Future Point Pvt. Ltd

Future Point Pvt. Ltd  

Tanvi Bansal
Views : 3778 | May 2016

Future Point Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading astrological organizations in the world and is very popular in masses for its astrological services and products. It is one of the most recognized institutions known for rendering quality services in the field of astrology and Vedic sciences. The remarkable efforts of Future Point in reviving and revitalizing India's heritage of Vedic sciences are worth appreciation.


Future Point Pvt. Ltd was floated in 1987 by Mr. Arun Bansal who is known as founder of computer astrology in India. He is born and brought up in Delhi. From the very beginning he had keen interest in Astrology and Vedic sciences. Besides topping in M.Sc. in Physics from Delhi University, he also topped in M.Phil and did research in computer science from Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi. He devoted a great deal of time to Astrology also. His knowledge of Astrology and computer science inspired him to develop the first ever comprehensive software on Astrology way back in 1978, when computers were not so popular in India. New dimensions were added to Astrology by Future Point by introducing modern techniques of mathematics and computers. Future Point has actually programmed computer not only for accurate horoscope casting and correct predictions but has also tested their validity by using advanced mathematics.

Future Point developed the most popular Leo-1, Leo-99, Leo Gold and now Leo Star softwares on various systems of Astrology like Parashar, Jaimini, Tajik and K.P. which are very popular in India and abroad. Future Point has also developed astrological softwares with graphical presentations named Astrograph, wherein one can know about one's future on daily basis accurately. Future Point has introduced astrological software on Palm Organizer too. The new upgraded version of Leo Palm Organizer is LeoTouch which is an android based application. Besides astrology calculations, prediction and remedial measures, it includes software on Numerology, Varshaphal, Matchmaking and Lal Kitab. Now Future Point is working on software for share market predictions which gives predictions about share market trend. It is winning lot of popularity.

In 1995 Mrs. Abha Bansal MA in Economics became Director of Future Point after taking voluntary retirement from the job of Probationary Officer in Indian Bank. She is better half of Chairman Mr. Arun Bansal. After becoming the Director she gave a new shape and dimension to Future Point's profile by deciding the following objective for the company-


Promotion and standardization of astrology and other Vedic sciences internationally thereby encouraging not only research work in this field but also make it reach to the benefits of common man.

To achieve this objective Future Point Pvt. Ltd is covering all areas related to astrology like-

Consultation Û Software Û Education Û Workshops Û Publication Û Products Û Research Û Promotion


Provides personal consultancy on Astrology, Palmistry and Vastu in person and on internet.


Future Point has released series of astrological softwares starting from DOS technology to windows, XP and Vista. It has also developed complete astrology software for mobile phones and tablets too. Now Future Point which introduced computer astrology in India is presenting to you the Leostar the upgraded version of world’s best astrology software. Succeeding its predecessors, Leo 1, Leo 99 and Leo Gold, Leostar has created a niche for itself in the market of astrology softwares.

World’s best astrology software Leostar is the upgraded version of Leo Gold which was developed in 1978 and originally launched in the year 1987. The market value of this astrology software lies in its credibility and accuracy. Initially it was a DOS based horoscope software and was accepted by astrologers all over the world with great appreciation. This horoscope software really helped them to get most accurate calculation by just a click and saved their lots of time. With the passage of time the latest versions of horoscope software on Windows, XP and Vista were released to cater the needs of Astrologers in India and abroad.

The modern technology has brought revolution in the field of astrology by making it available on mobile phone too. Future Point has become a leading name for making astrology reach to common man through its various astrological softwares especially LeoTouch. The most feature packed, fast and favorite software of astrologers. LeoTouch is the upgraded version of Leo Palm. Leo Touch is undisputed, comprehensive and precise astrology software for android mobile phones/Tabs.

In metro cities where life is mobile, people are spending two to three hours on road it is really difficult to carry your lap top always with you, here comes LeoTouch in the picture. Everyone is carrying a phone in their pocket and LeoTouch is there to solve your queries whether you are in car, facing traffic jam, in train or plane or in a function, you can be the centre of attraction by displaying your smart phone with latest astrological software LeoTouch. Whether it’s general horoscope, matching, numerology report or lal kitab remedies, you can quench the thirst of questions any time anywhere for any birth place in few minutes. Sometimes when people don’t have birth details you can show heroic deeds by replying through Prashana phal. It comes out to be very accurate at times.

LeoTouch android based software for mobiles/tabs has facilitated astrologers with a complete astrological tool in their pocket useful for casting horoscope anywhere, anytime.


Future Point is spreading the knowledge of these sciences to the masses. Future Point invited societies from all over India to form All India Federation of Astrologers Societies in 2001. All India Federation of Astrologers Societies (AIFAS) has established more than 100 chapters in India and abroad. Courses on Astrology, Vastu, Palmistry, Numerology and Tarot were introduced and more than fifteen thousand students have learnt these esoteric subjects from All India Federation of Astrologers Societies. These courses are in the form of capsules of 3 months. In astrology there are 4 such courses and after the completion of these courses student has to train himself in research oriented programs in the name of Rishi and Maharshi. For other disciplines also the student has to go through capsule courses plus research oriented programs. All these are certificate courses and after the completion of these certificate courses the student becomes a master in the field of consultation.

Recently AIFAS affiliated with Mewar University for providing integrated 4 years Post Graduation and Ph.D (PGRI) in Astrology


Future Point also organizes workshops on various subjects related to astrology, vastu, numerology, palmistry, tarot and other various allied fields. For each workshop, expert of that field is invited to give lecture for eight to ten hours with presentation on screen. This workshop is liked and well attended by lovers of these sciences.

Content of Workshop is available in the form of DVD’s which have been released by Future Point from time to time.


Books- Future Point has published books on more than 50 titles of Astrology, Vastu, Palmistry, Lal Kitab, Remedies, and Numerology. Its Encyclopedia of Astrological Remedies has been liked and greatly appreciated by all.


It is also publishing Future Samachar, a monthly astrological magazine in Hindi since 1995 which is very popular all over India and abroad and contains very good articles on astrology.

Future Point also started publication of the bilingual quarterly magazine Research Journal of Astrology in 2001.

E Journal-

Future Point is also having on line astrological magazine in the name of E Journal since 2009.


Objective of astrology is to give accurate predictions about future but its utility lies in the correct and effective remedies to our problems. Remedies like mantras, yantras and gems, rudrakshas, rosaries, crystals, parad items, pyramids and various other products etc help to mitigate the problems and diseases caused by malefic planets and stars.


Future Point promotes research work in the field of astrology and other predictive sciences. Recently Future Point has done research work by analyzing and interpreting a big data of information and has come up with amazing conclusions in areas like Marriage, Longevity, Job/Profession, Rain, Share Market and Travel etc. To promote the researches in this field, it also started publication of the bilingual quarterly magazine Research Journal of Astrology. Recently Future Point has joined hands with Mewar University to promote research work.


To promote and standardize astrology and other allied sciences internationally.

To serve the mankind by utilizing the science and making every one aware of all the new developments taking place in this field. Future Point entered into the field of Remedial Measures to provide genuine remedial and spiritual products under one roof. To promote Astrology Future point has successfully organized International Astrological conferences in Mauritius, Netherlands, Bangkok, Singapore, and South Africa & Dubai.

At national levels also it is organizing many conferences all over India. Nakshatra exhibition is also organized by Future Point with India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) every year in Pragati Maidan from last eight years.


One can know everything about Future Point by visiting our websites-








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