2018 Remedies & Precautions for you

2018 Remedies & Precautions for you  

Future Point
Views : 2532 | January 2018


The year 2018 is not indicating any problem for you. It shall be a wonderful year for income, prosperity & betterment of social life. After 11th October there is possibility of some health related complications which won't be very serious. The best solution shall be to do Rudrabhishekam. Wearing Mahamrityunjay Yantra Locket shall also help.


Domestic peace might get reduced and you shall have to face few health related troubles too. You are advised to look after your health and try to avoid getting into argument with parents. Take care of the health of your children and try to maintain good relations with them. In nutshell the year 2018 is very average for your health, happiness, domestic atmosphere & work therefore you are advised to deploy few Pandits to perform Rudrabhishekam at home.


The year 2018 is not indicating any problem for you. It shall be a wonderful year for your education, children and love life. After 11th October there is possibility of some trivial health issues. The best solution shall be to keep your confidence and physical fitness intact. To protect yourself you are advised to chant Durga Kawacham daily. Wearing Durga Beesa Yantra Locket shall also help.


This year shall bring name and fame for you as you shall do very well in any type of competitive examination. Your glory would increase by taking interest in religious institutions and public welfare activities. You are likely to get some decent post of responsibility. After October you shall do very well educationally. This year shall also prove good for your children and reputation. The time period would improve for getting associated with influential people. You are advised to do Guru Bhakti.


This year is auspicious for matrimonial development, marital bliss and your association with new people and partners. You can plan to get into a new partnership venture. Your business shall grow for sure and there shall be pouring in new opportunities for you in your professional life. This is the best time to get married and apart from that there shall be considerable increase in your income. For better results wear Matangi Yantra locket in your neck and do the Puja of Goddess Matangi.


Although this is a period of mental tensions however there shall be betterment in your professional life and you shall be happy with the progress on financial front. You shall be doing very well educationally also and success in competitive examination is also indicated. For overcoming mental tensions and trivial obstacles you are advised to chant Kalbhairavashtak daily.


This would be a year of great results. You won't leave any stone unturned in getting best results in matters related to education, children's progress and Mantra Siddhi. Your glory would increase by taking interest in religious institutions and public welfare activities. You are likely to get some decent post of responsibility. After the mid of October you shall be happy with your progress at work.


You are likely to lose your focus because of some mental tensions, increased expenses and unnecessary journeys therefore you need to put a check on useless activities and unnecessary expenses. After 11th October you shall get some relief from the tensions and financial uncertainties. To get rid of difficulties see your face in mustard oil every Saturday and donate it to a poor person.


You might have some sudden health issues and stress however your good planning shall keep you at top throughout the year. Your reputation and credibility as a professional shall go on increasing. The source of income shall get consolidated in the beginning of the year. This year shall be best for enhancing your personnel, social and political influence and apart from that matrimonial development is also indicated very strongly. You are advised to plan your way in such a way so that you are not short of funds in the yearend.


You might have some financial burden in the beginning of the year. You area advised not to make big investment in the begginning of the year as you are likely to get into losses. It shall be better to drop the idea of making big investment in this year. There are chances of expansion and growth in work area provided you work with balanced and systematic approach. See your face in mustard oil on Saturday and donate it in a temple.


In this year you shall be doing lot of planning to consolidate your source of income. Your continuous efforts, systematic planning and the general impact of personality shall help you do better to brighten your career prospects. In nutshell this shall be a year of achievement and you can expect bigger progress towards the yearend. No remedies are required. Do meditation and Yoga on regular basis so that your working efficiency remains intact.


Your professional life shall remain stable but you are likely to face lots of obstacles too. For health it won't be a good year and there can be stomach related troubles. Apart from that there can be some issues in matters related to your education, children and love life too. You are advised to look after your health. There shall be improvement in matters related to health and your happiness after 11th October 2018. For rectification of health related issues you are advised to chant Mahamrityunjay Mantra 108 times daily.

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