Astrology Fun & Games

Astrology Fun & Games  

Future Point
Views : 4043 | March 2016

In order to know the future prospects there have been given some Horary tools for getting predictions and answers to the queries in the current version of Astrology Fun & Games. Those who have a firm belief in these aspects of Horary related science could use a number of options other than the classical ways of predictions. Here, one needs to be clear in his/her conscience first and should have firm belief in God and faith in the upcoming prediction. You must be free from all the prejudices and remember the God first and must be very specific in your mind while asking questions otherwise questions as well as results may differ. This is necessary in order to maintain the faith in these older but much tried & tested methods.

These Horary tools are provided in this application with the name Astrology Fun & Games. Some of these Horary tools are card related such as Tarot Card, other ones are Chart related or Yantra Based. You can select any of the Horary tool depending on your preference. In each one of these methods we have provided an info icon which gives the information of the query and gives a brief description on how you can know answer of your question.

You can also see the mantra or Shloka in some of them which you should enchant when you go for the query. There are some methods which are specific to questions such as Santan related Queries which you need to select only when you have queries related to children. In some tools we have also provided a set of questions from where you can select your query before posting result. In case if it is not there you must repeat your query in your mind.

We hope that you shall derive enough fun from these Astrology Games but remember that these astrology games are in use from ancient times and people use these tools to get answer for their questions when they find themselves stuck in a difficult situation therefore they are valuable indeed but faith obviously is prerequisite.

Here we provide a brief review of all these methods one by one so that you may become familiar with these methods before trying-

Gautam Kevli Mahavidya

Introduction- This method of knowing prediction of future was much respected, in ancient days. However with passage of time this learning is looked upon with contempt. In fact this knowledge is a game of learned saints. The sages have said that in the yantra depicted 1 stands for Moon, 2 for Mars, and 3 for sun. Any type of question can be asked and you shall be getting a detailed answer.

Method of Use- "Om Chiri Chiri Piri Piri Nisir Nisir Divya Bhupata Swaha". There are twenty-seven boxes each having a three-digit number starting from 111. There is a mantra on the top of the screen. To get answer to your query, first of all repeat the question in your mind. Read the mantra and thereafter click on one of the box after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.


Introduction- Shri Garg Rishi Krut Prashnavali known by the name Pasavali is extremely popular tool for getting answers for any type of question. "Pasavali" has 64 boxes each having a three-digit number staring from 111.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Box of 15

Introduction- The box of 15 is popularly known as Panchadashi Yantra in which a set of nine boxes is there. On the boxes numbers are mentioned in such a way that total from all sides is fifteen. The following Shloka explains the answer for the box chosen against the query-

Tritiya mitra sanyuktam, Chaturtha cha kalah priyam,

anchame raj sanmanam, Shashte karya nashnam,

Saptame dhan dhanyam cha, Ashtame maranam dhruvam,

Navame raj sanmanam, Hutva kevli bhashitam.

Box of 15 gives very brief answer for your questions and it is used to know the general good luck of a person.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Ank Shakunavali

Introduction- In "Ank 16 Shakunavali" there are 16 boxes each having a number from 1 to 16. Any type of question can be asked and the answer obtained comes in an elaborated form with a label of good, bad and medium.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Santan Prashna

Introduction- In "Karm Vipak Santan Prashan", we have a North Indian chart with Rasi numbers in each house, Aries is in first house of the Chart and correspondingly other Rasi are placed in other houses. This tool is specific to questions such as Santan related Queries which you need to select only when you have queries related to children. A lady who does not have a child or the baby dies after birth can make her queries.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Ank Shakunavali

Introduction- In "Ank Shakunavali" there are sixteen boxes provided on the screen and each box has been assigned a number from 1 to 16. Any type of question can be asked and the answer thus obtained comes in an elaborated form which covers all areas of life including probable duration of accomplishment of task.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Yugadi Dev Prashnavli


akarade hkaranta,

praceddha seddhmaatrka,

yugadou ya swayam prokta,

vrishabhen mahatamna.

Yugadi Dev Prashnavali created by saint Vrishabh contains 24 boxes and in each box one different alphabet of Devnagri script has been written. Any type of question can be asked and the answer thus obtained comes in an elaborated form.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Sagar Chakra-

Introduction- In Sagar Chakra there are 53 boxes and in each box one different letter of Devnagari alphabet has been written including universal vibration OM. Any type of question can be asked and the answer thus obtained comes in short.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Ramal Chart

Introduction- In "Chart Ramal" a North Indian chart is provided on the screen with Rasi numbers from 1 to 12. Aries is in first house of the Chart and correspondingly other Rasi are placed in other houses. All types of questions can be asked and the answer thus obtained come in short note.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Ramal Nakshatra

Introduction- A set of 28 boxes has been provided in this Prashnavali and each box contains name of a Nakshatra. It gives short answer to any type of question of the querist.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Vinod Manjari

Introduction- In "Vinod Manjari" a North Indian chart is provided on the screen with Rasi numbers from 1 to 12. Aries is in first house of the Chart and correspondingly other Rasi are placed in other houses. It gives very short answer to any type of question of the querist.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Ramal Shakunavli

Introduction- This is one of the most ancient and authentic Prashnottari's available. This should be used only when there is a natural anxiety to know about something. While using the same, you should have a clear question in your mind. You may not happen to receive a positive/clear response to an ambiguous question.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Garbini Prashnavli

Introduction- In "Garbhini Prashna" a set of nine boxes is there. Name of a planet is mentioned on each of the box. If you have any question related to birth of a child, then use this query method.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Ramal Number

Introduction- Om Hrim Shrim Vad Vad Vagvadini Savha Om Siddhi. In "Number Ramal" two set of boxes with 5 boxes in each set are provided. Each set of box has numbers from 1 to 5. A mantra is there on the top of the screen. Questions related to accomplishment of task can be asked.

Method of Use- In "Number Ramal" two set of boxes are provided with having five boxes each. Each set of box has numbers from 1 to 5. A mantra is there on the top of the screen. To get answer to your query, repeat your query in your mind, read the mantra and click on the top set of boxes first. A number will be selected based on the box clicked and will be displayed on the screen. Now click on the second set of boxes at the bottom side, and again another number will be selected. The numbers thus obtained by clicking the boxes will form a two-digit number. And answer to your query will be displayed based on this number. Please note that you have to click the first set of boxes first, otherwise the program will display a warning message and your click will be cancelled.

Jin Kevli Shakunavli

Introduction- Om Hreem Arham Sarvagyay Namah. In "Jin Kevli Shakunavali" we have two sets of boxes having nine boxes in each set. Out of the nine boxes in each set, five boxes have numbers from 1 to 5. Any type of question can be asked and the answer thus obtained comes in the form of a short note.

Method of Use- You just need to click on one of the box ("Koshtak") having a number. Fist click on the first set of box. The box number you have clicked is shown below just after the click. And thereafter click on the second set of boxes. And again the number of the box is displayed and forms a two-digit number. The result of the query is displayed based on the number thus formed by clicking on the both the sets of boxes. You should click on the first set of boxes first otherwise the computer will give a warning message and will ask to first click on the first set of boxes and your click will be cancelled.

Ramal Prashna

Introduction-> There are three Chakras in Ramal Prashna and the names of different gods have been written on the boxes of each Chakra. In first Chakra there are 16 boxes, in 2nd Chakra 12 and in 3rd Chakra there are 16 boxes. Any type of question can be asked and the answer thus obtained comes in short.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then select one Chakra out of three Chakras and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Ram Shalaka

Introduction- The Ramshalaka has been taken fromShri Ramcharit Manas written by the great Indian poet Tulsidas. In the squares of Ramshalaka each letter or the part of the letter gives birth to a couplet (chaupai). The couplet thus formed has a meaning of it which answers your question. First remember Lord Shri Rama in your mind and pray him to get answer ( don't disclose the Question to anyone before asking to Shri Rama ).

Method of Use All you have to do is just click on any of the letters in the boxes with closed eyes. For the best answer of your question you should have only closed ended question in your mind. Then a couplet (chaupai), the place from where it has been taken and Your Answer will be displayed on your screen. It is all about faith in the almighty and faith is tested for only once. So try to avoid the verification by repeating the process again and again. You can take these words for caution. Ask your question now with full confidence.

Teesa Yantra

Introduction In Teesa Yantra a list of 30 questions given and if your question falls in this list then you can click on a box out of the 15 boxes of Teesa Yantra. OM is written in the beginning of this Yantra.

Method of Use First of all click on the question of your choice given in Teesa Yantra with faith and belief, keep your finger or matchstick (Shalaka) in any square of the chart. The result to your query will be shown on the screen. Read the result to your query. Similarly you can get answer to another query.

Love Calculator

Introduction- Love calculator is a tool that enables you to know that you and your partner are how much compatible to each other and how strong shall be the intensity of love between you and your beloved. Method of Use- All you have to do is to fill the first names in your love calculator of two people whose compatibility has to be calculated. The compatibility shown by this love calculator is just a generalized calculation and should not be accepted literally. For knowing the minute aspects of compatibility the horoscopes of the couple should be studied together.

Tarot Card

Introduction- In Tarot Card a spread of 14 cards have been given. You can get answer to any type of question of yours by using the method given below.

Method of Use- Please draw three cards from the Pack of Cards by clicking on the cards one at a time.

The very first card that you draw lets you know your present state of mind while asking question.

The second card tells you about the struggle that you have to undergo for fulfillment of your desires.

The third and the last card give you the result of your Query.

Thus, in order to know the result of your query please repeat the queries in your mind or for clarity write it down on paper and draw the cards.

Biorhythmic Chart

Introduction- Our efficiency, intelligence, health do not not remain stable because of the biochemical reactions undergoing in our body. One day we feel we are at the top, ready to win the whole world while another day we may feel so much weak that we wish to confine ourselves in a closed room. It is clear from astrology that our finance, health and emotions vary low and high in a particular span of time. The cycle time is 23 days for health, 28 days for emotions and 33 days for finance. This cycle is Bio Rhythmic Cycle.

The rise fall of the three cycles namely health, finance and emotions for a month are shown in a chart called Bio Rhythmic Chart.

This chart consists of three curves of different colors each for your health finance and emotions. The green curve is for health, red for emotions and blue for finance. The span of the three curves is different as the cycle period of these three categories is different. The graphs starts from the current date and the curves are shown for the next one month. The user can recognize the low and high dates from the curves itself but for the ready reference we have provided the dates on which the value is high or low in all the three categories. Users can take help of these Bio Rhythmic Cycles in monitoring their health and finance.

Method of Use- For getting your biorhythmic chart put date of birth in the given application and press submit button. The graph showing your biorhythmic chart shall get downloaded shortly.

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