What is Mantra

What is Mantra  

Future Point
Views : 3062 | February 2017

Mantra is a vehicle for self-discovery. Mantra means a sacred utterance, numinous sound, or a syllable, word, phonemes, or group of words believed by some to have psychological and spiritual power in Sanskrit. Each syllable of a Mantra has specific sound vibrations for instance OM is a universal sound vibration that activates the Chakras in our body. The specific grouping of these powerful sound vibrations of the syllables of Mantra has an impact on the mental and psychic consciousness.

Mantras help the mind to focus (memorization via discipline) and become one-pointed. Where repression (avoid or escape) is not the intent, but a stabilization to help us work through what needs to be worked through (and healed). As with yoga, the use of mantras eventually evolves to a more subtle practice, leading our attention inward whereas the conscious effort and increased awareness allows for the internal arising of the mantra (and for the transformation toward self-realization).

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The powerful vibrations created by Mantra chanting strokes the Chakras and activates divine forces especially the Gayatri Mantra performs the same task and that is why Gayatri proclaims the fundamental doctrine of Vedas that a man can get realization of God in his life with his own efforts without the intervention of any prophet or Avtar and there lies the glory of Gayatri Mantra and because of these miraculous power of this Mantra it is termed as mother of Vedas.

Every Mantra activates the Chakras in our body in a unique way and especially the Gayatri mantra is best in achieving this objective. There is one other secret Gayatri the power of which is three times more than Vedic Gayatri mantra and this secret Gayatri is known as Srividya.

These powerful Mantras are used for awakening intelligence and Kundalini. The power of these Mantras is sufficient not only for achieving worldly comforts but they also lead to salvation and realization of God and in that way the glory of these Mantras is unlimited.

The process of activation of Chakras with the help of continuous Mantra chanting mysteriously heals our spiritual, physical and psychological body. It is very important that Mantra chanting should be enjoyed and one must surrender to this experience.

Different types of mantras contain different types of vibrations in it. If a mantra is chanted for 10 minutes every day by an individual then with in few days the person shall know whether the vibrations of that particular Mantra feels right for him/her.

If the Mantra chanted is given by some competent Guru then the individual is fortunate and if he or she has to select it on the basis of choice in that case it should be made sure that the Mantra chanted appeals the mind fully when spoken verbally.

Man has unlimited powers inside him and these powers can be awakened with the miraculous power of meditation with Mantra.

There are thousands of Mantras which are chanted with objective of the accomplishment of specific goals. The comprehensive collection of various important Mantras has been incorporated here in this section.


Mantrayoga is the surest and easiest way for awakening Kundalini. Mantras have miraculous power to awaken the specific 'chakra' or the energy centre, if they are chanted correctly with right syllables, or words or phrases like- “Om Namah Shivay”, “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” and various other Mantras. The most effective Mantra for awakening Kundalini is Srividya. But repetition of Srividya Trayakshari, Panchadashikadi, Shodashi or Mahashodashi should not be initiated without proper Guru Diksha. Mantra Yoga requires time, patience and guidance of a spiritual teacher. There are large number of Mantras or hymns from Sanskrit that can attune one to the Lord and connect one to the realms of higher consciousness. Kundalini awakens methodically and systematically. Each Mantra has different effect on different 'chakras'.

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“Nam” is holy word given by the Hindu sages to their devotees to chant silently all day- because the word “N” by its resonant sonic vibrations strengthen the left brain, the eyes and the pituitary gland. The word “M” being the seed word for Crown Chakra, strengthens the upper right brain and the pineal gland and comes to the rescue of left brain whenever, necessary, to calm and soothe the mind by releasing melatonin hormonine. Thus the word Nam stimulates the total brain. Besides it, ‘NAM’ helps to boost our immune system.

Apart from it the Vedic Mantras give out a powerful effect according to the Vedic prescriptions. In the same way each 'chakra' has its individual seed Mantra which can generate the energy and activate the 'chakra' when they are chanted repeatedly.

Crown Chakra

Ajna Chakra Om
Throat Chakra Hum
Heart Chakra Yam
Solar Plexus Rum
Hara Wam
Root Chakra Lam

Mantra meditation is the easiest and safest form of meditation and can be practiced by anyone at any time and under any conditions. The most common way of practicing Mantra Meditation is Japa. Japa (literally means ‘rotate’) is performed by repeating a Mantra in sync with the rotation of Japa Mala. A Japa Mala is a rosary of 108 beads where each bead is turned after the mental or audible recitation of the Mantra.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

Using a Japa Mala for Mantra Meditation is very effective as it provides an anchor to bring the mind back as it experiences wavering thought. The Mantra combined with the Japa Mala provide tangible anchors to which the thoughts are directed back as they spin out of control. That is why Japa meditation is one of the most recommended forms of meditation for the beginner.

For successful accomplishment of Mantra Siddhi the Sadhaka (practitioner) must follow the following Codes.

  1. Get up early in the morning (around 4:00 AM). This time is considered most auspicious for performing your prayers and meditation for good results.
  2. Worship your Guru
  3. Recite Gayatri Mantra
  4. Worship Lord Ganpati
  5. Worship your family Deity
  6. Finally start worshipping your favourite deity or Ishta Devta with your favourite Mantra.
  7. You must perform Shodashopchar or Panchopchar Puja of your Ishta Devta.
  8. Make sure that you are sitting on a proper Asana in perfect Yogic posture. Best Asanas are Padmasana, or Ardhapadmasana, or Vajrasana or Siddhasana.
  9. Dhyana, Dharana and Smadhi - Everyday concentrate at least for 15 minutes with the Mantra recommended or selected to be recited and by doing so continuously for five day you shall have some experience or dream about your Ishta Devta.
  10. Recitation of Mantra which is known as Japa should be done in front of your favourite deity.
  11. Wear neat and clean clothes.
  12. Offer fruits to your God in the form of oblation.
  13. Keep a pure vegetarian food.
  14. Observe complete Bramhcharya throughout the period of recitation.
  15. Recite the Mantras with clarity, correct pronunciation and by giving pause between words. Don’t be in a hurry. Recitation for the sake of completion of the requisite number of Mantras will not take the Sadhaka anywhere. Sadhaka must involve himself in Him as also in the Mantras.
  16. Use Rosary for counting.

Method of Japa (Recitation)

There are three methods of Japas.

  • Vaachanik – Recitation through speech or words in loud voice.
  • Upanshu – Recitation through lips but without sound.
  • Manasik – Recitation of Mantra through mind without lifting the lips. This method is used for attaining Siddhi for the completion of the work one undertakes.

Out of the three methods mentioned above, Manasik recitation is considered to be the best method. Recitation can be done either by using fingers or by using rosary for counting.

Mantra Siddhi

Mantra disciplines are usually for 40 days. Why is this? Well 40 seem to be a very profound number spiritually speaking: Jesus went into the desert to meditate for 40 days. Buddha sat underneath the Bodhi tree for 49 days. Also, 40 day disciplines have been used for thousands of years by our fore-fathers and fore-mothers, so it’s got a good history to it as well.

There are basically two ways to go about a 40 day discipline. You can repeat your Mantra either 108 (1 Mala) times in the morning and night (If it’s a really long Mantra like the Long form Gayatri – you can do that either morning or night, if time is an issue). Or, you can chant it all through the day as much as you can.

जीवन की सभी समस्याओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें !

Those who believe in chanting with the use of Mala generally complete 1158 Malas of Mantra chanting. A Mala contains 108 beads, so one Mala chanting means that the Mantra has been chanted 108 times. The number 108 is considered the number of Siddhi. Devotees try to complete 1158 Malas of Mantra chanting in 40 days which completes 125000 Mantra Japa.

For Mantra Siddhi Mantra Purushcharana is recommended in Shastras. Purushcharana is chanting of a Mantra as many lakhs of times as many syllables are there in a Mantra for example if there are 5 syllables in a Mantra as are there in Shiv Panchakshari Mantra then it should be recited at least 5 lakh times for completing its Purushcharana but by reciting a mantra 1.25 lakh times also one can attain the blessings of one's presiding deity (Ishta devta). So we can conclude that for Mantra Siddhi it is essential to chant one Mantra at least 1.25 lakh times.

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