Similarity between Sh. Modiji & Mr. Trump Horoscope

Similarity between Sh. Modiji & Mr. Trump Horoscope  

Future Point
Views : 2474 | January 2017

The horoscopes of Mr. Modi and Mr. Trump are similar in several ways as shown below-

The horoscopes of both of them assure that both shall earn lot of reputation as capable administrators. Both have Sthir Lagna which would help them work with a focused approach. Mr. Trump and Mr. Modi both would be recognized as diplomatic international leaders whose influence would be accepted and appreciated by all.

In the horoscope of Mr. Trump Mars is in Lagna whereas in the chart of Mr. Modi also it is in Lagna and that is why both are attractive, energetic, dynamic and influential. Both have high patriotic standards.

In the horoscopes of both of them five planets are in Kendra because of which both have magnetic personality. Both know it very well that how to attract masses.

In the horoscope of Mr. Trump the Sun having directional strength is placed in 10th house whereas full Moon having full directional strength is placed opposite to it. The impact of Rahu and Ketu on 10th and 4th house is further enhancing the power of Rajyoga. Apart from it the Jupiter is also aspecting 10th house and in nutshell there is influence of 5 planets on house of Rajyoga and power because of which he shall certainly come out of all controversies and prove to be a very successful administrator. The controversies shall continue to chase him in 2017 also.

In the horoscope of Mr. Modi there is influence of Saturn on 10th house which is fortified by two benefic planets Jupiter and Venus and as a result of it the diplomatic policies, powerful planning and wise decisions of Mr. Modi would help him attain stability and security in his Rajyoga. The controversies would continue to chase him in 2017 also however he would be more powerful as compared to 2015 &16.

The Rashi of both is Scorpio which makes them highly diplomatic and clever. Both are going through Sadesati which enabled them to come into power.

For Mr. Trump there was mutual aspect between natal Mars and Saturn of transit during the peak time of Sadesati which is still in continuation and that is why he is continuously becoming victim of controversies.

For Mr. Modi the Saturn is transiting on natal Mars during the peak time of Sadesati and that is why he is continuously becoming victim of controversies.

11th lord of both are in 11th house only. The house of wealth and income both are strong for both of them so both would certainly play constructive roles to shape the economic policies of their country.

This amazing similarity in their charts shall bring them very close to each other and they shall add a new chapter in world history by emerging as influential global leaders.

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