Timing of Child Birth

Timing of Child Birth  

Tanvi Bansal
Views : 25233 | July 2016

Following parameters need to be studied while determining the timing of birth of child - • The 5th house stands for issue comfort therefore study the 5th lord, significator of 5th house, planets occupying 5th house, planets aspecting 5th house, planets conjunct with 5th lord, planets aspecting 5th lord & the dispositor of 5th lord alongwith their degrees. • The planets occupying 5th house are how close to the mid of 5th house. • The degree of the planets placed and that of the planets aspecting 5th house. • Beneficial planet for child birth is positioned closer to Bhava Madhya of 5th house. • If there is no planet in 5th house then study the planets aspecting this house.

Planet aspecting the Bhava Madhya degrees shall determine the timing of child birth. • If there is no planet in the 5th house then study the position of 5th lord. • Placement of 5th lord & that of planets aspecting 5th lord. • If 5th lord shall be aspected by auspicious planets and the degrees of 5th lord & mid of 5th house are almost equal then 5th lord shall certainly prove sifgnificant in child birth. • The planet supportive in child birth would bless the native with child birth in its Dasha or Antardasha whereas its position in transit would be indicating the timing of birth of child. • If Dasha lord transits the Bhava Madhya or aspects it then child birth would take place. • The timing of child birth is dependent on Dasha/ Antardasha of child birth supportive planet along with its transit.

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Double transit impact i.e. impact of Jupiter & Saturn of transit on 5th, 5th lord & significator of 5th house can result in child birth. • First child is studied from 5th house, the second child from 3rd from 5th i.e. 7th house and the 3rd one from 3rd house from 7th i.e. 9th house and the same order is followed to predict the birth of next child. Example horoscope -1 : 13.12.1975, 12:27, Shimla Date of Marriage 9th May 1996 Birth of Child First Second 13.12.1997 07.07.2001 Dasha Ven/Rah Ven/Sat The horoscope of this woman is of Aquarius Lagna and Pisces Rashi. After one & half year of her marriage she gave birth to a male child. She got married in the second week of May1996 and gave birth to her first child in second week of December 1997. At the time of birth of first son she was running through Venus/Rahu Dasha. Venus is 5th lord from 5th and Antardasha lord is conjunct with it. In her chart the 5th lord Mercury aspects the 5th house. 5th house is also aspected by Rahu. 5th lord is strengthening 5th house by aspecting it.

In Navamsa chart 5th lord Mercury of birth chart is in a friendly sign. In addition to that Saturn, Venus and Sun are in their Uchabhilashi signs & Rahu Ketu in exaltation thus giving strengh to birth chart. The birth of second child is studied from 7th house. At the time of birth of second child the 7th lord of her horoscope in transit is in conjunction with Jupiter and Rahu. Jupiter and Rahu both are aspecting Lagna also. First Child - 5th lord Mercury is aspected by Saturn of transit. Second Child - 7th lord Sun was aspected by Saturn of transit. The above analysis indicates that the Yogas, Dashalord, Antardasha & Pratyantardsaha lords are yielding results according to the principles stated above. Yogas for Child Birth: The significator of children Jupiter is in its own house and also forming Gajakesari Yoga. It is stated in several astrological texts that a woman having Sun in 10th house gives birth to very fortunate sons because sun is 5th Lord in Kalpurusha.

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Example horoscope - 2 29/08/1985, 04:25, Delhi Child Birth 14.09.2014 Dasha Jup/Sat/Mer The native of horoscope 2 gave birth to a daughter on 14th September 2014. At that time her Jupiter Dasha (Significator of 5th aspecting 5th lord) and Saturn Antardasha (aspecting 5th lord) was in operation. On the day of birth of first child there was double transit impact on 5th lord i.e Saturn and Jupiter of transit both were influencing the 5th lord. In addition to that Dasha lord Jupiter was aspected by Jupiter transiting on 5th lord similarly the Saturn of transit aspecting 5th lord was trasiting on Antardasha lord. Example horoscope - 3 17.07.1985, 14:14, Palwal, Haryana Child Birth 14.05.2012 Dasha Sat/Rah In this horoscope the Lagna and Rashi are Libra and Gemini respectively.

Mahadasha lord Saturn is 4th and 5th house lord and placed in Lagna in its exaltation sign. As per above mentioned astrological Yoga if 5th lord is in 5th or Lagna then the native begets child immediately after marriage. This Yoga worked for this horoscope and within one and half year of marriage she got her first baby girl. Navamsa 5th lord of birth chart is in a friendly sign in Navamsa and the significator Jupiter is exalted and that became the reason of quick child birth after marriage. Dasha At the time of birth of child Saturn/Rahu Dasha was in operation. (Dasha of 5th house lord and Antardasha lord is aspected by 5th lord). As per astrological Yogas the timing of birth of child is dependant on the 5th house, 5th lord and the Dasha of planets aspecting or owning 5th house.

In this horoscope the Dasha/Antardasha are conducive for child birth as per this rule. Transit At the time of birth of child the 5th lord Saturn was transiting on Lagna in retrograde motion on natal Saturn and the significator Jupiter was also aspecting 5th lord Saturn. The double transit impact on 5th lord, Dasha lord and Antardasha lord is also active. So the favourable transit resulted into child birth. Child Birth with Delay Example horoscope - 1 Female 02/02/1987, 19:05, Meerut Child Birth 19.01.2016 Dasha Ket/Mer In this horoscope the signs of ascendant and Rashi are Leo & Pisces respectively. After 4 years of marriage on 19th January 2016 she gave birth to a healthy son.

अपनी कुंडली में सभी दोष की जानकारी पाएं कम्पलीट दोष रिपोर्ट में

In her horoscope Venus is placed in 5th house and 5th lord and the significator of 5th Jupiter is conjunct with 2nd & 11th lord Mercury in 7th house. She conceived in Ketu/Saturn Dasha and gave birth to her son in Ketu/Mercury Dasha. Ketu and Mercury Dasha proved conducive because the Antardasha lord and the dispositor of Ketu conjunct with 5th lord is also the significator of 5th house. लग्नेशे पुत्रभावस्थे पुत्रेशे बलसंयुते परिपूर्णबले जीवे पुत्रप्राप्तिर्न संशयः - (भारतीय कुंडली विज्ञान / पच्चमभाव विचार- 423) One in whose horoscope the 5th lord Jupiter is very strong and aspected by the Lagna lord then she would certainly give birth to children. The above mentioned Yoga is also available in this horoscope. 5th house is occupied by benefic Venus whereas 5th lord Jupiter is conjunct with benefic Mercury and both are not afflicted with the aspect of malefic planet.

Therefore, she is enjoying motherhood by giving birth to a son. 5th house is hemmed between malefic planets and that is why some delay in child birth caused some tensions. Navamsa 5th lord, the significator of 5th house and the dispositor of 5th lord i.e Saturn of birth chart all are attaining strength in Navamsa and similarly the planet occupying 5th house of birth chart is also strong in Navamsa. Saptamsa The planet occupying 5th house in birth chart is Vargottami in Saptamsa. 5th lord of birth chart is in a friendly sign in Saptamsa. The dispositor of 5th lord of birth chart is exalted in Saptamsa.

Transit At the time of birth of child Jupiter is transiting in friendly sign Leo and enhancing auspiciousness of house of children by giving aspect to it from lagna. In addition to it this Jupiter is also giving aspect to 5th lord and the significator of 5th. The auspicious aspect of Jupiter of transit on related Bhava, Bhavesh and Karaka resulted into child birth. Child Birth with Delay Example horoscope - 2 Female 23/07/1986, 22:04, Agra Marriage Date : 23.11.2010 Child Birth 03.12.2014, 20:48, Delhi Dasha Jup/Sun Lagna and Rashi are Pisces and Aquarius respectively. 5th lord Moon is placed in 12th house in conjunction with Jupiter. This planetary position of both is causing delay in begetting children.

In addition to that the 5th house is occupied by 6th lord & 7th lord. Mercury is 5th lord from Moon so it is giving slightly better position. They got married in November 2010. After 4 years of marriage she got a male issue. At the time of birth of child Dasha in operation were that of Jupiter/Moon. So, she got child during conducive Dasha of significator and Antardasha of 5th lord. Navamsa Significator of children, the dispositor of 5th lord of birth chart and the dispositor of significator of children are Uchhabhilashi in Navamsa chart so inspite of weak position of 5th lord and significator in birth chart they got blessed with a son.

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The weak position of these in birth chart and the affliction of 5th house in birth chart caused delay. Saptamsa The significator of 5th house is in friendly sign in Saptamsa and the 5th lord of birth chart is also occupying the Rashi of significator of children. Transit On the day of birth of child exalted Jupiter was transiting into 5th house and the 5th to 5th house was under the double transit impact of Saturn and Jupiter. Birth of Child with Extra Delay Example horoscope - 1 29.7.1973, 22:10, Delhi Date of Marriage 30.8.1999 Birth of Child First Second 28.03.2010, 22:26, Delhi 28.03.2010, 22:28, Delhi Dasha Ven/Mo Ven/Mo This is the horoscope of a female whose Lagna and Rashi are Pisces and cancer respectively. She got married in August 1999 and gave birth to twins after a long wait of 11 years. तनयगतस्तनयपतिर्मतिन्यं मानितं जनं कुरुते सुतकलितं प्रकटजनविख्यातं मानवं कुरुते -(मानसागरी / अध्याय -5) of delay as the strength of Moon is nil.

The significator of children Jupiter is debilitated. At the time of birth of the child Dasha and Antardasha in operation was that of Venus and 5th lord Moon. She gave birth to twins. During child birth Dasha was conducive as the dispositor of Dasha lord is in 5th house and the Antardasha lord placed in 5th house owns this house. The reason of delay is the affliction of 5th house, 5th lord and the significator of 5th house. Navamsa In Navamsa chart the dispositor of 5th lord of birth chart is Dasha lord. Here in the divisional chart of marriage the rising of 8th house sign in Lagna resulted into trouble in between the time spanning from the date of marriage till the birth of child. The impact of Rahu Ketu of Navamsa is the other cause of delay in marriage. In addition the significator Jupiter is placed in 8th house.

अपनी कुंडली में राजयोगों की जानकारी पाएं बृहत कुंडली रिपोर्ट में

These Yogas are causing delay. Saptamsa In Saptamsa chart 5th lord of birth chart is in the Rashi of significator of children whereas the planet Sun is exalted. Transit The dispositor of significator of children is under the double transit impact of Saturn and Jupiter. In Lagna chart, Navamsa and Saptamsa chart the position of 5th house, 5th lord and the significator of 5th is not very good but inspite of that they were blessed with children as Moon of birth chart is in its own sign and aspected by Jupiter. The less strength of all involved planets caused delay in child birth. Still Waiting Progeny Example horoscope - 1 Female, 26/05/1979, 11:45, Delhi Child Birth N/A Dasha Jup/Mer व्ययेशसंयुतांशेशत्र्यंशनाथसमन्विते। दृष्टे पुत्रेश्वर तेन पुत्रार्ति कथयन्ति हि।। भारतीय कुंडली विज्ञान/पंचमभाव विचार/425 If the lord of 5th house in the horoscope of a native is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house then the native suffers from the agony of destruction of progeny. सुतेशे रिष्फभावस्थे पुत्रसौख्यविवजिंतः। जातकः क्रीततनयो ग्राहयपुत्रोअथवा भवेत।। बृहत्पाराशरहोराशास्त्रम/भावाधीशफलाध्यायः/131 If 5th lord is placed in 12th house the native is devoid of son or has an adopted son. Birth Chart Analysis In this horoscope of Leo ascendant Saturn and Rahu are placed in Lagna.

Rahu forming Kalsarp Yoga is giving aspect to 5th house. 5th lord exalted Jupiter is placed in 12th. The placement of 5th lord in 12th house cannot be appreciated. Jupiter is also the Karaka of 5th house so the karaka and 5th lord both are in bad house thus causing delay. In addition to that Rahu's aspect on 5th is also causing delay. In above given horoscope apart from 5th lord and the significator the dispositor of 5th lord is also very weak and that is why she could not beget children in her 16 years of marriage specifically as Dasha in operation was not conducive. In Jupiter/Jupiter Dasha chances were not much however now with the complete activation of Jupiter Dasha there are chances of child birth as 5th to 5th house is strong and the Saturn of transit is about to move into the 5th house.

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ConclusionThe above mentioned analysis indicates that three factors i.e 5th house, 5th lord and significator of 5th house should be strong in the chart of a person to expect fortunate, healthy and capable children's birth at desired time. Although dasha of 5th lord, dispositor of 5th lord, significator of 5th house, dispositor of significator, the planet occupying or aspecting 5th house or 5th lord and the planet conjunct with 5th lord, proves conducive for child birth but the less strength of above mentioned factors can delay the timing of child birth, whereas the complete affliction and zero strength of these planets can also result in the denial of progeny. In transit the activation of 5th house, 5th lord and significator of 5th with double transit impact speeds up this process especially if Dasha lord having direct relationship with 5th house is also under double transit impact.

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