Higher Education Gift of 9th House

Higher Education Gift of 9th House  

Future Point
Views : 5148 | April 2006

Education is essential for everybody. The 4th house indicates school and college eduction whereas higher education and research are denoted by the 9th house. The 4th house indicates one's regular attendance in a school or a college and studies. 3rd house shows one's inclination to specialise in any subject, whereas the combined effect of 3rd and 5th shows one's intelligence. But 4th is a must to develop habit to study and hard work. Besides these houses, there is one house i.e. 9th which indicates chances for studies further or higher education. Mercury is the planet of intelligence, which when combined with Sun in rapt conjunction causes Nipuna Yoga.

If 3rd house is concerned with ordinary mental inclinations, 9th house is higher education, higher knowledge and higher thought. In the light of above principles, we shall study the prospects of a doctor, who is wishing to get higher education in medicine after completing MBBS course. He had appeared in the written test for diploma in medicine course during the year 1995, but did not receive any information till April '98. So, he was disappointed and hence was serious to know his fate about higher education.

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The birth details along with the chart are as follows : In the chart, the lord of 4th in 4th along with lord of 3rd can be seen. Lord of 6th and 11th Mars is in Ist; a good combination for success. Mars is aspecting Mercury and Saturn. Saturn the lord of 8th and 9th in 8th is good for longevity but delaying for other things. But as it is strong due to occupancy in its own house, it will cause delay but not deny the portfolio of 9th house, in which higher education also comes. The next thing is the owner of 10th is in 9th which means a Yoga comprising house of fate and the house of Karma.

So the chart, as per house position, is good and strong. The sublord of the 4th is Jupiter, posited in 9th and sublord of 9th is Mercury, posited in 4th, a good change in the house of general education and higher education. Here Mars is in the star of Jupiter, the occupant of 9th and sub of Mercury, the occupant of 4th, is much stronger to give higher education. So, any planet in the star of sub of Mars will be able to give higher education. Jupiter Dasha was ending on 22.07.98 and there after the major period of Saturn was to come.

Jupiter, though posited in 9th house, did not give the chance only due to Saturn which was the owner and occupant of 8th, a house of delay and disappointment. But Saturn himself in the star of Moon and sub of Mars was suitable to give higher education. Hence, Moon is conjoined with Mars and in the star of Mars is also not bad. So, the native was told that he will get diploma in medicine. Same thing happened with the end of Jupiter Dasha on 22.7.98. The native, a doctor, received a letter for interview on 27.7.98. Delaying tendency of Saturn did not end even after getting an interview letter. But now the doctor is happy knowing that he will get diploma in medicine.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

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