupiter that of power, policy making and ambition. For the fulfilment of these ambitions Jupiter and Saturn both have their own significance. Saturn signifies humanity, law and order. These days Saturn is exalted that is why the rulers and public both wish to establish corruption free Goverment. Saturn enters into its sign of exaltation once in a period of 30 yrs. Therefore, for the first time there is a ray of hope in public that coming government would be clean and honest. The same thing had happened in 1984 during Saturn's exaltation when after the era of Indira Gandhi the government of Shri Rajiv Gandhi was formed in the centre and the public of India used to address him as Mr. Clean. In modern times also the people of India have expressed their anger against the corrupt politicians. During elections there shall be combined impact of transit of Saturn and Jupiter on the natal Jupiter in India's horoscope therefore coming government shall be honest and strong morally which would definitely protect and consolidatethe pride of Indian culture and civilization. In India's horoscope the 3rd house representing power and influence is very strong, therefore, that party or politician can show the right road map for the progress of country in whose horoscope this 3rd house is equally strong. In Bhartiya Janta Party's horoscope third house is very strong so the same can be expected from it. In the month of March there is a major change in the position of two major planets Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn has turned retrograde on 2nd March and would remain in retrogression till 21st July and Jupiter has turned direct after 6th March which was retrograde before that from 7th November. This change in the movement of these two major planets is going to play a very important role in the war of election. It won't be surprising if several equations change like some people and parties coming into power and several others losing their position. First of all if we analyze the horoscope of Congress (I) we see that Saturn's face shall turn towards Moon because of its retrogression in 10th house which promises positive results along with worries. Similarly in the horoscope of Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Sadhesati is in operation. Saturn is closer to moon in the horoscope of Rahul because of which he would continue to remain prominent leader in Congress (I). Congress party would perform better than current analysis and might win more than 100 seats but would be deprived of power as Saturn's influence on the horoscope of Congress has decreased substantially. In the horoscopes of BJP, Narendra Modi and Rajnath Singh Sadhesati is on its peak, therefore, they shall be gaining more seats and after elections the stature and status of Rajnath Singh and NarendraModi shall rise because of Jupiter's transit in their house of destiny. This planetary movement shows BJP coming into power with more than 200 seats. Aam Aadmi Party became a very strong voice in National politics when Jupiter and Saturn both were retrograde. Now Saturn is retrograde and Jupiter Direct because of which its performance in coming LokSabha election shall fall down and they would win less than expected seats. In the horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal Saturn is debilitated and retrograde in 12th house therefore he shall have more damages comparatively. Among other parties Mamta Banerjee of Trinamool Congress shall get maximum benefits from the above mentioned influence of Jupiter and Saturn. There is strong probability that she might get lots of seats in Lok Sabha. Similarly Ram Vilas Paswan shall also perform better than his previous performance. Nitish Kumar won't be able to do anything substantial, however,he won't be as weak as appears but we do not see anything in the account of Lalu Prasad Yadav. In coming three months the politicians like Chandra Babu Naidu, Jayalalitha, Mayawati and Sharad Pawar shall be losing their influence, therefore, they won't be able to win more seats. In nut shell there is strong probability that BJP shall come into power and we see the other supporting parties getting benefited from its power. Those parties in whose horoscopes bad time is indicated might fail to make agreement with BJP because of one or the other reason. Most of Parties try to attract minorities with the slogan of secularism. Congress Party has always considered Astrology as untouchable on the name of saffronization. Although Kejriwal of Aam Aadmi Party wears blue clothes, blue muffler, blue sweater and uses blue car only as per astrolgical advice but in his opinion also astrology is nothing more than a superstition, therefore, he didn't amend his muhurat of oath taking ceremony and took it during the placement of Moon in 8th house, the result of which was the loss of power in just 49 days. On 28th December 2013 at 11:59 hrs. Moon was hemmed between Rahu and Saturn in 8th house. As per Astrology nothing can be more malicious time than this. The science of Astrology termed as eye of Indian Vedic culture is a complete science which could not grow because of unfavourable time and lack of support. There was a hope for the revival of this astrology from 1999 till 2004 during the government of BJP when it was included in the course curriculum of universities by Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi but most of the Universities failed to run it because of the lack of educated people. If Astrologers wish to resurrect the dignity of Astrology then they should support that party only who makes positive efforts for the accomplishment of it. The Astrology Community should convince and inspire their followers to contribute for the revitalization of lost glory of Vedic knowledge.
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